If she's anything like Scaroth from City of Death, it won't.
Clara Oswald, Clara Oswin Oswald, and Oswin Oswald really are (technically) three different people in canon. I still see your point though.
*selfcasts Reflectga and then a random black magic spell*
Which serial is this? Most of the episodes from the Second Doctor's era are missing so I'd like to know.
A man taking a stroll on the beach one day eventually comes across and befriends a dragon and a unicorn before going on an adventure in search of the Diamond at the Bottom of the Sea, whatever that is. It all turns out to be an allegory for accepting and coming to terms with your own death.
After getting around to watch through City of Death finally, why does the Doctor find Clara "impossible"? This isn't the first time he's met someone in an almost identical situation. The only two things that differentiate Clara from Scaroth is that Clara isn't telepathic and she's human. Still disappointed that The Rings of Akhaten didn't bring back the Osirians, though. And it was nice and a bit refreshing to have a standalone episode for once.
According to TV Tropes: Spoiler It references the show's run like how her gravestone in The Snowmen said she was born on the day the show first premiered (November 23). If she's 24 in 2013, then she was born in 1989 which was the year the series got cancelled. Then show came back in 2005, 16 years later. And Clara's first appearance was in Asylum of the Daleks, which was in 2012 and 23 years after the cancellation. 16 and 23 are also the years in which the classic series failed to complete episodes (The serial Shada at 16 and the whole Trial of a Time Lord thing which replaced the original season 23).
Codes generally use hexadecimal, which is a 16 digit number system. 0-9 are the same, but then there's A-F which replace 10-15. So if you want a value of 20, then you would use 14 for xx.
Obvious trophies for KH1FM would be to defeat Xemnas/Sephiroth/Ice Titan/Kurt Zisa, beat the game on Proud, complete all Gummi Ship missions, completing the tournaments, synthesize everything, Trinities, Dalmations, etc. But as far as difficulty goes, I have a feeling that there are going to be trophies for the Mushroom Heartless: collect all seven spell arts from the White Mushrooms, pick up a Mystery Mold from a Black Truffle (or perhaps defeating one within a certain time), juggle a Rare Truffle 100 times without it hitting the ground, and (as below61 was doing) hit a Pink Agaricus 100 times in a single round of Stop. Now while White Mushroom and Black Truffle ones wouldn't be so bad, perfectly juggling a Rare Truffle is a pain in the ass. I can't say much on the Pink Agaricus because I've never played FM.
Now do that to the one at Atlantica.
Your attempts for affection fail in the face of my apathy.
Part of me expects What? to actually have a nuclear-armed bipedal tank somewhere.
Are your party members attacking it? If they are, they're decreasing the count.
Sixth Doctor. But in seriousness, pick one out of a hat and go with it.
I wonder whose idea it was to put this thing in Atlantica?
Galleon Vexen turned to James. "Then take it if you so want it. Or would you rather I give it to your blonde friend with the gun?" He looked to Draco for a moment, doing a quick analysis of him. "Oh, but he's not really a friend is he, rather someone who just happened to tag along. Almost like a lost dog. Pity, but I'm unable to feel such. More to the point, anyone's fine, really. I'll let you all decide the wielder in the end." Vexen walked back out and almost ran into Hermione, Basco, and Roxas. "Excuse me, you three." As he continued past them, he felt a noticeable difference in Roxas. Recalling his recent discovery about Nobodies, he quickly worked out what changed about him.
Galleon Having left the room with the witch and ninjas, Vexen continued to walk around the ship. He drew Yoshimitsu's katana out from a dark portal and examined it for any changes. The usual green glow of the blade was now a dark purple, but other than that he wasn't going to risk testing things out with himself. Holding it for long periods of time were simply out of the question for risk of being possessed by the evil energy within the sword, but usually occasional examinations were relatively harmless. Vexen figured that if this continues it'll eventually reach to the point where the evil energy in the katana would grow so intense that it would possess anyone who holds it in seconds unless it was somehow calmed. Perhaps it's nearing that point? A shame that its previous wielder died in an assault against Safer Sephiroth back on Earth. He'd be very useful right now for that information. Entering the room where most of the people were at, Vexen approached Ron while keeping an eye on the katana. "Ron, would you mind holding on to this sword for me? I don't have much use for it but perhaps you would. On another topic, do any of you have an idea of where we are?" The Room of Requirement/Hell Gate Doppelganger returned here after watching the battle downstairs as if nothing had happened and stood in the shadow of the titanic monolith in the room for a moment. "You said Vergil was here. Where is he?" The Shadows made no sounds. Whether if it was out of fear or because they didn't have an answer was uncertain. "Find him and bring me Yamato. I'll speak with the immortal downstairs in the meantime. Due keep in mind that he's a son of Sparda. Perhaps not on Dante's level, but still more skilled than your above-average fighter." Once the orders were given the Shadows jumped into the ground and darted out of the castle in search. Mountain Hideout A massive amount of data was being uploaded directly into the main computer from the Supreme Dalek as it was ordered. "I have been denied of such equally vital information in the past...but no more. Now that I have this in my grasp, no force can stop us. Potential defeats will become victories. Once we have become the supreme rulers of the universe -– no, all universes -- will there be true peace. Wars will end. I will show the Doctor once more that we are a force not of evil as he claims, but of good." "AND WHAT OF DALEK SEC?" the Supreme Dalek questioned as the upload continued. "Dalek Sec is a renegade and a traitor. The Cult of Skaro has failed. He is defected and will be destroyed with the rest."
According to Demon's Souls lore, that gold head wrapping is like the Venom symbiote. What good will that do?
I'm sorry, but what did you say? I seem to have something stuck on my face. Spoiler
If you're feeling up for it: