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  1. Graxe
    You are on a boat with two strangers in the middle of a large pond for some reason or another. What is the hair color of the first person and the eye color of the second?

    Should you suddenly fall one day and wake up to a bad future (see 2300 AD in Chrono Trigger), how would you live out your life in this time period?
    Post by: Graxe, Feb 7, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Graxe
    All: You all randomly meet each other somewhere one day and you can only say one thing to everyone before leaving. What do you say to the others?

    Stardust: Does this description describe or at least resemble your origins? And yes, stairs.

    Mike: You know of the infamous scene involving you in Resident Evil 4, yes? If so, what are your thoughts on it?

    Peace and War: What is your most and least preferred alignment (Chaotic Evil, etc.) when applied to real life? The stupid versions (Lawful Stupid, Stupid Evil, etc.) are included.

    Kites: What would be your preferred method of time travel and why?

    Krowley: A door materializes in your room. Opening it leads you back into your room through your computer screen. Why is the door there?
    Post by: Graxe, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects
  3. Graxe
    Draw the Big Bang. Or your envisioning of the end of the universe. Either's fine.
    Post by: Graxe, Jan 16, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Graxe
    The Room of Requirement

    "It's because the pain is unbearable to the point where death is preferred. Think about that."

    Continuing on with the plan, Doppelganger pulled out its wand. Aiming at the Go-On Silver key that was on the ground, the demon fired one of the remaining pieces of the soul fragment at the Ranger Key and bonded them together with dark magic, turning it into a Horcrux. The same was done to the other Ranger Keys (Go-On Red, Blue, Green, Black, Yellow, and Gold). Having no more use for what was remaining, it was time to return everything back, specifically to Harold since he was the nearest one. Picking up the visually unchanged keys off the ground, the demon left for the entrance hall.
    Post by: Graxe, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Graxe
    Gokai Galleon

    "Not a medical doctor, no." Vexen saw Basco heading to the source of the annoying laughter and trailed him. Seeing the witch and her egg just laying there made him want to throw it into some portal leading to some hellish domain. Actually, wasn't Davros figuring out how to create such a thing out of some blocks of obsidian after everyone left that one realm? Maybe he got it working since then.

    "Don't be so fast to answer, Basco. And if we choose to decline, witch? What are you going to do about it? Because if your response is whatever this egg is..." Vexen coated his hands in ice and grabbed the mysterious egg from the witch when he approached. Opening a Corridor of Darkness beside him, he held the egg over the darkness. "...what's to stop me from getting rid of it right now?"

    The Room of Requirement

    Upon hearing Harold's amplified voice throughout the school, Doppelganger changed into the silhouette of Xemnas and charged the soul fragment with dark energy to loosen it up with torture. Using the connection between it and Hermione, the demon started speaking to her directly.

    "Since your little friend whose pride only wishes it could rival Gilgamesh's arrived, I think it's time to move things along. So tell me, how does it feel to have your soul, even something so little as this, forcibly torn apart..."

    With some effort put into it, the demon ripped the soul fragment in two and absorbed new, smaller piece inside itself.

    "...over, and over, and over again!?"

    Doppelganger continued tearing and until it had ripped off and stored seven smaller pieces from the main portion inside itself. Morphing back into Hermione, the demon held what was remaining of the original by its mouth.

    "Any last words to your childhood before I chew it up and swallow it, Hermione? No? Alright. You know, throughout my long life, death, and revival, I've never once had any of my prey live long enough to have their soul or even a portion of it devoured. Do you know why that is?"

    The Shera

    After stopping for a moment to see what was happening at the excavation site, Omega finally arrived. After willing the atoms in a section of the exterior to move aside and let him through, the ancient Time Lord broke into the airship.

    There was a door a few feet to the left, but why bother use doors when this is so much simpler and to the point? Besides, it was probably locked.
    Post by: Graxe, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Graxe
    Xemnas wasn't actually completely wrong in saying that Nobodies don't have hearts. He just didn't tell any of them (except for maybe Xigbar) that their bodies are actively finding something to latch onto to grow a new heart as a replacement. So Nobodies really don't have hearts, but only at first.

    The major problem about Xemnas' plan is to keep the Organization members as empty shells until Kingdom Hearts was complete, which by then he'll use its power to implant the rest of the members with a piece of Xehanort's heart so that when each piece becomes a full heart everyone becomes Xehanort. This is why Xemnas was enforcing the belief that Nobodies don't have hearts and can only regain their heart through Kingdom Hearts. Since everyone believed this, any semblance of emotion or friendship or whatever that their bodies could've used to grow a new heart was rejected. Obviously, this didn't completely work. There were other things that had to be factored in as well that Xemnas didn't take into account until he was far into the plan.

    As for the whole dispersing into darkness thing, when a Nobody dies their body falls into darkness, either to lie in wait for their original heart to return or just to be swallowed up completely when that's not (or rather, no longer) an option. Whether or not this happens to a Nobody who has regrown a heart is uncertain, since there's no evidence of such happening. Axel was probably the closest thing to it and look at how he died.
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Graxe
    Gokai Galleon

    "I see. Thank you for the update." Vexen left as Harold and Marvelous left. He walked by Joe's cabin and peered inside. "Are you sure you're feeling fine, Hermione? You're looking a bit more...paler than usual, not to mention what going on with your veins. Perhaps you should see a doctor about that?" After taking note of how fast is was spreading through her system, the Nobody continued down the hall towards the deck.

    The Room of Requirement

    In the short period of being inside her mind, Doppelganger entered her memory of the Basilisk attack in the library and hid in the serpent's shadow, learning about it and its form. Being a creature of relatively low intelligence compared to a person, learning to mimic a Basilisk was fast and easy. The demon was finished before the giant snake even appeared in the mirror Hermione was holding. As it was moving on to her other memories, such as the Dementor attack on the train, the demon was forced out suddenly.

    "Pity the snake didn't just eat you then and there. It would've saved me a lot of trouble."
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Graxe

    The Plasma fell to the ground after Basco's hit-and-run and took on his overall shape when it landed. The lesser demon rolled off to the side and evaded the incoming strike of the newcomer. While doing so, a second Plasma split off from the original and side rolled in the other direction. The two demons raised their blades and rushed at the man for a quick cross slash.

    Gokai Galleon

    Vexen stopped and decided to wait until Hermione returned out of her comatose state. Perhaps he would get results faster if he was to inject the black fluid into a conscious subject?

    "Enough time should have passed by now." He inserted the needle into the vein on the underside of her elbow and injected three-fourths of the fluid into her bloodstream at a slow, steady rate. "I know you can hear me. If it makes you feel any better, what I'm doing to you isn't nearly as bad as what I believe Doppelganger is going to do to you. Probably." Once he administered the dose, Vexen used the ice needle to carve a small X deep and large enough into her skin to leave a scar. The injection site was bandaged afterwards to cover it up. The black fluid quickly spread through her blood vessels and considerably darkened them.

    Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Oh, well. It was for science. And he's a Nobody, so he couldn't sympathize even if he wanted to (which he didn't).

    Vexen got up to leave and shattered the ice binding her to the bed, leaving it to melt on the sheets. "Don't be afraid to scream if it begins to hurt. And if you feel the sensation of your soul being ripped apart, I highly doubt that the injection is the cause of that. I'll be back to check on you when I hear any commotion in this general direction." He entered a Corridor of Darkness leading to Harold's location on the ship. "Any news on the situation at Hogwarts?"

    The Room of Requirement

    The blue flame in its hand wavered oddly., someone was entering in and out of the broken soul.

    "Shame on you, Hermione. For such a smart girl, you're very careless."

    Morphing into its replica of Hermione, Doppelganger held out the soul fragment in one hand and pointed its wand at it with the other.

    "Now let's see if this works. Legilimens."
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Graxe

    The electrical bat-demon hovered overhead and watched Basco for a moment. Then it fired a blade of electricity at him. Afterward it flew to the other side and charged up to fire a sweeping laser.

    Gokai Galleon

    Vexen thought about the vial of black fluid that he acquired from Roxas and had an idea for a little side experiment. But in order to do it, he would need a volunteer. Luckily, due to recent events, there was one person who counted as a "volunteer". So while he was waiting for Doppelganger to make its move, Vexen entered a Corridor of Darkness and soon stood over the comatose Hermione on the bed in Joe's cabin. He leaned over and whispered into her ear. "I've noticed that Roxas has taking a liking to you. Strange for a Nobody, though I must assume that he's found something to grow a heart on. I suggest you do something to end that. It's for his own good." He quietly pulled up a chair next to the bed. As a precaution before starting the experiment, multiple ice needles grew through the bed and snaked around her limbs and waist to bind her tight should she awaken. "But at least a small part of him will always be inside you..." It was time to begin. Vexen lifted her sleeve in order to reach the vein in her arm. The ice vial in his hand grew extensions on both ends, becoming a large hypodermic syringe which he held ready for injection. "...quite literally."

    The Room of Requirement

    "Seven keys, seven pieces..."

    Doppelganger haphazardly dropped the stolen Ranger Keys across the floor of the room as it paced around with the fragment of Hermione's soul in hand, planning to do something with it.

    Mountain Hideout

    After a long period of inactivity due to monitoring everyone, Davros finally spoke up. "A question, Supreme Dalek." The Supreme Dalek turned its headpiece around to look at Davros. "You still hold the information on the entirety of time and space barring the events occurring here, correct?" "CORRECT." Davros chuckled. Perhaps things weren't going to be so boring after all. "Then let us put it to use."
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Graxe

    What I meant was that, unless they absolutely have to move as a set or if I'm reading the wiki wrong, just pick a random combination of seven whether its an entire five man team with two others or one from seven different teams. Like I said, they weren't picky when choosing. If those are the seven missing, then they're the ones missing.
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Graxe
    Name a random seven. They weren't picky.
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Graxe

    Since the Vashta Nerada returned to their forests, the Plasma flew back to Doppelganger. On the way, it saw Basco enter and followed him.

    Gokai Galleon: Bridge

    "Next time you speak to me like that I'll place you in permanent cryostasis. But to answer your demand, yes, I would have a plan to kill Doppelganger. I always have the demon's memory of its last battle with me for reference. Care to view it?" Vexen walked to the chest and quickly counted up the keys inside while listening to the others' suggestions. "I'm counting seven keys missing. And, no, Doppelganger's not a god. It just can't be harmed while it's covered in darkness and shadows, which is almost all the time. There are ways to make it vulnerable, but it's learning to avoid and counteract them whenever it can."

    The Room of Requirement

    The three Shadows walked in.


    The Shadow who had the chest spit out the lock and part of the chest that ripped off as Navi pulled on the chest. Then it coughed up the seven keys that it swallowed earlier before the fighting ensued. Doppelganger walked over and picked them up.

    "This it? Would've preferred them all, but these will do fine."
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Graxe
    Toggling collision on the fly is so very useful when you get stuck between rocks or in a hole you can't jump out of and your last time you saved was an hour ago.
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 9, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Graxe
    Gokai Galleon: Deck

    The White Guardian nodded and returned to staring off into the distance. "You wonder why I spoke in a snake's tongue before? Language is a simple, Ephemeral invention. We Guardians speak them all.""You also wonder how I can possibly know that 'you' are a Parselmouth? I can see the truth about you, Harry. The very same truth that–" He cut off suddenly, feeling a change in the air. He didn't place any strange emphasis on the word "you" but it did seem that he wasn't referring to Harry, however. "The balance has shifted drastically with his arrival. Do get that message to the Doctor as soon as you possibly can, Harry. I can no longer sustain my presence here in such chaos. Until I call upon you again, goodbye." The White Guardian slowly faded out to nothing, leaving Harry standing alone.

    Hogwarts Grounds

    Although similar in appearance, the Shadows do not have the same weakness to light that Doppelganger has. All the blinding light did was illuminate the area. The Shadow holding the chest in its mouth bashed Navi out of the way with the chest, not at any moment loosening its grip on it. Soon the three moved passed Caius and Vergil, immediately taking notice of the latter for obvious reasons, and turned sharply before rushing through the front doors and around all the newcomers gathered there.

    Gokai Galleon: Bridge

    "A Horcrux, according to this text, is an object that hides a part of a Dark Wizard or Witch's soul in order to become immortal." Vexen paraphrased from the book before closing it. "Any ideas? This may very well be what Doppelganger plans to do with what little of Hermione's soul when or if it gets a hold of those keys."
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 8, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Graxe
    Gokai Galleon: Deck

    "The Second Law of Thermodynamics is in full effect. Tell the Doctor this, and also that the White Guardian sends his regards." the White Guardian spoke in Parseltongue to Harry. He looked down at the boy with a kind expression. "Do you understand me, Harry? If not, then I must apologize."

    Hogwarts Grounds

    The Shadows quickly weaved left and right to both dodge the gunfire and to make it more difficult for the attackers to keep a steady aim. It also didn't help that they were shooting up tall spikes from the ground underneath Basco and the others as they moved.

    The Room of Requirement

    A towering monolith stood within the room. On the ground before it was a large glyph with an indentation in the center for something to be placed inside.

    "Finally. Home's just a gateway away..."

    Doppelganger approached the center of the glyph in Roxas' silhouette. Forming its dark copy of Oathkeeper in one hand, the demon inserted it in the indentation. The glyph activated for a moment, but soon the Keyblade replica was repelled and thrown out of Doppelganger's hand. The force sent out from the glyph not accepting the blade actually caused minor pain in the demon's hand, as Doppelganger was rubbing it.

    "Dammit. If a Keyblade of all things isn't going to cut it, I doubt Rebellion's gonna work. I need something more. I need..."

    The demon started thinking of anything that could work. And the answer was obvious, but unfortunately it was already in someone else's possession.

    "I need Yamato."

    Gokai Galleon: Bridge

    "A question, Harold," Vexen spoke while continuing to page through the book. "How does one destroy an object that has become Horcrux? I doesn't seem to say in here."
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 6, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Graxe
    Gokai Galleon: Deck

    The Black Guardian was here somewhere on this planet. Why wouldn't he be? The chaotic potential of this world is beyond anything that the universe has ever seen. Of course there were other major forces at work here as well, but like almost all major crises in the universe, they were the problems of the Ephemerals to deal with. Still, there was one person on this planet who would understand how severe the situation has become once the Guardians of Time have taken notice. "Approach, Harry James Potter," the White Guardian ordered.

    No, it was not Harry. The boy was simply a messenger.

    Gokai Galleon: Bridge

    Vexen took out the book on Horcuxes and other Dark Magic that he stole and searched through it. ", I highly doubt that Doppelganger would use these--Ranger Keys, you call them?--like that. Creating Horcruxes would be much more useful if this text is anything to go by. That's what I would do if I had access to your type of magic."

    Hogwarts Grounds

    As Basco and the others jumped off the Gokai Galleon to confront the demons, the Shadows ran past them and increased their running speed. No normal human, no matter how skilled, would be able to catch up with them on foot now.

    Hogwarts: Outside the Room of Requirement

    Thinking solely on the need of a Hell Gate, the door to the room revealed itself to Doppelganger.

    "Keep watch. Notify me when they get here."

    The Shadow accompanying him turned around and did as it was told.
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Graxe
    EDIT: Forgot character sheet.

    Username: Graxe
    Character of Choice: The White Guardian
    Picture (optional): Can appear as anything or anyone due to existing on a higher dimension, but it's usually that of an kind old man in white clothing.
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Doctor Who
    Additional Info: One of the immortal Guardians of Time who exists outside of time. The White Guardian personifies light and order. According to him, none of the Guardians can be completely destroyed until the universe no longer needs them (i.e. their entire domain no longer exists in any shape or form).

    He often competes against the Black Guardian over what rules the universe will follow. If his selected champion, and by extension himself, should win whatever game they are playing then the universe will be placed in a state of absolute order, thus killing off the Black Guardian. Near the end of a game, he usually warns the Doctor about the Black Guardian's doings in order for him to intervene and end the game in favor of the Doctor, bringing no true winner. But as long as the Black Guardian doesn't win, the White Guardian is fine with the way the game ends since there is always the next one.

    They almost never make contact with lower dimensional beings (including Time Lords), so any knowledge on them and the full extent of their power is scarce. What is known about them is that they can directly command the universe to their bidding, whether it's banishing an entire species to wherever or retroactively erasing any lower entity from everywhere and everywhen with no ill effects. The latter requires a unanimous decision from all six Guardians, however.

    Updating lists.

    The Supreme Dalek
    Omega (Doctor Who)
    Yoshimitsu <DECEASED>
    Dalek Sec
    The White Guardian

    The Sorrow
    The Boss/Peace Walker
    Psycho Mantis
    The Black Guardian
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Graxe
    Hogwarts: Outside the Room of Requirement

    Vexen had given it an idea. Why not open a gate? Or, specifically, why not open a Hell Gate? Doppelganger guided the Shadow it was clinging onto in the shadows to this spot and emerged out of the lesser demon's shadow.

    "So this is the place, huh? Return, scouts. Bring anything of interest that you've found with you as well."

    Gokai Galleon: Interior

    The Shadows heeded the call. One of them over to the chest and closed the lid shut with one of its paws. Then, after transforming into its jaw-like form, it grabbed the chest within its huge mouth and threw it out of the hole in the roof. Vexen noticed what they were doing and tried to stop them from escaping, sending blasts of ice and cold at them, but acted too late. The Shadows jumped through the hole and one of them grabbed the chest within their fangs with a supernatural grip before sprinting off to the castle as the Galleon lifted off.

    Gokai Galleon: Deck

    An elderly man in white robes appeared on the deck, staring off in the distance. "Such chaos is unnecessary and distasteful. I can see why he is drawn to these coordinates." The man took a deep breath. "Return to your forests, piranhas of the air. Seek your prey another time."

    Gokai Galleon: Bridge

    Although a small fraction of the Vashta Nerada in the room were atomized by the Reductor Curse, the majority of the swarm was too small to be affected by the spell and continued to pour inside the ship. Then suddenly they vanished. All forty trillion or so dust-sized lifeforms disappeared as if they were never there. Vexen burst into the room shortly after to relay the theft. "Somehow the Vashta Nerada are gone. Strange. But anyway, the three demons made off with an odd-looking chest as everyone was distracted. Was there particularly anything important inside it, Marvelous? This is your vessel after all."
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Graxe


    Under what authority? Yours? Oh please.
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 2, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Graxe
    Gokai Galleon: Interior

    Like earlier, Basco's strike against one of the Shadows deflected off of the demon's body and magical flechettes fired at him out of the area where he struck as a defensive reflex to melee attacks. The other Shadow took the full brunt of the light blast and the spells forming its body crumpled under the force of the attack, melting to the ground and revealing its core for everyone to see.

    Then they took off and left the job unfinished, giving the crippled Shadow enough time to recover and reform itself taking only minor damage from the whole thing. As Ron entered the fray, both Shadows noticed that all he had was a spear and, knowing that it's completely useless against them in their current forms, sprinted towards him.

    Gokai Galleon: Deck

    After the Shadow was somehow repelled, the demon jumped high into the air. It straightened and extended itself before spinning like a circular saw. Once enough energy and momentum was achieved, the Shadow flung itself into the ship, breaking through the ceiling of the room where the other two Shadows were to join them.

    Even with of Basco's and Harry's actions, the Vashta Nerada continued approaching en masse. Even if the swarm couldn't detect them, they can always act as an eternal blackout as long as they had an general idea of where they were. "Just so you know, a single Vashta Nerada lifeform is the size of a spec of dust. Harry probably eliminated a couple hundred at best and that's out of, I'd say...forty trillion? I don't need to point out to you how much a trillion is, do I? You're all wasting time and energy on something you can just run from, basically."

    Vexen stood out in the doorway behind a wall of ice so that the swarm couldn't get in. "Also, the panther demons aren't dead yet and the third one just broke through the roof. Get back inside while you still can. Harry seemed to alert the swarm of where we are from that attack."


    "You want quiet? Unless you find Hell to your liking, get another castle."

    Doppelganger turned its head towards the skies. Somehow, the same odd trace of magic it felt around Hogwarts was now moving through the air. With a snap of his fingers, a Plasma appeared around Doppelganger in a bolt of lightning.

    "Follow that flying, magical, invisible object and act as a guide to my piranhas. They can't sense magic, but they'll follow."

    The electrical bat-like demon flew off. Doppelganger returned its attention to Hao, forming dark blue replicas of Axel's chakrams from its hands.

    "Where were we? Oh right, I was just on my way."

    Its army of Shadows sunk into the ground as shadows and safely passed through the flames while Doppelganger melted into the darkness and hitched a ride with one of them. Once through, they all leaped out of the ground and moved throughout the various floors.
    Post by: Graxe, Dec 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home