Roxas. Lawl, because he's number 13 in the Organization, and Sora's nobody. Pretty simple.
Yes....very good. Everyone's plans....excellent.... I've said to much already.
Oh, mine was FFXII. Which is pretty weird, it's my only FF game I have. I don't play it much though, I can't get past the first boss, and I find the gameplay horrible. It takes forever to attack. So...yeah. Once I get a better FF game, I'd probably play it more.
25149 I'm reading a book called Everfree by Nick Sagan. It's the last part of a trilogy, and I haven't read the first 2 books XD. But it's still very well written. Unique writing style. Why did I start talking about books?
Oh, okay, thanks for that >< Yes, that DeJa Vu I just felt. Like something that happened in the fam a while ago. Near to when I just joined....interesting...the plan unfolds unplanned as I had originally planned it to unfold.
Cool...but, is it like, anybody can use them? Can you download them and then put them in GIMP, stuff like that, etc? Because I've seen them used and it seems pretty nice to use.
I dunno how to spell the word that means something that has recently happened seemed to have happened before :( makes me sound stupid right now lawl.
*scared* Five words and a period. Man I'm so awesome.
25146 The short journey of being a superhero is over.
Well... The choices we make are leading us to what we were born to do. Or at least that's what I'm thinking right now. Ups and downs on that journey is controlled by destiny, but what led use to those ups and downs was our own choice. I find it interesting how choice and destiny are so closely related.
Errm...okay.....? These are another five words
My Kingdom Hearts 2 CD broke, I can't play and try to beat Sephiroth. Which sucks. I also need to level up my forms some more. I hardly use them. So I can't really answer you question, even though I really want to get Fenrir.
25145 ZOMG! Finally, I'm invisible! *runs around with new superpowers* EDIT: CtR saw me.
25142 I'm so confused....yet so disturbed...
Yayness for KK. Great person, vereh friendly. Happy a lot. That's what's nice.
25140 Glue + CtR + KK + Arms = *runs away*
I'm in cross country, 30 minute runs are kinda easy for me now XD and I'm so young if you saw my thread. And shots are pretty painless if you think of something else. I just posted in Intelligent discussion, a pretty wicked reply if you ask me. Check it out XD
25138 I missed something, and now I'm just scared.
I think that stereotypes are horrible things to do. People have rights, and don't need to be classified as to not be able to do, be the only person able to do things, etc. It can hurt people deeply, even though you may not see it. But Midnight Rose said something, that people may be proud of their stereotypes. Yes, very true, but it's not something to gloat about. Like I said, stereotyping can scar someone truly, and showing pride from being put into a category that other people put you in, isn't that considerate of how other people may feel. When one stereotypes, you forget about how a person you 'categorized' would feel. Even worse is if you actually know how they would feel. If you yourself have been stereotyped, that really doesn't give you the right to stereotype other people also. Sometimes people use that to make themselves feel better about themselves, like what people do with insults. That's is my view on stereotypes. Sorry if I was sort of redundant.
Hey there KK. Wathup, home-doug?