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  1. Graxe
    On Wings of Black, It Comes
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Graxe

    Vexen burst into the prefect's bathroom a bit out of breath and slammed to door shut once he was inside. His hair was slightly frizzy and overall appeared to have been struck by multiple bolts of lightning head-on. "Tell me that water isn't ionized," he demanded between breaths.


    Once the Reapers departed, Omega raised his right hand in front of him, which wore the Hand of Omega, and activated the remote stellar manipulator. With the aid of his willpower, the Time Lord focused on every atom of the of all the dead Reapers and called them to him. Once every piece of organic metal in the area floated around him, he reconstructed the parts together like a puzzle. He's not stupid enough to meld the parts together and revive them, of course; this was to only analyze and possibly reverse engineer their technology so he could build similar devices for himself or to any others within reason.

    Mountain Hideout

    On their 3D hologram of the planet, Davros and the Supreme Dalek watched a bright green stream of light move alarmingly fast across the skies towards the meteorite. On a multitude of screens, direct feeds from multiple Daleks in the area witnessing the event were displayed.
    Upon the magical beam making contact with the recently redirected meteorite, the skies in that area of the world immediately detonated in a beyond blinding white flash. All visual feeds went out a second after impact. Several seconds later, the massive blast wave from the meteorite's annihilation rushed through and violently shook the mountains they based themselves in. Seeing as they weren't anywhere near that part of the world, this took them completely by surprise. When the moment passed, Davros quietly chuckled to himself and gradually grew into the full-on laughter of a madman. The Supreme no doubt stared at its creator oddly (well, as odd as a Dalek can).
    "Excellent! The results of the test fire are beyond expectation! However, excellence can always improve, even so slightly."
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Graxe

    [X] Flirt with the boys.
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    "Have an object hotter than the core of Earth's sun burn her to ashes? Yes, I quite like the sound of that. Thanks for the idea"

    Even with its throat locked in a tight grip, Doppelganger continued to show no fear. It stared over at the dimensional tear.

    "I should also thank you for breaking down a wall."

    The false demon gave Gaioh a quick grin before scattering into a whirlwind of blank, black pages flying towards the rip.


    Doppelganger's neck tightened up when Gaioh grabbed the illusion's and reacted the same way to it as its illusion. When its prisoners escaped, it felt their presence nearby and homed in to them through the shadows.

    But before any of that, the demon had to do something about the illusion realm.

    "Of course, on the other hand..."

    Doppelganger stared inside the crack and threw its lexicon in front of itself. The book, as if sentient, opened up and fired a beam of dark magic at the flurry of pages, finally obliterating the fake. Upon the illusion's death, the dimension collapsed in a blinding white flash, expelling all real things from out of the pages of the lexicon. Satisfied, the demon merged the empty lexicon into itself and morphed into Larxene's silhouette. The demon teleported upstairs in a flash of blood red lightning.


    Vexen followed Basco and Enkidu and reunited with the escapees. "None of you managed to bring down the illusion I'm guessing? I guess I shouldn't have expected that much out of you all. It doesn't matter. You're all here now. So how was it?" Bright red flashes quickly lit up the halls and corridors followed by the sound of flowing electricity. Something was approaching them fast. "Did you all happen to see Larxene and know where she went? If any of you do, then what's that coming for us?"

    Mountain Hideout

    "Has the cannon been excavated out from beneath the ocean?"
    "And completed?"
    Davros took direct control over the holographic model of the world and zoomed in on the meteorite and the direct impact area. Simultaneously taking into consideration the meteorite's speed and size; the placement, current position, and firing speed of the cannon; and the angle of fire for a direct hit at the perfect spot, he made his decision.
    "Fire the Ultima Cannon."

    Bottom of the Ocean: The Crucible's Bridge

    "INITIALIZING FIRING SEQUENCE." A multitude of lights from the various instruments and computers lit up.
    "THE METEORITE HAS BEEN LOCATED. COORDINATES INPUTTED." The Prototype Ultima Cannon stirred. The weapon rotated to the direction of the meteorite and raised its barrel. "FIRING ANGLE HAS BEEN SET."

    "FIRING IN THREE RELS." The energy from the charged manadrives poured into the barrel.

    "FIRING IN TWO RELS." The barrel of the cannon started to radiate an intense green light as more and more energy was inputted.

    "FIRING IN ONE REL. ALL DALEKS ON HIGH ALERT IN CASE OF BACKFIRE." The entire cavern lit up from the cannon's light like there was a green sun shining directly overhead. To the unprotected, there would've been serious eye damage.


    A massive stream of pure magical energy discharged out of the barrel, instantly atomizing everything in its path. Almost nothing would slow it down or lower its constant energy output as it pierced the surface of the ocean and streaked across the skies to reach the falling rock. The cannon's power truly lived up its namesake.

    Crucible Completion Status: 37.2%
    Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: Charging Manadrives (0%)
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    "Not taking it? Fine. Your loss."

    Doppelganger crushed the fake soul fragment in its hand with a fist, reabsorbing it into itself. The demon then looked over at Terra.

    "You wanted to make sure I was dead, correct? So why not do it yourself? Lose all illusions of control and let loose."


    Dalek Sec quickly returned to the group after detecting a small, scattered force of several thousand Daleks. "ALERT: ENEMY DALEK FORCES CONFIRMED PATROLLING THE SURROUNDING AREA WITHIN FIFTY MILES. WE MUST MOVE QUICKLY TO THE SPIRAL KING'S LOCATION BEFORE WE ARE DETECTED." He assumed that they haven't been detected yet since the Daleks' movements were too fixed and orderly. But if he could locate the patrols, it was only a matter of time before the patrols would locate them. And it would take just one to alert the entire force.


    After completely losing track of the mecha footprints, which looked like they disappeared through some form of teleportation, Omega returned to the savannah to watch the battle in the skies against the Reapers. "This should be somewhat entertaining."
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Graxe

    Would you open it?
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 7, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    "Tch. Fine. And I assume you're all going to leave without this?"

    Doppelganger reached inside its chest and pulled out a small blue flame: a illusionary replica Hermione's soul fragment. Since this Doppelganger wasn't real and therefore didn't have the piece of her soul, something had to be conjured in its place. Besides, the moment this dimension collapsed all illusions and facsimiles that originated here would immediately follow suit.

    "Don't burn your hands off kids. Raw souls exude power."


    "Perhaps it would be better if Roxas returned to the Organization..." Vexen muttered quietly to himself. The waiting was really starting to get boring.


    After not getting a response from the girl (which he assumed to be caused by intense shock) Dalek Sec continued following Team Dai-Gurren since he needed to monitor their actions in order to judge the strength of humanity. Immediately, when he ascended from the hole to the surface, Sec turned its headpiece around to the two, alternate universe Kaminas. He hovered over to them out of curiosity, focusing solely on Mina for now.

    Raising and extending its plunger-like manipulator arm inches away from her face, he initiated a quick intelligence scan. After turning the head of the arm around in slight motions, he retracted it back and gave the diagnosis. "AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE. YOU WOULD BE SUITABLE FOR PARTIAL CONVERSION." Then Sec turned around to the other two to do the same with predictable results. "EQUAL INTELLIGENCE LEVELS. YOU WOULD ALL BE SUITABLE FOR PARTIAL CONVERSION. INTERACTION MAY CONTINUE."

    Once that was done, Dalek Sec headed off in the distance to scout and scan the area for any trace of Dalek lifeforms. He figured that he'd be branded a traitor by now after deleting all traces of himself and the Cult of Skaro out of the Pathweb, not to mention the fact that he wasn't following either Davros' or the Supreme Dalek's commands. And like always, traitors to the Dalek species would be killed on sight in the most overkill way possible (or at least overkill by human standards).
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Graxe
    Mantis Hymn (Twin Snakes)

    Oh dear God.
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Graxe
    As tear jerking as The Angels Take Manhattan was, it didn't bring me to tears. And it could've ended on a much worse note. Remember, the episode was originally planned as a Dalek finale if I recall.
    Post by: Graxe, Oct 1, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    "Ahahahaha... Still so young. Complete with weak minds that are so easy to deceive. Vexen would tell you all to think about what's happened and to use your head, but alas..."

    Doppelganger smiled and laughed quietly to itself, knowing full well that it was just an illusion and therefore expendable. What was important was that they didn't know this in order to keep up the illusion shortly after its death.


    Vexen, having nowhere to go, followed Basco to the common room and returned to his seat. As he continued to wait, he started reflecting on the battle strategies and tactics he's seen them use and found them hilariously bad, mainly attacking on a moment's whim from anywhere and relying on luck to see if was effective. "I've noticed that you people work on impulse most of the time. Tell me: thinking back to all of your battles from then until now, how would you say your win-to-loss ratio would be? If any of them happen to be tied, consider it as a loss." The Nobody looked at Enkidu for a moment. "My question isn't directed at you, however. You seem more experienced and battle hardened than the rest. But there is something about you I cannot put my finger on..."
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    The lexicon exploded in a cloud of smoke to reveal Doppelganger in its not-quite-so-real-but-close-enough form.

    "Defeat me and all trapped here are released. It was that simple. They had two opportune moments and they never took full advantage of either one. Your beast is unnecessary. Perhaps you'll join them once I'm gone from here?"

    The demon outstretched its arms, fully prepared to take the killing blow.

    "Whatever. I've been on the brink of death since they last struck. Do your worst."


    Back in reality, Doppelganger suddenly felt very uneasy and its survival instincts were starting to kick in. It was like there was someone on Mundus' level of power or higher trapped within him.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension (No one's gotten out yet, people)

    The illusion of Hogwarts quickly faded back to the lexicon dimension's real appearance from when they were first trapped here.

    "And where do you think you're all going? Can your weak minds not tell what's real or fake?"

    In a puff of black smoke, an entire wall of fake lexicons appeared to block the "escaping" group.

    "Now be good little boys and girls and get back here."

    On cue, they all dimly glowed blue as they reared the bottom ends at everyone. Then, like a hail of bullets, the fake lexicons launched themselves at high speeds. More and more walls of fake lexicons appeared to drive them back.

    While the bombardment was happening, the real lexicon that was Doppelganger sneaked up behind Roxas and shined the same dark green Nobody emblem that brought everyone at him from within its pages. If hit, a curse would be placed on him that would trap him inside a lexicon only to have its pages, and therefore his life, violently shaken out.


    Before any of the other weapons managed to hit Doppelganger, the sword of light bisected the demon and splattered its remains all over the walls...only to reform from out of the shadows shortly after.

    "Disappointing. I thought it would be brighter than it actually was. See, much like that dragon breath I took to the face earlier today, that would have hurt. If you actually managed to hit me with it."

    Its black Oblivion replica randomly appeared into its right hand before being reabsorbed into itself. It was a clear sign that Vexen escaped. Too late to do anything now. With its body complete, the light bending around Doppelganger to fill in any missing parts of its body faded away since it was no longer needed. But as long as there were people alive and trapped inside its lexicon, Doppelganger could switch out of Zexion's skill set and silhouette. Knowing them and how many of them were inside, however, it shouldn't take too long break out.


    "You know if Doppelganger is using Zexion's skills and trapped them inside its lexicon, the Doppelganger they're probably fighting is just an illusion," Vexen informed Basco out of nowhere. Really, this was just a random thought that came to mind and he was actually just bored from waiting. "Yes, it's necessary to defeat that illusion of the demon in order to get out. But to be honest, the whole thing is just a tactic to weaken the enemies if they ever did. And although the entities spawned there are only illusions, the harm they inflict is very real. You'll still sustain the damages once back to reality."

    He was beginning to recall the few missions from back when the Organization only consisted of the original six. They were so "desperate" for hearts that he was ordered to create artificial hearts from scratch based on their previous research back when they were complete. It was never used, though, since when the information finally was sufficient Roxas joined. But at least the research paid off and was put to use with the Replica Project.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Graxe
    Reserving Shinryu unless someone else wants him.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    Doppelganger quietly chuckled to itself as it watched their attempts to break in, thinking it as cute. But to be honest, the demon was extremely disappointed in Hermione. Doppelganger was caged in with her was she didn't even think about using this opportunity to strike? A poor performance, indeed.

    "Oh look, we're out of time. Perhaps you should look at the prizes you are given more carefully, useless girl."

    The area was soon swallowed in a bright white light and returned everyone back to the original dimension. All of the fake lexicons were no where in sight, but that could be easily remedied.


    Doppelganger showed no intention of even attempting to dodge the ten blades, which merely passed through it harmlessly. The demon stared at the king, unimpressed.

    "I believe you missed. Would you like to try that again?"
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    The lights gradually slowed down in rate of color switching. And since the lexicon stayed only in the blue light, it also moved from one light to the other repeatedly.

    "So you–and you alone–have decided, dear Hermione? Shame..."

    Finally, the lights moved to a halt with the blue light ending up on their right. A white ring formed around the blue light to signal the correct choice. Hermione had won. She was the only one who won.

    "Now watch those who did not choose or chose incorrectly suffer for their actions."

    Instantly, the white ring flashed into an infinitely tall impenetrable barrier as both lights disappeared. Meteors started raining down on everything and everyone as punishment for losing. Since Hermione won, her prize was that she was safe inside the barrier with Doppelganger's lexicon floating above her, laughing maniacally at the sight to boot.

    But there was more to the prize than just staying safe, however...


    Vexen yelped in pain as Doppelganger's Oblivion got pulled out. When he saw the Keyblade vanish, he grew angry. "Why did you do that? You do realize that you had a piece of Doppelganger's body in your hand, yes? But since it's gone, its returned to the demon." He cast Homing Blizzara on his wound in the meantime. The moment the large ice shard entered, it bonded with him and closed the wound shut. "Do you know what things we could have done with it?"


    Doppelganger chuckled at Gilgamesh's words. It wasn't at all fazed by the king's threat.

    "My, the pride demons were spot on about you and your arrogance. In Hell, no soul trapped there, whether they be fallen angels or great monarchs, is above any demon. You are no different."
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Graxe

    ♐ - Sagittarius - Archer with the Imaginary Bow
    Power: Can create anything the holder imagines.
    Drawback: All objects can only be created once and are destroyed once the holder's attention leaves them. Each use of this power slowly erodes the imagination and makes the holder more insane.
    Holder: Davros
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Graxe
    Sphere power sheet completed. Will edit if requested.

    ♐ - Sagittarius - The Archer in the Mirror
    Power: Permanently reflects the current physical condition, intelligence, total sum of knowledge, and personal powers (excluding Sphere powers) of the holder onto all sentient beings in a wide radius until they're out of range.
    Drawback: All powers and special abilities (beneficial or detrimental) directed at the holder are reflected to anything currently affected by this power as a side effect from interference.
    Holder: Davros
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Graxe
    Lexicon Dimension

    Unlike the fake lexicons, Doppelganger's lexicon didn't fall in a single blow. Upon hit, an image of the demon covered in a dark green aura appeared from behind the book, flinching from the strike. As all the light spells and Patronuses shined all over the lexicon, nothing happened. It was completely unnecessary to do all of this since it could be damaged normally. All the other attacks they threw at Doppelganger hit their mark and weakened the demon greatly.

    Then they stopped for some reason, giving the demon time to counter.

    "Don't're out of this...yet!"

    Doppelganger's lexicon cast another spell, transitioning everyone from the current dimension into a black void. Suddenly, two colored spotlights shined down: one directly on their left and the other directly on their right. Each light was evenly spaced from the group as to make it fair. The light on their left was red and contained nothing inside. The other was blue and contained the floating lexicon Doppelganger was disguised as. Before they would have a chance to react, the lights rapidly changed colors with one another and only the blue light contained the lexicon.

    "The rules should be simple enough. One wrong step, one simple thought of doubt and you lose. Abandon all delusions of control and make your choice."


    Vexen watched Harold run off to find the others that were still here. "Just because it's an illusion doesn't mean it's not life-threatening. Ahem, let's get this Keyblade out, shall we? The pain's not too bad anymore. I move on my own." He turned to Basco as they headed off to the ward. "You know I could have created a replica body for you if you asked. Would you still want one?"


    Doppelganger looked at Gilgamesh and Enkidu curiously.

    "So you're the famed hero-king Gilgamesh. You're far better known in Hell for your pride than for your accomplishments. Shame you can't stay awake for seven days straight to save your life. Or are you not that Gilgamesh of legend, but rather Gilgamesh in name only?"
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Graxe
    I'll take Sagittarius for Davros, if it's still open.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Graxe

    "Or you can all join her in the beating."

    Doppelganger threw its lexicon up in front of Umbridge from her shadow. The book opened and flipped through the pages, shining the same dark green Nobody emblem out from the pages that trapped Hermione and the others within it, specifically sparing Gilgamesh and Enkidu for some unknown reason.

    "Serves your right, self-righteous brat. You don't even know the truth about what you really are. Or rather what lies inside of you. You and your other both reek of his soul."

    The demon jumped out from Umbridge's shadow and landed in front of her to grab the lexicon.

    "Return to your chambers, human. Your purpose here is done for now. Obliviate yourself of these events and go back to what you were doing until I give further orders."

    Lexicon Dimension

    Each of the many fake lexicons scattered apart into the pages that created it with a single blow but quickly rebound themselves into another. The lexicon Doppelganger was hiding in was safe off on the other side of the dimension. Quickly giving off the same dark red aura and repeated its previous motion, numerous magical flares appeared and detonated all over the field. Once the first round of flares went off, Doppelganger cast a second wave. Then a third, a fourth, and so on. The rest of the lexicons were still on the offensive during all of this. After the sixth round of flares exploded, all of the fake lexicons vanished in a plume of smoke and reappeared in a different arrangement to make it more difficult to find the real one.

    Unless one had a keen eye and was looking in the right place at the right time, they would notice where Doppelganger was it never moved.
    Post by: Graxe, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home