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  1. Graxe

    "What, Zexion's? Of course I would. I am knowledgeable on the skills of every member of Organization XIII. How do you think Doppelganger was able to mimic them?" Vexen looked down at the Keyblade sticking out of him. The pain was lessened, but the walking continually brought fresh pangs to the area. "You know, as strong as Roxas is he would never be capable of impaling me to the ceiling like that. No, I'm sure Doppelganger was using a small fraction of its true strength in combination with Roxas' own. Which reminds me, I've never actually seen Doppelganger utilize its full strength in any battle I've witnessed. I doubt it has ever done so during its time here on this world. Should Doppelganger feel the need to do so, be prepared to die for your cause."

    Down the corridor, Doppelganger melted into the darkness and sought out its mind slave. It had a feeling that she was up and about from all of this commotion. Upon spotting Umbridge in her situation, the demon crept up towards her from behind. Once within her shadow, it gave out a simple command audible only to her using the same mixture of voices as it did earlier:

    "Apparate to the corridor and take my position. Then return as you were and deal with those there. I will handle these."

    Lexicon Dimension

    Inside this illusion, although the Doppelganger they were facing was very real, it was actually not the real Doppelganger. Some might even say that this was a projection of its mind.

    "We'll see if you can live up to those words."

    Instantly, Doppelganger scattered into countless black pages from its replica of Zexion's lexicon. The pages swirled around the group and quickly divided into groups. Each bundle of pages bonded to form a floating lexicon. Unknown to everyone, Doppelganger was disguised as one of the lexicons and controlled them all from there. The problem was that each lexicon looked and acted the same.

    One of the lexicons emitted a dark red aura and made a quick motion of slamming itself downwards before returning to the fray. On cue, the rest of the lexicons started the attack. Those far from the group rammed themselves at high speeds while those nearby erupted into magical, x-shaped flares.

    Underground: Near DrillGao

    Dalek Sec turned its headpiece around to look at Genome again. "THE DALEKS FEEL NOTHING BUT RAGE AND HATRED. WE WILL TEAR APART ALL OF REALITY AND BEYOND IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXTERMINATE OUR ENEMIES. CONTINUE IN THAT PREVIOUS MANNER AND YOU WILL BE NO DIFFERENT THAN THE REST OF MY SPECIES. CONTROL YOURSELF." His headpiece swirled around back to the girl and continued to wait for an answer. If Sec were any other Dalek, he would've killed her by now. But he's not like any other Dalek. Ever since that night in 1930's Manhattan (which he is still not sure how he feels about it) he became different. Sure, he somehow became a full-fledged Dalek again, but the memories of experiencing human emotion were still there in his mind.

    Underground: Beneath the Ocean

    A report was sent to Davros and the Supreme Dalek:


    Crucible Completion Status: 31.3%
    Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: Ready to Fire
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Graxe

    Vexen chuckled under the pain. He moved off of the wall and gestured to continue on. "Harm it? From what I've seen of the Lumos spells, it's only a magical flashlight of various sizes and intensities. If I shined a flashlight at you, would you be harmed by it? No, you wouldn't. And neither would Doppelganger. Light and light-based attacks are vastly different. Neither would harm the demon while it's armored, but the former can remove the protection. And if you're wondering, no, we Nobodies don't bleed. Bones, yes. Blood, no. Organs, possibly but unconfirmed.

    "I might as well continue. Once its dark armor is stripped away and it becomes stunned, you only have several seconds to attack before it recovers. When it does, it will then immediately re-darken the area and swallow up any and all sources of light, putting you back to square one and forcing you to repeat the process over and over. The key difference from the start of the battle to this point is that you would have hypothetically inflicted damage onto Doppelganger once it was down.

    "I believe it regenerates its wounds outside of battle much like how tissue repairs itself, though at a significantly faster rate. It woke up after being directly hit with what I assume to be two powerful explosive spells and reached the castle before we arrived in the TARDIS. Haven't you noticed the locked doors everywhere once we stepped out?

    "Now onto its abilities. Obviously you've seen its mimicking abilities first hand. It can take on the silhouette of the person it's mimicking as well as adding a demonic distortion effect to that person's voice as it speaks. So despite its name, it cannot be a true doppelganger of a person. But we've seen that it can be through utilizing another's soul or at least portion of it. Speaking of which, I don't believe it can impersonate someone indefinitely unless it has the entire soul. It was beginning to lose control of such during the duel if you noticed.

    "As to how it learns to mimic people, there are three ways:

    One: Data Implantation. This is where I install battle data I've collected for replica purposes directly into Doppelganger, all thanks to that new body I've given it. Recently during that skirmish in the Grand Hall, I managed to do it on site. It's nice to know that I don't have to recapture Doppelganger back to the lab just for upgrading. And I do apologize for my actions in that incident. In my point of view, I was a neutral party. That entire battle only an experiment to gather live field data on Doppelganger and to see if I could install new data on site. Everyone who fought against Doppelganger were merely test subjects. If it were a mock or a simulated battle instead, Doppelganger would not have fought to kill like how it did.

    Two: Shadow Stalking. This is how Doppelganger usually goes about to learn the skill sets of those it fights. As the name implies, it lurks inside your shadow and memorizes your actions. This is also the reason why it blackens the entire battlefield: the darkness becomes the shadow of its opponent. As you're fighting Doppelganger in the shadows, it gets to see first hand what you can do and what you're capable of while analyzing you through your shadow. This is why and how the demon can learn people in minutes. Otherwise, it can take up to several hours or days depending on what its prey does.

    And three: I don't know how to describe this. Soul Absorption, perhaps? Before, this was mainly a hypothesis of mine but recent events surrounding Hermione proves the hypothesis correct. Basically, Doppelganger rips your soul out of your body, analyzes it, and utilizes it as a power source. I've only lost my heart, so I can't say how the losing your soul is. I think it to be much more painful.

    "Coming from Hell, it must have learned to adapt quickly to any situation in and out of battle. Don't think the same tactics will work twice. Priori Incantatem, as a recent example. It will cast spells without a wand if it must. Continued practice of such and it will soon be a master of it.

    There was a dark green flash of light coupled with the sound of pages being quickly flipped coming down one of the corridors up ahead. Vexen could easily guess what was happening. " must be utilizing Zexion's skills. We're already too late. You saw that light, yes? Hermione and anyone else in that hallway must have been transported to the dimension inside its lexicon by now."

    Underground: Confronting Genome

    Dalek Sec turned his gaze over to the man. He wouldn't blame him. After all, Sec is a Dalek. He knows what his species has done throughout time and space. They very nearly destroyed it on multiple occasions. "THE FEMALE CAN SPEAK FOR HERSELF. SHE DOES NOT NEED YOU." Sec returned to stare at the girl. "IDENTIFY YOURSELF AND YOUR PURPOSE. OBEY!"
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Graxe

    Gibbs' bullet soon whizzed past the demon's head while the dust from the spell's blast was clearing. As Hermione ran past Doppelganger, it immediately melted into the shadows and instinctively moved back several feet to avoid the light coming from her wand. Physically morphing into Zexion's silhouette while bending the light around it to fill in any missing parts, Doppelganger reached into its chest and pulled out its black version of the lexicon.

    "Lose all delusions of control."

    The demon quickly flipped through the pages of the book and threw it in front of itself with the pages facing outward. A dark green Nobody emblem shined out from the pages all the way down the corridor. Anything caught in the emblem's light would be trapped inside the hallucinogenic dimension inside the lexicon.


    Vexen slowly limped with Harold while holding Doppelganger's Oblivion Keyblade steadily in place by the handle. Harold had only set him down; he didn't remove the Keyblade or mend the injuries. "Imagine fighting every member of Organization XIII and Xehanort's Heartless along with any other people whose skills it acquired all at once. Now think of it as would you put it? Oh right, a tag-team battle except Doppelganger is a fifteen-plus member team while you are alone. Whoever kills the opponent first is the winner.

    "It is also not effected by the conservation of mass. See this Keyblade impaling me? Doppelganger literally pulls these weapons from out from its body while still staying completely solid and without having to alter the composition of its body.

    "Speaking of its body, what you saw of Doppelganger wasn't its original body. Originally, it really was a demon composed of shadow. If you remember my mentioning of it back during the duel in Castle Oblivion, it's body is now composed of pure, liquid darkness courtesy of me. They both have their pros and cons. Doppelganger's old body was significantly less resistant to all forms of light but in return it provided easier mobility. That one spell, Lumos was it? The standard version would've been enough to break its defenses. Anything stronger would be wasted energy. The demon's body now, as you have seen, is much sturdier at the cost of small decrease in speed."

    Feeling a bit weak, Vexen leaned against a nearby wall. "Oh, I can go on all day about Doppelganger and the data I accumulated from it. Do you really want to hear all of it?"

    Underground: Confronting Genome

    Dalek Sec said nothing at first. His eyestalk moved up and down in slight motions. Slowly, but surely, Sec was calming down. Not because he was satisfied with the answers, but because he saw something about Genome that he couldn't help but like, even though it went against what he wanted. "YOUR RAGE. YOUR HATRED. YOU WOULD MAKE A GOOD DALEK. CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS." In the eyes of any other Dalek, this would be a compliment (and an insult to those who know what a Dalek is). But as Dalek Sec implied, this was a warning (and still an insult, but used directly as one this time). He turned his headpiece around to look at Guy. "IF THE CONFRONTATION OF THE TWO SELVES IS A TEMPORAL CONSTANT, THEN IT MUST HAPPEN. NO FORCE WOULD BE ABLE TO PREVENT THAT ENCOUNTER. BUT THIS PLANET IS LOCKED IN A STATE OF TEMPORAL FLUX AND MAY NOT BE CAPABLE OF SUCH HAVING SUCH EVENTS. SHALL WE TEST THIS?" While waiting for an answer, he turned to the direction of the human female he detected earlier but never had a chance to address. Sec hovered over to her. "HALT. IDENTIFY YOURSELF AND YOUR PURPOSE."
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Graxe

    *pops in*

    The ant started to remember and recognize the objects around it. They waved and greeted the ant like old friends before going back to their own business. Though it was a short lived reunion, the ant seemed satisfied with this.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Graxe

    *pops in*

    The ant looked up and wondered what sort of world it fell to. Unknown to it, it was the same world it departed from.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Graxe

    *pops in*

    A light fell from the skies. It was soon discovered to be an ant.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 18, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Graxe
    Underground: Confronting Genome

    Dalek Sec noted the information into its long-term memory banks. It was a paradox, yes, but the Doctor does it periodically and the planet seems to be capable of holding it. Of course, there was a serious issue here that had to be cleared up. "HAS THE SPIRAL KING SHOWN SIGNS THAT HE REMEMBERS THESE MOMENTS AS YOURSELF NOW? CONFIRM!" Sec's voice gradually raised in volume and immediately aimed its gunstick at Genome. He wasn't sure if he should change the setting to paralyze or not. Anything can happen when there's an angry Dalek involved. "IF HE HAS ACCESS TO THE MEMORIES OF THESE MOMENTS THEN THE BATTLE HAS ALREADY BEEN LOST SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU ARE HERE! IT NO LONGER MATTERS NOW IF YOU ARE PRESENT DURING THE BATTLE OR NOT! THE PLAN YOU HAVE DEVISED HAS ALREADY BEEN THOUGHT OF AND STORED INTO YOUR MEMORIES AND BY EXTENTION THE SPIRAL KING'S!!!" Sec was shaking from rage. At this point, he wasn't so much as speaking loudly as he was flat-out screaming as loud as his casing's vocal circuits would allow him. The last time he was this enraged was back when Rose spat in his face about killing the Dalek Emperor. Now that was a bad day.


    "No wait..." Vexen weakly reached out to Hermione, but she already left the room.


    As the three came closer to Doppelganger, dark gray snow started to blow in their faces. The closer they got, the colder and heavier the snow became. It was looking at Mew and Riolu curiously for a moment, then decided that they weren't worth keeping. Might as well just devour them, body and soul. It's been months since it ate. Doppelganger was practically starving this whole time on Disgaea.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Graxe
    An inside-out chili pepper with seeds laced with pure capsaicin. Under the costume you'll be wearing a full, skin-tight body suit with some form of face protection (goggles, respirator) as a safety precaution.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Graxe
    Underground: Confronting Genome

    Dalek Sec moved its dome-like head portion around to scan the status and physical conditions of the sleeping bodies while simultaneously using its sensors to gather data on the surrounding rock formations. Within a second, he calculated all the numbers together and concluded that, although they would have a slightly difficult time drilling through the metalert-enhanced dalekanium alloy of his casing to reach his actual body, he wouldn't survive a full-on attack.

    At least that was better than getting atomized by a towering, shadowy figure within a fraction of a nanosecond only to find yourself stuck in a time loop created around a small female child with magical powers and the only way to escape it was to help her out. Sec still couldn't get that nightmare out of his mind.

    The black casing's headpiece whirled back to look at Genome. "I AM DALEK SEC, LEADER AND THE SOLE SURVIVOR OF THE CULT OF SKARO. I HAVE BEEN MONITORING YOUR MOVEMENTS EVER SINCE YOU ALL FLED UNDERGROUND." The lights on the sides of his headpiece flashed in time with every word he spoke. "YOUR ACTIONS AND THE ACTIONS OF THE OTHERS IN THE FOLLOWING BATTLE WILL DETERMINE THE FUTURE OF THE DALEKS. TO SEE IF EMOTIONS ARE NOT A WEAKNESS FOR SURVIVAL AND IN BATTLE AS OUR CREATOR CLAIMED THEM TO BE." The bright, central light shining in the eyestalk's lens contracted and dilated as Sec zoomed and focused in on Genome's face. "I HAVE EXPLAINED MYSELF. NOW YOU WILL ANSWER ME."

    Mountain Hideout

    "Where is Dalek Sec? He has not arrived. Locate him immediately."
    Davros was seething with rage. First Dalek Caan now Dalek Sec. He knew the Cult of Skaro should've been thrown into the Asylum all those years ago. But they couldn't have since their jurisdiction went above even the Dalek Emperor.
    "So he has shown his true self. Very well. He has made his decision."
    Opening a communication channel into the Pathweb with a button on his control panel, Davros gave out one very simple order to every Dalek on the planet:
    "Dalek Sec has betrayed us. Exterminate him on sight."
    He closed the connection and returned to monitoring the planet.
    "Status report on the development of the Nanogene Missiles."


    Because Doppelganger left a part of him on the ceiling with the real Vexen in the Gryffindor Common Room, the demon had to revert back to one of his old tricks to make up for that missing piece. As it walked down the hallways, Doppelganger bent and diffracted the light around it to maintain its shape should it need to form a weapon (in this case, Vexen's shield). Although it didn't like to do this much anymore, there were some pluses to bending the light around it. One of these is to be able to take on any shape upon simply seeing it.

    Moving through the shadows in the hallway to get past Roxas and the Joker (the former would be quite easy, but the latter not so much), the demon eventually heard Chappu's shouting and quickly homed in onto him. A confused target makes for easy prey. Whether or not the prey was helpless has yet to be seen. Once Chappu and the two Pokemon were just within visual range, a darkness quickly spread across the walls and floor to lose all form of visual depth while giving the demon the field advantage. Doppelganger's red eyes appeared as two small dots in the blackness down the hall.


    Although it was questionable if Nobodies who kept their human shape also kept their internal organs (Vexen tried to find out, but he didn't want to experiment on himself and no member of the Organization would volunteer), it was true that they didn't bleed. Getting bludgeoned repeatedly with a Keyblade and, now, being impaled by one proved it to be true. Still, the pain in his midsection wasn't letting up and removing it without any form of immediate treatment available would only make the injury worse.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Graxe


    But that's the thing: it's just a will. Will doesn't belong to or even contain either light or darkness unlike the heart and therefore it would not be of any use to Xehanort's plan of making the X-Blade. Yes, it can use a Keyblade and can probably utilize light in its attacks, but that's only because its a fragment of Terra.

    That doesn't mean that if they ever clash at the Keyblade Graveyard the Lingering Will won't be able to help out, though.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 15, 2012 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Graxe
    Underground: Confronting Genome

    "WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE ENEMY?" Dalek Sec demanded in what he considered to be a "quieter, more respectful" tone but there really wasn't much of difference other than a dropping few decibels. "IT CONCERNS THE UPCOMING BATTLE'S FACTOR OF TEMPORAL WARFARE."


    Doppelganger went around for a second sweep of the castle. This time the demon locked up every door it left open on its first run through: the dormitories, the common rooms. Any room that it found someone in on its first run would be locked to trap them inside. But as it was sneaking around in the shadows of the Gryffindor Common Room, Doppelganger was startled by a voice coming from one of the chairs. "Going somewhere?" A large icicle froze out of the air and impaled the floor right in front of Doppelganger. Vexen got out of his seat and approached the demon. "Still stalking about, planning and trying to take a girl's soul. My, my, your lack of one is really driving you mad to borderline obsession, isn't it?" Doppelganger rose out from the shadows, still as a silhouette of Roxas with his hood up. A pure black replica of Oblivion materialized in its right hand in a dark flash and the demon slid on a streak of darkness at the Nobody. Vexen summoned his shield to block in incoming strike but Doppelganger moved too fast for him. At the last second, Doppelganger slid off to Vexen's right and grabbed him by the throat. With Nobody locked in a death grip, the demon lifted him up and pinned Vexen to the ceiling. There the demon nailed the Nobody to the ceiling by stabbing Vexen slightly off to the side of Vexen's stomach with its Keyblade all the way down to the handguard. The shock and pain from the injury was unbearable to the point where Vexen couldn't scream or make any noise at all other than small, short squeaks from his throat.

    "I avoided your vitals, if you had any. And be thankful you Nobodies don't bleed. You'll live."

    In reply, all Vexen could do was make unintelligible sounds of extreme pain. The demon dropped back to the ground, summoning its jet black Oathkeeper replica, and locked all the doors except for the one leading to the girls' dorms.

    "Have a nice nap 'till morning. See if anyone finds you hanging there."

    Doppelganger left the the common room and sealed the door on the other side before taking on Vexen's silhouette. The real Vexen was stuck on the ceiling trembling and shaking at what just happened to him.

    Perhaps getting incinerated wasn't so bad after all. At least it's quick and relatively painless. Hopefully, they actually will find him when morning comes. If it ever does.

    Mountain Hideout

    Davros tapped the fingers of his mechanical hand on an empty part of his control panel.
    "For now at least. There are much bigger events at hand."

    Savannah Outskirts

    Omega, who had been all but forgotten, somehow crossed the Reaper-torn plains unscathed. Perhaps it was from smart use of the Hand of Omega coupled with his manipulation of the matter around him or the fact that he wasn't the main focus of the Reapers or just plain luck, but he did it. "And you call your species 'Reapers'. Hah! If the planet allowed it, I would show you the true Reapers that we Time Lords have kept at bay for millions upon millions of years." Suddenly, he took a moment to sigh and have a quick look back to the times of the Time Lord-Vampire War. "If only Rassilon were here..." The ancient Time Lord noticed fighting in the distance but when he got there it was already over. Looking at the destroyed Gunmen and the technology the suits were constructed from, they wouldn't have been worth his time anyway. Noticing the large footprints of the mechas going off in one direction, Omega followed them to see who these fighters were.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 15, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe
    Including DLC? Gilgamesh. Haven't fought LV99 Valfodr, so I can't compare the two.

    No DLC? Raspatil, mainly because of the constant mook summons and what it does with them, but still fairly easy if you know what you're doing. Some people might say Yomi, but its really just a heavily nerfed Vercingetorix from the first game.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 14, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  13. Graxe
  14. Graxe

    Vexen, not feeling the need for sleep unlike most of the others, ignored Gilgamesh's rantings and resumed his wandering around the castle. He started to notice that almost every door he encountered, even those lacking keyholes, was locked by a powerful force. Quickly being fed up with this nonsense, Vexen took a quick analysis of one of the locked doors and found almost insignificant traces of darkness on them. "Here again? The demon's persistence and determination are...admirable, at least. But how could it be locking up all the doors of the castle?" A second passed before he remembered something important. He installed all battle data of every member of the Organization into Doppelganger. It must have been in the form of Roxas or Xion and using its Keyblade replicas to do so.

    "That still doesn't answer why, however. Unless..." Vexen was lost in his train of thought as he wander about and nearly walked into Roxas and the Joker. "You know I usually don't care for whatever it is you're up to Roxas, but if you're planning to or are being coaxed into having your way with one of the girls in their sleep, just know that someone or something is always watching. And almost all of the doors appear to be locked via Keyblade, so if you wouldn't mind unlocking them whenever you have the time? It would be appreciated." He turned around and walked to the Gryffndor Common Room. There he sat down on one of the chairs and waited until the next day.


    Elsewhere, noticing that Umbridge fell asleep, Doppelganger momentarily took on the silhouette of Hermione. That last battle caused the demon to temporarily not be able to assume the full disguise. Standing behind the woman, it aimed its wand down at her and cast the Imperius Curse. Now speaking in an amalgam of voices, as to not confuse the caster with the real Hermione, the demon gave its orders.

    "Continue as you were, until I give further commands."

    After replacing its wand back into its body, Doppelganger returned to the silhouette of a hooded Roxas. The darkness covering the entire room drained back into the demon as it unlocked the door and exited.

    Underground: Following Genome

    Dalek Sec, who like all Daleks was physically incapable of sleep or rest, was determined to get his answer. He hovered above the sleeping bodies to meet Genome face-to-face. Once the blue light of its eyestalk locked onto Genome's face, Sec moved towards him and stayed floating above him until he woke.

    Mountain Hideout

    Davros and the Supreme Dalek were no different than the rest of the Daleks and continued their watch on the world. On the three-dimensional, holographic diagram of the world, a single red dot appeared in the middle of nowhere.
    "Keep watch. Any signs of hostility from that point and, well, they will quickly find out. We have at minimum a million Daleks on every major landmass. Whoever is moving against us will be exterminated quickly."

    OOC: Will post as Omega in the Savannah later.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Graxe
    Biggest surprise of Asylum for me was
    not that Oswin was a Dalek all along (which I pieced together about halfway to three-fourths through the episode), but seeing ****ing Skaro alive and well at the beginning. Wasn't it blown up with its sun in Remembrance by the Seventh Doctor using a manipulated Davros?
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 7, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Graxe
    Surprised no one's taken SCP-682. But considering what it is, it really isn't.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Graxe
    Inside the TARDIS

    Vexen approached Harold. "Please. If Doppelganger bypassed the wards, then a TARDIS would have a simpler time. And I doubt your magic has the capabilities of giving something dimensional transcendence to the point of containing an entire planet and still have more than enough room to move around. Not to mention the dematerialization and materialization in any point in space, travelling to any point in time from Event One to the end of the universe, have the ability to move unaffected by the gravity of a black hole, absorb and utilize the energies of a time rift, and under certain conditions safely travel outside of this universe and into others with very little side effects." He turned to the Doctor. "I can see why the Daleks and Davros would want to steal one and study it through reverse engineering. Time Lord technology is quite remarkable. The TARDIS is sentient, correct?"

    Hogwarts: Umbridge's Chamber

    Figuring that they would return here, Doppelganger took the initiative to scour the place for any persons that remained. After discovering that a room was completely empty, it permanently sealed the doors shut with a Keyblade unless there was someone else with a Keyblade to unlock it. In one of the last rooms in the castle, Doppelganger found Umbridge. It locked the door behind it once it was in. Darkness seeped from the demon and quickly spread all over the walls and furniture.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Graxe
    Inside the TARDIS

    Vexen walked over to one of the control panels not one bit amazed by the dimensional transcendence of the time machine. He looked at Harold and Harry and then to the Doctor. "May I explain it to him or would you rather do it?" he asked the Eleventh Doctor. "I've read the entirety of the Daleks' file on you, Doctor. I know you have a fondness of hearing yourself talk so I thought I would ask first before continuing."

    Castle Oblivion: B1F Exit Hall

    Doppelganger's eyes slowly opened. As the sound of the TARDIS depart echoed throughout the hall, the demon got to its feet. No one was here. Doppelganger morphed into a silhouette of a hooded Roxas, summoning jet black variations of Oathkeeper and Oblivion. Trapped inside its own barrier, it opened up a Corridor of Darkness and left.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Graxe
    I'd rather not know what happened to my face.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Graxe
    Castle Oblivion: B1F Exit Hall

    Vexen raised an eyebrow. "Spoil everything, don't you Roxas? And how did you get in there? Oh, nevermind. She's made her decision." He looked over to the Eleventh Doctor. "So you're the Doctor? Hmm... For his greatest enemy, Davros sure speaks highly of you whenever you're brought up. In a furious tone, yes, but still." He entered a Corridor of Darkness and exited out directly behind Hermione. Stepping out from the darkness, he reached out to her. "Let's go then, shall we?"

    Underground: Beneath the Ocean

    Five hundred Daleks were sent in by the Supreme Dalek to aid in the entombed Daleks. Unencumbered by the pressure, they started blasting away rock on the other side of the tunnel to hasten the excavation.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home