It might just be me or it might be intentional, but I'm getting a very different podcast in the player. Download's fine, though.
Since KH can determine whether or not you're in battle, magic could have different effects depending on that. During battle, I'd like to see some specialization so there's more reason to use everything rather than just a select few spells. Like Fire has great single hit damage but only hits what's directly in front, Blizzard is a tracking anti-air but damage is ranged-based, Thunder has long range and stuns enemies longer but has low damage potential, Aero blows away surrounding enemies but has longer recovery time than others, or Gravity has Magnet's attracting properties but damage and attraction speed/acceleration are gradual and therefore it may not do full damage. Outside of battle, spells could be more utilitarian. Fire could light the Keyblade as a torch for dark areas and adds extra fire damage to attacks or Blizzard could make ice platforms. Different tiers could then have different effects that matches their power. Aero, for example, could give you a quick burst of speed while Aeroga launches you high into the air, as mentioned. But this raises the question of whether or not higher tiers are separate spells or straight upgrades. The former could clutter up the command menu unless you can pick and choose what you can use while the latter could lack potential variety. Regarding new magic, I would want to see proper water, earth, dark, and light spells since they've appeared in one form or another in the series. Water could be like Zero Gravity but traps enemies in bubbles instead, Stone/Quake could be an AoE that only hits enemies on the ground, Dia/Light/whatever could be like Vergil's Spiral Swords that restores some HP per hit, Dark could send out slow, wandering orbs of darkness that explode on contact for the cost of some HP, and Holy's already established in the series. As for actual new, original magic, I don't know. A spell that transforms yourself or your target into a random, defenseless prop?
What are you talking about? Second winter only just started.
To add, sometimes arithmetic operators in programming languages automatically and just take the integer/non-decimal value(s) for the output, hence the rounding down.
You know, in an alternate timeline where the Dome was chosen instead of the Helix, we probably got Vaporeon instead of Flareon and had it learn Surf before releasing it.
Xaldin's reasons for toying with Beast was stated in the ballroom scene: he wanted Beast to turn into a Heartless so they might get his Nobody. Beast giving into his bestial rage is akin to giving into the darkness which is why Xaldin's more or less was forced to take direct action and take either the rose or Belle (but preferably both) at the end since coercion's not going to work on Beast anymore. He only fights Sora because there's nothing else he could do since he was cornered and Belle took the rose (thus losing any last piece of leverage over Beast) besides to run and hide away. But Xaldin's not a coward like Demyx and doesn't hesitate to fight when he has to. Also, based on his secret report in Days, Xaldin neither sees any interest nor any benefits to having a heart anymore after observing how easily emotions can control Beast. Luxord was messing around in Port Royal because of the Grim Reaper and needed Sora to be there to kill it and release the heart(s) it had so their Kingdom Hearts would be closer to completion (and thereby get closer to regaining their hearts). It was just another heart collecting mission to him and so when Sora showed up, Luxord stalled him for as long as he could (like blowing up the ship or making him search the world to find the four Gamblers with the coins) so Sora could defeat as many Heartless as he can on the way back to the Grim Reaper. That's it. Why do they smile before they fight Sora? Because they probably gain some enjoyment from fighting. And it they're going to be erased/die, they might as well go out in a bang.
I dunno. As much as I like the show, you eventually get moments like this.
I think I know what you're referring to? Because what you said of it sounded familiar and if it is, damn that kid needs to get his head checked out. While parental supervision and control would help curb some of these incidents, like Ienzo said, porn generally isn't a bad thing unless it gets out of hand or if it greatly demeans/skews views on women and/or sex in general for the person. And honestly, even if there were airtight restrictions and precautions online for age restricted material in general, kids and especially teenagers will go find a ways around them if they can't be directly dealt with (how far and active they'll go to do so depends on the person, of course, and that is if they even do so). So basically, porn accessibility at home on computers/consoles is ultimately up to the parents and is also how responsible/smart the kid is about it. Obviously it's harder on consoles, but it doesn't have to be connected to the internet (though most probably are nowadays). But for that case specifically if it is the correct one? Watching porn was just a trigger for something and he knew that what he was doing was wrong. His stated reasons for why he chose that person specifically makes it a bit clear. Some would counter that because he's young and still a kid, his brain isn't fully developed and he didn't completely comprehend what he was watching and so he was just carelessly mimicking it (which I do partly agree with). But then I would argue that, unless his parents did a terrible job at instilling it onto him, people at that age usually have grown a general sense of morality and know what's socially right and wrong especially if that 'what' happens to be, well, you know, and obviously this kid didn't have that. Yes, it was experimentation, but like in science, if you're going to use a human subject you better make damn sure they know what you're going to do and you have their willing consent at the very least. Also left details vague for reason being that I don't know if I should even though I am personally okay with it. Basically out of respect for Sara.
Going by Chrome's task manager, there's one process for the browser itself, one process for every open tab including the small mini-tab to open a new one, one process for every installed plugin and extension that's currently active, and one process used for what I believe is utilizing the GPU. Whether or not this affects performance, I don't know, but just throwing this out there in case it helps.
Valve announced the specs for the beta prototypes the 300 will be getting.
Dirty Duck - The Lost Levels Coming to your home in 2018 with Oculus Rift support.
When the sun rose on the fifth day of The Battle, what happened or appeared when they looked to the north?
Fury from the Deep Polarity Reversal Whisperwind Mask of the Lunar Eclipse I dunno.
That depends on how you define "zombie" since Our Zombies are Different.
All of the console commands.
You've seen this, yes? The RNG is essentially in full charge no matter how much you pay.
Nominate self. Description: Short black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, 5'4''-ish, slim build Traits: Absent Minded, Unlucky, Easily Bored, Neurotic, Inappropriate
I was going to say that no one ever needs to see Dimensions in Time so you shouldn't post it (especially considering what it could have been), but too late now I guess.