24722 Errm....sure...
Now Meh's gotta tell you to be positive? Lawl, CtR, you're probably like the most known member. Voted best KHV member after all. Be positive. x3
capital i don apostrophe t confuse anybody at all exclamation point
24719 O_o
Meh is so confused.
I don't get what you mean by being a rep whore XD
*continues journey to get premium and express the truth* That.
Meh says hi to RikuRules13.
Hey there CtR. Meh wants that color as Meh's username.
The first one was annoying. But; Meh didn't get even halfway through HSM2, and already Meh found it terrible. There were songs every 5 minutes, got so annoying. And the songs changed themes incredibly from the first movie. If Disney had stuck the singing to the usual stuff, it would've still been bad, but at least more tolerable. That's Meh's opinion. Yes, third person ftw.
Solid proof Luxord's cards are rigged. Meh, it was worth a shot.
What makes a good song is the lyrics, amongst other things like flow and rhythm. The lyrics have to actually make sense too, a lot of songs now have lyrics that don't even make sense at all, and don't fit the mood the song is trying to display. A good song as great lyrics, a good vibe to it, awethome flow (yeah, with a lithp), and rthym. Yeah....
Yep yep. Read the stickies, you must.
Oh em gee, I wuff it! *reps* But I won't be able to put it in till I get back home though. I'm not using my computer. Thansk though, you rock!
*shrug* Meh doesn't know, because Meh isn't a rep know-it-all.
Cool. And gratz on getting premium.
Yeah, I know, my name is awesome. I'm glad I changed it to Meh from x3rty.
I was born in the Philippines. Keep on dreaming XD
24712 lawlz.