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  1. heartless_angel
    Mya winced in pain as he grabbed her hand in a tight grip. "S-stop it Masamune. It hurts." She couldn't comprehend why he was acting this way. It was as if he just met her for the first time. Did someone tamper with his memories? "What happened to you Masamune?"
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartless_angel
    Mya nervously stepped back. He didn't feel like Masamune before. He wasn't the Masamune she knew. Did something happen? His words scared her. "Wh-what do you mean Masamune? Target? What's going on? Of course you know me!" He had a sinister aura around him...similar to that time when they were first trapped in the game. The cold, heartless aura. It made her even more nervous. "Why am I being targeted? I've done nothing to gain the attention of the PKers!"
    Yuko quickly jumped in a bush after teleporting to the floor. The hell? What is he doing here? He doesn't look very friendly today. Tch...I'll just see how it goes...He placed his hand on his sword in case things got out of hand.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartless_angel
  4. heartless_angel
    ...that's what I meant >w>
    ...I'm so bad with names-to-gender :<
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartless_angel
    I totes agree with you. We just gotta wait for him to revise his post and then we can move on.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartless_angel
    Profile Post

    I blame Communism :P

    I blame Communism :P
    Status Update by heartless_angel, Feb 14, 2013
  7. heartless_angel
  8. heartless_angel
    You mean Masamune? Besides him, no one else knows about it, unless that was the problem. I'll ask him to edit the post
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. heartless_angel
    Mya appeared at the warp gate outside of town. "Alright. If my sources are correct, the materials I need are in the forest to the south. With that, then-" She stared at the edge of town and seeing a familiar person. "Ma-Masamune? What's he doing here? Didn't he say he was going off somewhere for a while? I have a bad feeling about this..." She cautiously made her way towards Masamune.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartless_angel
    Mya sighed sadly as both Star and Masaru left the shop. It seemed that her advice wasn't enough to give Star an ideal place for her and Masaru to hang out at. I'm so useless...well I'll make it up by giving her a fabulous set of clothes to choose from! She closed her shop, stating she was out on floor 56 gathering materials as she grabbed her stuff and headed to the warp gate, teleporting herself to floor 56. "I'll make her proud..."

    Behind a wall, Yuko smiled. "Hmm...guess I'll take this chance to meet here...out on floor 56..." After a bit, he also walked over to the warp gate and teleported to floor 56 as well.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. heartless_angel
    Yea I know :B[DOUBLEPOST=1360811228][/DOUBLEPOST]Mah god. Everyone wants to kill meh D:
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartless_angel
    Wow he and Yoku can be like best buds lol
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartless_angel
    Mya nodded. "That sounds lovely. Thanks Star." She scratched her head. Romantic evening? She wasn't too familiar in finding romantic spots. She thought of recommending the restaurant she went earlier, but she met the PKer there. She then remember the Hill of Memories she went with Ittoki before. "Well there's the Hill of Memories nearby the first 10 floors. It has a wonderful view of the sunrise and sunset and flowers over the whole place."
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. heartless_angel
    Sheena scratched her head. Hmm...I'm not sure where to look for a god in the first place. She then examined the map she drew out. But in my own personal opinion, a spell like that would take enormous amounts of energy, even for a god. I'd say he would be around the middle of this place if he wanted to cast that spell accurately. Though I could be wrong...
    Ahh don't fret Sheena. You're right a lot of times...err actually not that one time you fell-AHH!
    Sheena kicked Zelos in the shins hard to shut him up. Anyways, we also were planning to get t him too as well so why don't we accompany you to him?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartless_angel
  16. heartless_angel
    Mya chuckled quietly as Masaru got punched. It's hard to picture star as a normal girl. The number one pop idol right here in this shop. I may never reach that title or that level of fame, but at least I can be proud one of my friends is there. "Sorry Masaru. I'm not that good at words. Also I'm very sorry Star. Not many females work up enough money to buy clothes of this fashion. It's fine. I'll give you the clothes for free for being my very special customers and my...friends. I'll be out gathering materials myself and be back around afternoon time. Then I'll have a wide selection of clothes for you ready. If that's fine with you."
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartless_angel
    Mya stared at Star in shock before grasping her in a tight hug. "You two got married?! Omigosh congratulations both of you! I'm so happy for the both of you!" She then realized she was acting a bit childish and stepped back embaressed. "Err...sorry about that. Now let me see what I got for the two of you." She opened her menu and flipped through her stock. "I got plenty for your handsome husband here." She tapped a button and a large line of clothing for men appeared to their right. "Unfortunately, not a lot of females come here for clothing and I completely forgot to make some so I have none for you Star, but I can go out and grab some materials to make for you Star. Something beautiful and fabulous that Masaru will love. How about that?"
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartless_angel
    Both Zelos and Sheena turned around to see Kain. At first glance, his ominous look and voice would point out a 'villain.' However, he didn't look familiar to either of them, meaning he wasn't from their world.
    Well you're in the city of Meltokio. In our world, this is the main capitol of our continent.
    What she said! Well...except with more friendly looking people and them being not so confused and stuff. You don't seem like the type to be around here. Maybe we can help each other seeing some strange magic just passed over this place. He shook his arms, trying to get into the feeling of his own, younger body. What's your name? I'm Zelos and this is Sheena.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. heartless_angel
    Spending all day in a haze, the knock on her store door snapped her out of her daze. She placed the dagger back into her inventory as she opened the door. "Hello customers!" She then realized it was Masaru and Star. and gave them a warm smile. "Oh hey you two! Come on in! What brings you here today?"
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. heartless_angel
    Both of them felt a massive wave of energy and then they both grew a bit smaller.
    Wait...what the hell just happened?
    Zelos examined himself and frowned. Hmm...seems like we got younger...I think the gods are starting to make their move on us.
    Sheena examined and tried getting well known with her younger self. Besides being smaller and maybe losing a little physical ability, we seem to be just about the same. We gotta make our move somewhere. Staying here isn't helping our situation...
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home