Well, I googled Meh and got 11,500,000 results. Well, it says about that much.
For me school starts at 7:30, and it's best you get there by 7 so that you're not late or have enough time to do stuff. You don't have it that bad.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up Misty.
No problem. I'm starting to think that I need to put 'made with GIMP' somewhere in my posts. Once again, thankies for your help guys.
Oh, okay Cin. I was kinda confused to. You guys are really helpful. Maybe my text tag will come out better.
Okay, thanks for that Darkwatch. I miss so many things. I wasn't aiming for the second tag to have a big white blotch, and most of my tags are experimentations on what I can do, how I can improve, etc. But your comments are appreciated.
2 weeks ago XD That's when my school started.
Thanks for that Cin. The problem Meh has with layers is that I dunno how to move them backward and forward, and some effects need to be on the same layer as the background to get the effect I want. And about the text....Meh was never really good with that XD and Meh's lack of fonts (well, downloaded ones at least) is partly causing that. Thanks for your thaughts though on this, I'll try to get another one done today, see how it turns out.
This is very nice, Meh wuvs the shading on this one. There is one weird thing Meh saw though. There's a small hint of redish pink in the middle of the hair. Just asking, but is it supposed to be there?
These are very nice, but some of them are lacking. The ones that you made for your friend seem to be kinda plain, but the colors are calming. This is really good work.
Man there are some really good entries out there. >< This is my second try, the last one didn't work too well. Yeah, I need someone's opinion on mine.
Der we goes. CnC pl0x thankies mmkay.
Meh is fine. Letting my artistic inspiration flow.
What's going on here?
Dis is berry nice, yesh. Yes, it is. You effects, as usual, are well done. Wuving it, really split. I was looking at it again when I noticed that the text really seems to fill up the space more, which I think is okay because of that blank space you have to the right. Good job on this one, Meh likes.
Oh, okay. But since I'm clueless and so noobalicious I dunno how to download brushes, and I'm fine the way it is. Thanks for your help though guys.
Meh wonders why Rax is crying.
Hey there Kairi_Li93. Meh needs to do something graphical, but the ideas just ain't flowing.
It's Mehish. Meh likes to speak like that, there's nothing wrong with Meh doing that.