Marvelous's Group "I could encase him in solid ice if you so wanted. I don't care for his demeanor either." Vexen suggested while still on alert. "Of course, someone would have to carry him then. Or we could leave him here until we come back. If we even come back this way..." He looked at Draco and gave him a sinister grin. Underground Caverns: Assault Teams Dalek Sec continued to watch and stay silent. He still didn't fully understand their reasons for the counterattack and went along with them anyway to observe the scene as it happens so he can judge for himself if the Daleks should evolve in the direction of mankind. If some mooks take notice of him he will, of course, retaliate with the full power of his weapons systems. He's been holding off the instinct to kill since the tournament so there really was no kill more satisfying than overkill at this point, especially if the victims happen to be humanoid. Underground: Crucible Chamber Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: Charging Manadrives (40%)
i It's clearly all in your imagination.
Underground Caverns Dalek Sec kept quiet and followed everyone for this surprise assault seeing as there wasn't much else to do. He did detect 3000 lifeforms on a much lower level in the east along with what his scanners confirmed to be some new superweapon that wasn't completely Dalek in design but said nothing about this. Harry, Marvelous, etc. Vexen's eyes shifted all around, keeping track of the shadows. He probably figured that the others wouldn't know it, but he could feel something within them, watching and memorizing every single movement they made. The feeling wasn't strong enough to cause mass paranoia at every moving thing, but it was enough to warrant having his shield out and ready. Savannah Outskirts Omega, suddenly deciding to make his reappearance out of nowhere, stared at Sovereign with the Right Hand of Omega* equipped. No one really knew what he was thinking under that helmet, but it was clear that he was ready and prepared to lay down the wrath and fury of a Time Lord on the Reapers if it came to it. If only he thought ahead to make himself a few giant prison ships a la the Genesis Ark back in the antimatter universe... * Yes, I'm saying that's what the Hand of Omega looks like out of the casket.
Username: Graxe Spirit: Lord Kyroo Color: Black
The temperature quickly returned to normal. "Two answers to your question. One: Doppelganger is a demon from Hell; demons devour souls. Now use your head. To add to that, it claims to have lost its soul to an opponent upon defeat some years ago and is therefore soulless. And two: if you've been a shadow, everyone's shadow, all of your life for centuries, wouldn't you want an identity for your own? Even if it means taking it away from...someone...else..." Vexen paused in thought. If that last part were correct, Doppelganger's situation wasn't much different than Xion's identity crisis. Then again, if it's correct. Doppelganger didn't seem the type to angst over it's identity and was more of an obsessive, psychotic predator. "Pay attention to where the shadows are. There are more things in them than just Heartless and that demon. It as showed you all before it left."
You can color Dream Eaters, can't you? I forget. Black + White
The shots fired at Vexen froze into giant ice needles as they passed him and shattered. He stopped. "I guess there's one advantage to be living around giant pepperpots with death rays for three months: you become unfazed by the death threats of others in comparison." The air temperature suddenly dropped so low that almost all of the water vapor in the air instantly froze. "I don't have to give you a reason for why I'm here. I would also like to avoid a fight. So unless you think you can handle the current weather conditions or worse, you will allow me to come along."
Savannah: Reaper Invasion II Vexen unofficially and quietly followed Harry's group in plain sight while eavesdropping on them. They were his best chance for him to find and upgrade Doppelganger anyway, although he really should've stayed with Hermione due to being responsible for bringing that demon here in the first place and ultimately the cause behind the whole soul crisis thing...not that he was ever going to tell any of them this directly. "Has the Crucible been located yet?" The Supreme Dalek moved its eyestalk in slight motions. Obviously a no. "Then we have choice but to flee for now until it is found. A Reaper would be the perfect target for testing the prototype on." The two immediately teleported back to their grounded ship in the mountains to begin a planet-wide scan for the Crucible. Dalek Sec stayed behind. His nightmare reminded him that he didn't take orders from Davros and how much he hated his species' creator for making them the omnicidal supremacists they've always been (and also that he's faced worse threats than Reapers). Sec would've summoned other Daleks that were here to join him, but if he imposed his views of change onto them, there would be another mutiny which would end in his death. Again. So having nowhere to go and no one to go with, Dalek Sec quickly maneuvered around the Reaper fire and descended into the chasm. ----- Miles Below the Planet's Surface But (Probably?) Not in the Chasm Inside a gigantic cavern, one that looked artificially made and oddly cubic, a small army of around 3000 Daleks were trapped down here. But as long as it didn't hinder their work, it didn't matter to them. If it did, they just made more room by clearing out the rock walls. Because of the lack of interference, including receiving no communication from either the Supreme or Davros, within a day's time (It has been a day, right?) they completed what would've normally taken about a week or so. But it appeared that they were focusing solely on completing the cannon. Any progress on the ship was done only as an imperative for the cannon's completion. Crucible Completion Status: 23% Prototype Ultima Cannon Status: Construction Complete, Charging Manadrives (20%)
"I'm don't mean to intrude, but did you mention Doppelganger?" Vexen approached the group. "You do know that it only appears as silhouettes of the people it mimics and not as the actual person, yes? And that when it speaks as someone, it is always very distorted? Those are the two things that give it away. Unless, of course, it has a soul in its possession which then it can perfectly mimic the soul's owner, but that's entirely theoretical. Or perhaps only part of a soul is needed? I have yet to test that, but I haven't had a chance to get my hands on a soul in the past three months and I'd rather not use my own..." ----- "The Vashta Nerada have been sighted?" "YES. THEY HAVE MARKED SOME OF THE HUMANS HERE. IT WILL NOT BE LONG BEFORE THEY ARE ABLE TO TRACE THEM FROM ACROSS THE PLANET." "And you have placed the Daleks on maximum alert as well?" "CORRECT." Davros kept quiet, thinking through things. "If the Vashta Nerada are here, then that means the forest(s) they hatched from must be on this planet as well. But you overheard Doppelganger saying that they hadn't eaten in years? With that in mind, and judging on their increased hostility, aggression, and voracious appetite, they could have been taken from The Library just as easily as the rest of us. Then there is the obvious fact that nearly everyone here is a viable meal for them, myself included. If whatever brought us to this planet doesn't kill us first, the Vashta Nerada will. And with that demon leading them, it is now not a matter of if they will attack, but when." He sighed. It looks like an alliance would have to be formed once again if they want to survive, much to his chagrin.
"Oh please, it's just a fragment. From what I've seen, the gap has been filled, by letting someone else's soul in no less, but still filled. And the extra shadows? That's not me, no. I can't do anything like that...yet. They're my piranhas. And they haven't had any meat in years." The extra shadows on each person stretched out to Doppelganger and left their hosts (or rather, prey). In an instant, the very air around Doppelganger went black. "They live on a billion worlds, including Earth. Wherever there's meat, they are there. I only wanted to drop by, anyway. And for the record, I'm not meat. Go ask your 'Doctors' about them; my fish tell me they've seen them here. I think they'll gladly tell you more." The swarm around Doppelganger spread off into the wind and the demon disappeared once more. ----- The Supreme Dalek saw the whole the thing happen from a short distance. It opened a communication network to every Dalek on the planet. "CONFIRMED: DOPPELGANGER HAS ALLIED WITH THE VASHTA NERADA. ALL DALEK FORCES ON MAXIMUM ALERT. SCAN SHADOWS FOR LIFEFORMS AT ALL TIMES." That was odd. It sounded like it was nervous. Desperate. Scared.
"Haven't you all learned anything yet?" All attacks towards the demon harmlessly passed through it, Marvelous' attempt to grab the soul was no exception. Doppelganger did nothing to retaliate. It did notice, however, that everyone attacking it had two more shadows than they should've had. "By the way, when was the last time you counted your shadows?"
Savannah: Awakening Dalek Sec woke up screaming, shaking, and spinning around wildly. The vocal circuits almost burned-out from the sheer loudness of his voice. ----- The blue light in the Supreme Dalek's eyestalk lit up. "SYSTEMS RESTORING. HIBERNATION STATE LIFTING." ----- Vexen slowly lifted himself off the ground and rubbed his neck. In his nightmare, Axel had shredded his throat apart and cremated his remains before reporting back, apparently under orders from Saix. ----- Davros wasn't fully aware that he was awake so, as he was reliving the time the Kaleds wanted him to kill himself after sustaining the injuries that left crippled, he unknowingly gave his motive rant out loud for everyone nearby to hear. "When I press this switch, I will die. The poison in that projectile injector will kill in a moment. It is a perfect, efficient, killing machine. It will be painless they say. They tell me they know the pain I am in, as if they could! And that just by pressing this switch I will end that suffering forever. They say I should be the one to do it, but they are weak. They can not bring themselves to look at me, let alone kill me! They hesitate; they fear me! Even when I'm like this, and they have their perfect, pure, strong bodies, they fear me! And well they should! I am no longer like them. I am above them! I have the ultimate power: the power of life and death! This...body, my dominion. Mine to command; no one else's! I can sense them out there in the corridor. Cowering. Not daring to speak. They are the frail ones. They are the crippled. They are the ones without choice. They! Will! Die! They will lose this war and they will die! I could join them in defeat and death, but if I survive, then something stronger will emerge. A new race! The supreme power in the universe! I! Will! Not! Press this switch! I! Will! Not! Cower! I! Will! Not! Die! I! Will! Not! Die! THIS! IS! NOT! THE END! THIS! IS! ONLY...!" Davros shot up and pointed up at the sky. High voltage electricity surged through his mechanical hand in an outburst. "...THE BEGINNING!" ----- Doppelganger, still recovering from the blinding light in its nightmare, walked over to Hermione as an ambiguous, androgynous silhouette and pulled out the piece of her soul it stole earlier out from its chest. It held out the bright blue flame to her in an act of false generosity. "I believe you're missing this? Oh that's right, I'm sorry." The demon absorbed the soul fragment back into itself by crushing it in its hand. "You lost."
Lost in Nightmares: The Supreme Dalek Spoiler [video=youtube;vTel5vVhYqQ][/video] The Nightmare!Eleventh Doctor removed the Supreme Dalek's eyestalk from the head portion of its casing shortly after for his own reasons. It died minutes after it heard the TARDIS depart. ----- Lost in Nightmares: Davros Davros was in stasis, isolated in the cold and the darkness of space. The destroyed remains of his Dalek Empire were scattered all around. But even in stasis, his mind was still active and completely aware. Because Davros loves to hear himself talk, his insanity created a scenario to play out in his head of him conversing with an imaginary Sixth Doctor about his other time in stasis which was largely the same as his situation now. "I spent 90 years alone with my thoughts after humanity sentenced me to lifelong imprisonment. Many more years after that, after my prison was destroyed as I drifted in space-" "And now you've had a little think about it, you've decided to mend your ways-" "A. Little. Think?! 90 years... Do you have any idea...? You're people are immortal, aren't they? 90 years to you must be nothing; for me, it was a lifetime, unable to move. I was in complete sensory deprivation; I wasn't breathing. I couldn't even feel my heart beating. I sat. Utterly. Alone. I thought I would go insane." "...No comment." "I wondered if I had died after all. How would I know? I started hearing voices. I started imagining things, out there in the darkness. Terrifying things. Larger than me; all around me. It was like I was cast adrift in a raft in the middle of the ocean. I heard the Daleks there. Every one of them. Calling out my name in unison. They sounded so faint..." "After your blood? Or, just demanding an apology for what you programmed them to do?" "Then, I saw your face. Tormenting. Sneering. Cruel. Cowardly. Just as it is now. Just as it has always been. Your true face, not the one you happen to be wearing today. Then...there was nothing. A near. Century. Of nothing. I turned inward. My mind, consumed by memories, forced me to live and relive every single experience from the moment I was born; maybe even before that. I was locked in my past, unable to change my mistakes. Condemned to relive them over. And over. And over. Every death. Every failure. Every lie. Every betrayal. Even those I had thought I had completely erased from my memory, like-" "...Like?" "...Every one of the foul deeds I thought I had buried...rose up. Taunted me. I felt so ashamed. So naked. The process stripped me of everything. It showed me how small I was; how insignificant my achievements have been. I. Was. Nothing. The mere dreams of a man who should've died millenia before. I passed through eternity. Imagining every possible theory, every possible book, every possible idea, and then, as I'd exhausted every possible combination, in that moment, I felt myself transcended! I felt myself starting to lift away from my body to join with something greater than me! Greater than ALL things! And then...I felt my heart. Beat. That. Had just been. The first. Second. Of my imprisonment. And I was back at the beginning! Utterly trapped! Cursing those who have imprisoned me: a mere deformed, unfinished thing! Before the next heartbeat, the process was repeated in every detail. The third second was the same, as was the next. As was the next-" "Well, as I'm only wearing a pocket watch and I don't have a calendar on me, you should probably skip to the end?" "The end? Very well. I came to realize that I could count myself the king of an infinite universe...were it not for my bad dreams! That there was more in heaven and on Skaro than was ever dreamt of in YOUR philosophy, Doctor!" The Doctor laughed at this remark. "Eternity? And the best you could manage is to misquote Shakespeare? Any monkey with a typewriter could do the same. At least, they'd have managed to write something down!" "My point precisely." "'Good night, sweet prince.' I'm off to get that cup of tea." The image and presence of the Doctor in his mind leaves. Davros is left alone with his thoughts once again, continuing the process for eternity.
What's so special about this? There's nothing there.
Marik's/Malik's/Melvin's Base of Conventions, Operations, and Other Non-Plot Related Shenanigans There was a loud 'VRRREEEEM' coming from the outside and a large chunk of wall blew up. Out of that new hole, ten of the fifty-one Daleks entered the room followed by the the Supreme Dalek and the floating metal casket containing one of the two Hands of Omega. The Supreme approached Marik and Bakura (and Dr. Nefarious, but as they watched his antics they deemed him inferior to even the Cybermen and was ignored). It frequently moved its eyestalk between the two of them, confused as to who was the one who led this group, so it got to the point. "WHICH OF YOU IS THE LEAST IMPORTANT?" it shouted, though for a Dalek that was its normal tone. ----- In a Dark Corner of the World Doppelganger was sitting against a wall of a ruined, ancient library. It could feel something in its chest, but it didn't know what was there exactly. The demon plunged a hand into itself to find that thing and remove it. As it was doing that, a swarm of shadows crept out of every crack and opening from the library. Or at least, what looked like shadows. When they converged all around Doppelganger, the demon showed no fear to them. It seemed to know what they were and they knew it. "Hello, my piranhas. Sorry I didn't bring anything back for you. I know you're as hungry as I am." The demon felt something and tightly grabbed it. It slowly pulled out of its chest what looked like a bright blue flame. The "shadows" around it backed away slightly from the light. "What a beautiful soul. Or is it half of a soul? I can't tell. But the way it flickers and thrashes about, it's still so young. Adolescent. Child-like. ...Fresh." Doppelganger wondered who's soul this was as it wasn't it's own since...well, since Dante took it all the way back at Temen-ni-gru. But thinking back to recent events... The blood red, cracked smile reopened on the demon's face. "I know who's soul this is..." ----- Field of Cattle Davros felt something different in the air. Like...a battle taking place? "Dalek Sec, can you sense that?" Sec looked around. "NO." "It is the air of battle. The winds of hope and despair, the forces light and darkness are colliding against one another once again. And here we are, in the middle of a field of cattle, experimenting on a dimensional gate to figure out its power source. I do feel like we are missing something." Sec looked at Davros. "WE ARE NOT LIKE THE INFERIOR SPECIES OF SONTARANS. WE DO NOT RELISH IN THE FIRES AND GLORIES OF BATTLE. WE ENGAGE IN BATTLE ONLY OUT OF NECESSITY TO DESTROY ANY AND ALL RESISTANCE AGAINST OUR SUPREMACY. WE WILL EXTERMINATE BOTH LIGHT AND DARKNESS AND LEAVE ONLY DALEK." He was shaking from rage on those last sentences. "Yes, I know that. But I feel like we are being left out of a very important, very pivotal event. Ah, nevermind. We must focus on the task at hand. Now, what have we not tried?" Dalek Sec turned around and looked at their surroundings. All around the two were the bodies of vivisected cattle with numerous wires connected to their brains and hearts, a Dalek battle saucer or two stripped of its power source and engines, and the destroyed half-remains of dozens of Daleks who were used as a power supply (some of which were still very much on fire and very much alive). At least they were kept busy.
Ignore all previous decisions made and go north.
Earth's northern hemisphere colliding into Earth's southern hemisphere (specifically at the North and South Poles) via meteor impact while every planet in the solar system is being drawn into the Sun just as it goes supernova. All in the view point of yourself as you stare into the above while standing on Pluto.