Gokai Galleon: Deck The Shadow outside retracted its spear-head. It then managed to sneak up on Joe and Gai as a large black shadow on the ground without their notice and jumped out from beneath them in its massive jaw form, grabbing the entire barrel inside its maw. The Vashta Nerada were looming in closer to the ship. Anyone still outside that were caught in the black swarm would have every cell of flesh stripped off their bones in an instant. No wonder almost everything in the universe grew afraid of the dark. Gokai Galleon: Interior The spells that formed the Shadow's body deflected Hermione's oncoming strike and fired several magical flechettes at the girl as a defensive reflex against melee attacks. Having lost its prey, the large cat-like demon ran after him/her. Once it caught up, the Shadow trailing Basco transformed into the large mouth and lunged forward to bite off the top half of his/her body. Vexen walked up behind James and Sirius. "We appear to be missing a few people. I believe they're still outside." he reminded. "Unless you're perfectly fine with leaving them out there to be fed on by the Vashta Nerada, I suggest we go get them, yes?" Hogwarts Doppelganger stood unfazed by the wall of fire and took this opportunity to utilize Axel's control over fire, shapeshifting into his silhouette. "What do you want, shaman?"
Hogwarts Doppelganger, now as Xaldin's silhouette, blew down the gates and front doors with a focused blast of hurricane-force winds. Numerous Shadows along with its swarm of Vashta Nerada accompanied the head demon, blacking out the entire front section of the school. "Find them. Devour them, torture them, impale them to the walls if you feel like it. Do whatever you want. Just leave their souls intact. Mostly." It motioned its minions to be off as it continued on inside. Gokai Galleon: Deck Out from the corner of his eye, Vexen saw shadows in the distance stretching across the ground below towards them. There weren't any eyes shining out of them and no object around was casting them, which meant they were only one thing. "Everybody inside! Now!" he commanded, ignoring the demon on board for a moment. He didn't want to be reminded exactly why nearly every species in the universe has a not-so-irrational fear of the dark. Spoiler: ALERT MUSIC The Shadow then morphed its head and neck into a spear-like form and thrust it across the entire deck straight at Draco to prevent them from leaving, stretching from the demon's body faster than the blink of an eye. The demon's sudden attack and the speed of the spear made Vexen flinch and summon his shield as a reflex. Gokai Galleon: Interior As if on signal from the Shadow outside, the second Shadow trailing Hermione and Roxas leaped out of its shadow in the ground, transforming the entire front half of its body into a giant, fanged maw to grab Basco and rip him in half. Meanwhile, the other large cat-like demon had already found and swallowed some of the brightly colored, key-shaped objects in the cabin but there were still quite a bit more. Sensing danger nearby and being unable to take any form resembling a humanoid, the third Shadow altered its form into the massive jaw and... ...immediately whirled around to take a bite at Marvelous as he was coming in. Regardless if the Shadow was successful or not, it then pounced towards Harold to pin him on the ground as he was the far more important target to take out.
Hogwarts Outskirts "No, I have not yet gained access to your castle, Mr. Potter. And don't confuse me with those cats. Though I assume you'll have a harder time dealing with them than you have with me. Which reminds me, I should get the allegiance of the Sins and Deaths." Doppelganger chuckled to himself as he ended his surveillance on them. The moment the demon overheard Harold mention Hogwarts, everything came flying back to mind and the Fidelius Charm barring it access to the area was broken. "Jackpot." Hogwarts "Perhaps I should return to the others. An object like a Horcrux isn't something I had preparations for." Vexen pondered out loud as he wandered the empty halls with the stolen book in hand, unsure if he was going to the Room of Requirement or not. It was from this wandering that he came across an oddly placed gargoyle statue. "Aesthetically, it's not entirely out of place. But you don't see too many gargoyles around here." Vexen stood inside (or as much as he could, the statue took up most of the space) and looked up to see where the light was coming from. "There's a room up there. But knowing the circumstances now's not the time to take a look around." Gokai Galleon: Deck The remaining Shadow quickly turned its head towards the group and growled menacingly. Something seems to have worn off... Vexen stepped out of the Corridor of Darkness he used and stood amongst the others. He immediately noticed and recognized the demon watching them. "Any guesses to what that is? I've never seen it before." Gokai Galleon: Interior One of the two demons watched as Roxas ran off with Hermione following behind and soon followed the pair itself as a fast-moving, sentient shadow in the ground. The other continued scouting the area as usual.
GokaiGalleon: Deck The approaching Shadow, still not noticing them, turned away to avoid the edge. Just before walking into a wall, the demon sunk into the ground as its own shadow and moved through the wall, rising back up once inside. One of the two that were still outside did the same moments later. The last Shadow stayed out on deck to keep watch of any strange events that could happen while the others searched inside. Hogwarts: Library After finding nothing of interest in the first few books, Vexen came upon information regarding Horcruxes. "'Extremely powerful Dark Art created by sole practitioner Herpo the Foul. Hides a fragment of a Dark wizard or witch's soul into an object as means to achieve immortality.' Could this be what Doppelganger is planning to do with that piece of Hermione's soul it has? It hasn't devoured it for its own nourishment after all this time. But why would it? It's not its own soul that would be used, so...food storage? Blackmail? Who knows what that demon is thinking." Intrigued by this, he shattered the chain binding it to the bookshelf with a simple Blizzard spell and took the text with him for further study.
Hogwarts Outskirts Doppelganger located the sigil Vexen placed and was able to observe the events that were on board. In the meantime, it called off its demonic army and the Vashta Nerada save for the few Shadows that were sent to scout the area for anything worth suspicion. GokaiGalleon: Deck Three of the Shadows Doppelganger sent out silently jumped on deck. They didn't seem to detect everyone as all they did was stalk around the place, making a clicking sound as their claws hit the floor with every step they took. If reason to become aggressive was given, however... As everyone was watching the match, one of the three started wandering dangerously close towards Harold and Marvelous. Hogwarts: Library Back in the school, Vexen wound up in the library as he was looking for the Room of Requirement as a way to provide and produce some sort of gate. Deciding to make most of the opportunity at hand, he broke into the restricted section and picked out several texts on various types of dark magic for a quick read.
The Galleon "Yes, Hermione, I know where Roxas was. I was there collecting samples before you showed up, remember?" Vexen pulled out the ice vial filled with the black fluid he collected and lightly shook it before putting it away. Although he was curious about the duel, there were more...important things to do while he was here. For example, inconspicuously and nonchalantly marking the Galleon with a small X in a place where it would blend into the interior design when he was absolutely sure he was in no one's visual range. Once he did so, he quietly slipped out via Corridor of Darkness. Hogwarts Outskirts "I see you've built up a small legion." Vexen stepped out of the darkness and stood next to the demon. "Why are you just staring at the castle? Why not just invade?" Upon mentioning that, a very faint outline of Hogwarts was visible to Doppelganger. Of course, an outline is still useless, but it's a start. "So that's what they've hidden here?" The Nobody stared at Doppelganger for a moment, then looked at the school. Something about the school made him not want to acknowledge its presence, but his mind was able to overcome the interference on his perception. "Definitely a perception filter of some sort. Magical in nature, perhaps. But a perception filter nonetheless." Giving a short sigh, he updated Doppelganger on what's been happening. "Right now, they're on a vessel, no doubt protected by the same magic barring you access to the castle. If I'm correct, it should be somewhere in that direction. But for your convenience, I've marked it with the Recusant's Sigil." He traced an X into the air to show the demon what to look for. "You'll be able to track it while as an Organization member, particularly Xemnas but any will do." The demon looked out in the direction Vexen pointed out and saw nothing but a faint outline. "You make it sound like they can't detect it and trace it to me. Or to you." "If Yen Sid couldn't figure it out, then they don't have a chance." Doppelganger morphed into Xemnas' silhouette and focused onto the sigil. "Oh and dismiss your demon army, would you? At least until I get you inside. Look for a gate of some sort nearby." With that, Vexen departed for the Room of Requirement. "...Why are you playing both sides, Vexen? What are you gaining from doing this? Or is this just another one of your many experiments?" Near Dai-Gurren Dalek Sec watched from afar as the Dai-Gunzan was refashioned into the new Dai-Gurren. Yet even after the recent events, he quickly lost interest in the humans inside. His plan of creating a new, improved Dalek race would move far too slowly if he had to watch and wait for them to accomplish their own goals. Although, he did feel like warning them about the Dalek Factor so that they can prepare samples of the Human Factor ahead of time for the inevitable moment where Davros would snap and spread the Dalek Factor worldwide. But he figured that would come much, much later. For now, it was in his best interest to locate at least one of the incarnations of the Doctor on the planet. Sec did take a shot for him back in Manhattan, after all. The Doctor owed him one.
But add in a Wii U and the price jumps to $4,499.99 with free shipping.
Put it in a jar filled to the brim with water and seal it in there. It'll take a while for it drown, but at the very least it'll stop moving until then and you'll always know where it is.
The Galleon Since Barbossa was either eluding him or was just plain not here, Vexen returned and found himself here. "Could someone tell me what happened after I left to find Roxas? I had a slightly harder, yet still noteworthy time locating this place. It's like a perception filter was set up." Hogwarts Outskirts By sunrise, Doppelganger returned with its revived flesh-eating swarm of forty million million. As it did so, the demonic army consisting of Shadows and Plasmas emerged to surround the area like a black ring of death speckled with thousands of pairs of glowing red eyes. The only sources of light in that ring were coming from the Plasma demons, since they manifest as pure electrical beings. "Sorry I'm late. The Vashta Nerada didn't hatch yet and I wasn't going to return without my swarm. But here we all are." It looked up at sky and found the light to be unbearably annoying. The sunlight was bright and intense enough to slowly eat away at his defenses like acid on metal, after all. "Send this place into eternal night. Devour all who attempt to escape." Doppelganger motioned the Vashta Nerada to move. In minutes, the dust-sized lifeforms dispersed into the air surrounding the grounds and became so densely packed that no light could or would be able to shine through. It also felt an unusual extension of the magic field nearby. Suspicious about what they were possibly intending to do there, the demon sent out several Shadows to inspect what it was.
So I just came across this. Would you?
Has/Have must be followed by the past participle of a verb to form the present perfect, which is used here. The past participle for run is, well, run. You don't say "He has took..." but rather "He has taken...". A Google search could've cleared this up.
Refresh and wait? I'm just seeing if animated PNGs work.
If you're using Chrome, you'll need this.
It's not a gif.
If you can't see it, use a different browser.
I'm talking about this:
I watched Bahamut destroy a world the other day. No joke.
The Infinity Gauntlet Then get six other people to be the gems.
Your own envisioning of Big Bang II
Couldn't resist.