-Meltokio- While trying to fill in the blank spots of the map for reference, Sheena kept glancing behind her. Zelos frowned at her. Something wrong Sheena? You keep glancing back." She scratched her head. I dunno...I have this annoying feeling that we're being noticed by someone... Zelos shrugged and patted her back. Ehh you're just stressed from all of this! I'm sure no one here would notice us! Except the ladies out here... Zelos...just for once I would like you to HELP ME OUT AND IGNORE THE FEMALES. Ack! Fine! Fine! He hastily sat next to her, filling in the map
He waved her goodbye not like he or she cared. "Man...women are such a pain...one little problem makes them all mad or something. Hmm...women can't be on their period in this game can they? Ugh...I hope not...or else the maker REALLY needs to gt taken in." He looked at the ad for Mya's new store opening. "Perhaps I should take a visit soon..."
Yuko pouted more. "Meanie...fine then. I didn't even want a spot there anyways." He turned and started to walk away. "Go add that unstable killer. He'll reject the offer though. Not when he knows he has so much at stake..."
Mya arrived at her store and reopened it, leaning against the counter tiredly. She opened her inventory and continued to stare at the dagger Masamune gave her. Yuko laughed lightly, rubbing his injured head. "And you need to calm down more. If this wasn't a game, you'd already burst a blood vessel by now." He raised an eyebrow. Everyone knew the Black Swordsman. Famous for his strong presence in the frontlines and doing his "duty" despite his title as a beater. "Are you suggesting that I should be a part of the council since there's a free spot? Aww...you shouldn't have."
Mya stared at the dagger he gave to her. Important to him...Will he really do the right thing? She sighed and placed the knife in her inventory, hoping she would never have to use it in any other way and hoping it would get back into Masamune's hands. "Guess I better head back to the shop..." Yoku pouted. "Such a meanie you are...calling me pitiful and stuff." He rubbed the back of his head. "Ehh...kidnapping isn't really my thing. Besides, a kidnapped victim gets really annoying after a few hours. They'll be all yelling and/or crying and stuff. Ugh...makes me wanna kill them. Besides, I'm not really here for a mission. I'm just wandering around and just happened to meet the three of you in the restaurant."
Mya sat back down silently. She never seen Masamune so furious in his life. It's as if Inferna affected his life psychologically in a bad way. So many questions rang through her head about PoH, Inferna, Masamune, and more, but she knew she needed to shut up now. She stared at the knife he handed to her. He means it this time...She slowly took the knife from his hands and nodded. "I don't know how you will play out your actions, Masamune, but I trust in you." Yoko chuckled softly and nodded. "Why don't we? I don't want some infamous killer on my back. Too bad I couldn't say hi to that girl. She would've LOVED to see me."
S'all good. I can work with it :3
Mya stared at the both of them arguing against each other. It was difficult to take in all of the information spewing out from the both of them. She didn't mind that she was called trash and whatnot. She didn't even mind Masamune having a sense he didn't "care" about her. What did shock her was Inferna kissing Masamune, more of shock than anything else. She silently stared at her leaving the store before she looked back at Masamune. "Masamune...I know this isn't my place to ask...but what are you hiding from me?" Yoku was leaning against a wall when Inferno left the restaurant. "Hey you. I don't think you can just do that. Storming into a public place and calling people names and stuff and making people all confused." He scratched his face and let out a small smile. "Even for a person like you, a bad reputation won't go well...maybe even worse than Masamune's."
-Meltokio- After wandering around town for a bit and talking to the random citizens, Sheena and Zelos both sat down at a table. Alright. According to what information we got, I managed to sketch a rough map of this. Sheena pulled out a piece of paper that was drawn pretty accurately according to the info she got. Meltokio is all the way down south of this place. Besides this place and the Tower of Salvation, everything else is a foreign town. Zelos sighed wearily. Man...and we're expected to reform this piece of junk land? I guess we don't have much of a choice. How bout we start getting others to help us? Zelos, I'm pretty sure the people all over this place are just as confused as we are. We're pretty lucky I think seeing that we started in a place we're familiar in...
-Meltokio- Sheena groaned as she walked around town with Zelos. Man...they keep Meltokio in this region, but not anything else? Well...except of the tower all the way over there. I hope there isn't anyone we knew that wants to kill us... Zelos laughed and patted Sheena on the back. Now now...don't fret Sheena...I'm sure there are other people from different realms here. Also, there could be GIRLS. Hehe...I hope they're pretty ones. Ugh...you're hopeless Zelos. Always caring about girls than anything else. Now cmon, let's look around for some information on this new region. I don't wanna walk into a town that's inhabited by ruthless killers from other realms.
Aww poor Chie :c I can make another chara if ya wanna :3
Oh cools. Guess I'll post soon :3
Coolios. Anything really happened or did the RP just start?
Mya sighed. "There you go again. Screwing around with more things other than players." She sat next to him and pushed a few buttons on the menu, ordering some dishes. "You seem very knowledgeable on technology and this kind of stuff. It's pretty impressive." She stared at the plate that magically appeared in front of them and pondered on what Masamune said. It was true everything here was pixilated and not true, but it was coded so well it made everything in this game feel realistic. Was this the world Kayaba Akihiko wanted the people to live in? A world that was impossible to find and inhabit in real life? A place where every gamer can live their life?
She scratched her head. The only person she knew that has a M in his name was Masaru. She thought of bringing it up, but shoved it aside. Impossible. It can't be Masaru...can he? She looked around and spotted a restaurant. "Hey look! Wanna grab something to eat? I only see some NPCs in there."
She looked up at him and frowned. "You know...if this bothers you, we don't have to do this. I'm not forcing you into this..."
She also pulled out a teleport crystal and called out floor 29. As they both arrived there, she was spot on. The small town had very little people walking around and all of them payed no real attention to the 2 arriving members. "Well...seems like I was right. Why don't we walk around town first of all?"
She looked back at the warp gate. "Hmm...how about we head for floor 26? The town is relatively small and no one is really there at this time of the day. We can think of something to do there. Sounds good?"
*Poof* Character Name: Sheena Fujibayashi Game from: Tales of Symphonia Appearance: Merp A brief Bio: She is a strong, but kind ninja from the small village of Mizuho, a village in the continent of Tethe'alla. In her world, she is a summoner known to make pacts with Summon Spirits and asked them for help. She was sent to Sylvarant to assassinate the Chosen of Sylvarant, Colette, but eventually joins their group to help save both of their worlds. Timeline: Post Game (Somewhere around the middle of the game) Character Name: Zelos Wilder Game from: Tales of Symphonia Appearance: Herp A brief Bio: Zelos is the Chosen of the Tethe'allan continent. He is largely known in his hometown for his high social status, comical moods and comments, and his constant flirting with young woman and even his own party members. When Lloyd's party arrives in Tethe'alla, he joins their party, also wanting to save both worlds. Timeline: Post Game (Somewhere around the middle of the game)
Mya clutched her chest. The topic was starting to get to her. It hurts to hear Masamune talk about the topic. She opened her menu and switched into her in town clothing, the same she wore yesterday in hopes of changing the subject."Anyways, why don't we do something today? The 'weather' is on the favorable side today."