Oh, cool. Where can I download some, and how to download them? Thanks in advance.
I myself think I'm losing my touch. I know I'm getting better, but finding good tuts is just sooo hard recently. And a lot of it don't understand. I got far enough on my own, but yeah, you're right, I seriously need to read up on some tuts.
Okay, two more tags here. The first one is about 3 days old, I didn't share it. The second one I just made today, so real CnC please. Yes, I'm very bad with text.
This is pretty nice. But...I think you overused the checkerboard on this one. It gets too.....plain? should I say. Another thing is the colors, they don't match and are kinda harsh to look at, calmer colors or matching/contrasting colors work really nice in tags. I'm no expert on text either, but it needs some work. But it's pretty good.
These are all so amazing. Cin: I really like this one. I love the effects, those lines are just beutiful. And the cloud-like object off to the right is amazing. Cin really does awesome work. /D/J/_! DaNgEr_*MOU5E*: I've seen DJ wear this one before, but it's still amazing. The splats are just wonderfully put. More clouds at the bottom. Probably the only thing that stopped this from getting my first spot are the 3 lines behind him, yes, they're nice, but sometimes I end up looking at those lines instead of the render because they seem so big compared to the sprite. ZetoCloud: This is really well done by ZetoCloud, but that big white slash across the back isn't so appealing.
I got eated. What else is there to it XD?
Yes, it did cause it to rust faster. But then that can't really entirely be at the fault of the birds. Nothing was there to make it collapse, I doubt just lone poop on a bridge could do that.
Neither. They'd go all Keybearer on me.
How....interesting, Darkwatch XD Though I think a Zexion/Marluxia child is kinda.....impossible. As for Sora/Riku, some people say it's possible, others argue against it with the fact that the only reason he was on his knees was because Riku wasn't safe on an island like Kairi. It's an argument....but I have no idea which side to take XD
25188 Everybodeh! Do teh wave!
That's pretty hard to follow, but yes, it doesn't seem much entirely like the birds' fault. Something besides the amount of pigeon dung had to have caused the collapse; probably the weight on the bridge helped too, not so sure.
Realleh? I didn't notice that :p
Quoting SvA: No comment.
How dare thou eat-eth me.
Oh, now I know it's not just me that has this problem.
Hey, watch it. Those are Meh plans.
Lawl, I said I'd be back fast. At least it wasn't like, 10 minutes.
Like, oh my gosh, I'm, like, back. And sorry it was 9 minutes.
:| I'll get you... And your little 'xD' too! I have to go now, but I'll be back realleh soon (like in 5 minutes).
Banned for having a long username without capital letters in it.