While walking with her new friends, she took a moment to examine the view inside the tower. No matter how many times she came in here, the Tower never ceases to amaze her. The view was always the same, but it still took your breath away. Due to her parents' strong position in the government and the social life, she came here very often with her parents usually from business meetings and stuff. It looks amazing doesn't it? I've been here so many times, yet the interior always manages to leave me breathless every time.
Mya continued smiling, unsure on how to react to Zauriel's overjoyed reaction. Of course...the Tower looks lovely...When she saw the white haired man walk towards them, she instantly took a few steps back from him, even though Zauriel was introducing her to him. It was rude, but she still wasn't used to it. Oh...umm yes that's me. I'm Mya. N-nice to meet you...She shuffled uncomofrtably. Ugh stop acting like this! You just made a friend! Don't try to make yourself look weird. She slowly took a few steps back up. My friend here is Zauriel.
Mya scratched her head at his reaction to her name. it sounded like he was trying to name her himself, but nevertheless, she liked his mood. Seeing his hair change to hers, it was funny how it looked at him and giggled. Hmm...he must be a shapeshifter. Are they all like this? I hope so. Do they really like imitating the person they are talking to? She hesitated as he asked her if he wished to be her friend. It wasn't she hated having a friend, but she just wasn't used to having one. Well...I don't see why not. You seem like a really nice guy and I'd love to have you as my friend. She gave him a warm smile. Inside, she was bursting with excitement. Wohoo! Awesome! You finally got to make your first friend without freaking out! She was close to tears of joy, but held them back as it would make this scene look awkward. I hope we can learn a lot more out of each other!
OOC: Very smooth xD BIC: Mya felt her shoulder tap against another. She turned around and was about to apologize to that person before she ran off until she saw him. If it were anyone else, she would've bolted immediately, but his appearance stunned her not to mention he also had a very gentleman-like manners when talking to her. Usually, people would hide their non-human abnormalities, but it seemed he didn't mind. It didn't help that she never really noticed him around at school. Zauriel...it kinda sounded familiar. Despite this, she was trying very hard not to bolt off as her body was trembling slightly. Cmon! You can do this! Hes a nice person! This is your chance! She took a deep breath before answering him back. Oh...er...it's fine. I wasn't really paying attention either so it's somewhat my fault as well. I-I'm Mya. She couldn't stop staring at his horns or his chest with he markings. She then realized it was rude to stare at things like that and snapped her head back to his eyes with a small-somewhat forced smile.
Sign in here ---> http://kh-vids.net/threads/synchronize-ooc.137935/ <----------- You are the music while the music lasts - T. S. Eliot Intro2050 in the continent called Kimpo. The land known for peace and love through music. Music was the core of Kimpo and incorporated in many forms of competitions, symphonies, and as a symbol of peace Many of nations came together and wanted an end to the bickering and quarrels they had for centuries. The rest of the nations that wanted competition and occupation didn’t agree to their customs as well as having very little luxury goods on their lands and launched a full scale attack on the lands of innocent people and children, killing many. So for the final time, the nations raised their arms and fought the occupying nations, wiping them off the map. The peaceful nations may have won the battle, but the results were bittersweet however. The war led to billions of casualties and a once beautiful continent, Kimpo was now a wasteland full of death and memories full of pain and sorrow. To ensure this would never happen again, the surviving nations forged an agreement to state that they will never go fight again against each other and to remove every lethal weapon off the face of Kimpo and decide to reform what was left into a citadel for music and peace. They created a committee solely for this purpose called the United Peace Committee (UPC). They split Kimpo into 5 sectors; 4 of them represented a different part of melodies and symphonies and the 5th was the capitol. The center of the continent was the capitol of Kimpo called Melodia. There at Melodia, would be a place where instead of using threats and weapons to compete, they would use music. Seeing as music as the new status, people started to look down upon the people with disabilities. It depended on the person from as being nothing from a sprained finger to major discrimination when a person is deaf. The normal folk called them the “Despaired.” The leaders tried their best to close the gap, but in their world, as long as music remained dominant, there could be no way to fix the discrimination between the Despaired and the regular people. So they created a way for the Despaired to return back to society. Every year, each of the regions’ leaders would come together to Melodia to hold the Major Revival Symphony (MRS). Here is where the best players from the 5 regions would come together to compete for the grand prize: a chance to remove one disability. For those who are already fine, they take back bragging rights and many other privileges not available to the normal person. The Despaired were satisfied with this and agreed with this plan. 50 years of hard work and many competitions, the land of Kimpo seems to be restoring from its deep scar from the war. The landscape was now being filled with people and life, not as enough before the war, but a good start. Despaired and the normal people actually getting along and even accepting each other despite their weakness in music. It was silenced quickly when a major attack occurred in Melodia when an unknown organization started to bomb the performance hall where they held the 50th MRS. There were many fatalities and even many were injured. This stirred up a larger fuse between the Despaired and the normal people, blaming each other for the action. Just when they were ready to accept each other, the gap widened again, but even larger now. It seemed at this point that unity would never happen. 10 years of bitter arguments and even close to violence, it looks as if the continent would split again. The condition has not improved in 2110. Discrimination is subtle, but very noticeable on the streets. Each Despaired walking down the street is a victim of any normal mob and vice versa to a normal person. In school, the regular kids pick on the Despaired and place them on the bottom of the social scale. Older generations keep pondering if what they really did was the right thing and longing for the peace and happiness they once experienced. Land of Kimpo Kimpo before the war was a large continent filled with beautiful fields, lush forests, towering cities, and large scale farms. After the war, it was all craters and burnt land. 60 years put a good look on Kimpo as well as the 5 sectors, but it’s never enough to restore the real beauty it had. For crime, every sector has their own police force armed with specialized stun guns that can immobilize a group of people quickly. Each sector has their special school in teaching its form of music. Xanzo- Also known as “The City of the Future.” This sector is known for their superior technology and their music being incorporated into electronics. However, this leads to major loss in handicap points since of its convenience and diversity as well as a kind of loss to the originality of music and its basic pure form. If there is an instrument out there, Xanzo has it in an electric form. The city is very futuristic and heavily populated due to its highly knowledgeable people and their technology. Most of the technologies in other cities are created in Xanzo. Far off into the east is a ruined city polluted by strong pockets of radiation from the war. Many mutated creatures live there and claimed many lives of foolish explorers who wished to uncover secrets of the past. For general safety, the law enforcement has put that area on lockdown to prevent more casualties. Colpure- Flying over a giant mountain range, Colpure is a giant metropolis powered by powerful turbines keeping it in air. They are known for their musical knowledge involving windpipes and vocals. The only way to get o Colpure is through flying transportation or a monorail from Melodia that leads it to Colpure. Besides its knowledge of their own music, it’s known for its amazing sights of the mountain ranges and its exhibit of over 500 species of birds they keep there. There is also an old air base on Colpure that is now reformed into a war museum talking about the war. Underneath Culpure is a crater full of hazardous waste where precious gems are mined by the miners. This is where they once were settled in, but had to leave due to having hazardous waste beneath them. Now, the crater has abundant amounts of gems and harvested for its main revenue. Zalta- and Except not as menacing looking :p The land…or more like the island known for their string music and their knowledge in it. Zalta is a huge island with a city split in two parts: one on top, and the other underwater. The upper part of the city is in its humid jungle biome while the under part is a giant city where the residents live and want to take a look at the sea wildlife. Connecting the top and bottom is a giant elevator through the 2 towers in Zalta: one above and one below. Fish and tropical fruits is the main food source here and also being shipped to other sectors. Zalta is also known as the most romantic place in Kimpo due to its beautiful beaches and its unhindered sight of the moon and stars at night. Getting here is simple due to the ease of having ferries that can be taken to Zalta, flying there…or for the people who wish to swim to Zalta as they are either dumb or stupidly dumb as the waters are spotted with dangerous sea creatures. Sea mines from the war also litter around Zalta, but most are dysfunctional and far away from public. There also is an underwater city a few miles off of Zalta that was abandoned during the first war when it was built on a cliff, but the cliff broke and fell into the ocean. It holds many secrets and hidden articles about the past and the war, but it’s currently too dangerous for normal people to visit due to aggressive animals living around there and also being surrounded by sea mines. Farj- The oldest city in Kimpo as also known where the first people settled here in this fertile land. The land known for percussion and piano and their knowledge in it. One can say Farj is the least technological city in Kimpo. Farj has the smallest population than all of the other sectors, but it’s very famous and well used because Farj is surrounded by 3 biomes: plains, a giant lake, and the jungle/mountains. This makes Farj the best land used for farming and also 95% of the food source of Kimpo comes from Farj. Farj also holds the largest zoo in Kimpo, holding thousands of animals due to their diverse biomes and landscapes with many endangered species from the result of the war. They also have daily tour rides around the whole sector, showing all the lovely biomes and sights. Easily accessible by foot and all forms of transportation. Many of the Despaired live in Farj because the other cities despise them and Farj is people living off the old ways of living, making the Despaired a lot more comfortable in Farj. Farj despises the land of Xanzo and their technology, saying they are straying off the customs of Kimpo where they wouldn't rely too much on technology. Melodia- The Heart of Kimpo and also located in the middle of the 4 sectors. This is where all the different cultures blend together in one large metropolis. If someone were to be born here, they can hold all the knowledge of music in their hands. However, only the wealthy and powerful live in Melodia. Here is where also the MRS is held every year in the giant conference hall they own. The UM also hold their place here next to the conference hall. Underground subways also connect to the other 4 sectors. Melodia seems to favor the technology of Xanzo as it makes living and the transportation in Melodia more convenient. There’s also a giant monument that shows the victims in the fateful attack 10 years ago. Shivga- Not much is known of Shivga. If a person was deemed too far evil for a local jail, they would be sent to Shivga, an infamous prison where once in, no one would ever get back out. Located on an island far off the shores of Kimpo, only a secret underwater rail leads to it and even then, only special personal are authorized to visit it. Some say it was just a normal prison. Others say it’s a death camp where people would work until they died. Whatever the rumor is, nothing leaves Shivga intact.
http://kh-vids.net/threads/synchronize.137936/ NOTICE: I have made major changes to the section of Synchro battles after hearing some feedback. The whole notion shall still be implemented in the RP, but its been modified heavily. You are the music while the music lasts - T. S. Eliot Intro2050 in the continent called Kimpo. The land known for peace and love through music. Music was the core of Kimpo and incorporated in many forms of competitions, symphonies, and as a symbol of peace Many of nations came together and wanted an end to the bickering and quarrels they had for centuries. The rest of the nations that wanted competition and occupation didn’t agree to their customs as well as having very little luxury goods on their lands and launched a full scale attack on the lands of innocent people and children, killing many. So for the final time, the nations raised their arms and fought the occupying nations, wiping them off the map. The peaceful nations may have won the battle, but the results were bittersweet however. The war led to billions of casualties and a once beautiful continent, Kimpo was now a wasteland full of death and memories full of pain and sorrow. To ensure this would never happen again, the surviving nations forged an agreement to state that they will never go fight again against each other and to remove every lethal weapon off the face of Kimpo and decide to reform what was left into a citadel for music and peace. They created a committee solely for this purpose called the United Peace Committee (UPC). They split Kimpo into 5 sectors; 4 of them represented a different part of melodies and symphonies and the 5th was the capitol. The center of the continent was the capitol of Kimpo called Melodia. There at Melodia, would be a place where instead of using threats and weapons to compete, they would use music. Seeing as music as the new status, people started to look down upon the people with disabilities. It depended on the person from as being nothing from a sprained finger to major discrimination when a person is deaf. The normal folk called them the “Despaired.” The leaders tried their best to close the gap, but in their world, as long as music remained dominant, there could be no way to fix the discrimination between the Despaired and the regular people. So they created a way for the Despaired to return back to society. Every year, each of the regions’ leaders would come together to Melodia to hold the Major Revival Symphony (MRS). Here is where the best players from the 5 regions would come together to compete for the grand prize: a chance to remove one disability. For those who are already fine, they take back bragging rights and many other privileges not available to the normal person. The Despaired were satisfied with this and agreed with this plan. 50 years of hard work and many competitions, the land of Kimpo seems to be restoring from its deep scar from the war. The landscape was now being filled with people and life, not as enough before the war, but a good start. Despaired and the normal people actually getting along and even accepting each other despite their weakness in music. It was silenced quickly when a major attack occurred in Melodia when an unknown organization started to bomb the performance hall where they held the 50th MRS. There were many fatalities and even many were injured. This stirred up a larger fuse between the Despaired and the normal people, blaming each other for the action. Just when they were ready to accept each other, the gap widened again, but even larger now. It seemed at this point that unity would never happen. 10 years of bitter arguments and even close to violence, it looks as if the continent would split again. The condition has not improved in 2110. Discrimination is subtle, but very noticeable on the streets. Each Despaired walking down the street is a victim of any normal mob and vice versa to a normal person. In school, the regular kids pick on the Despaired and place them on the bottom of the social scale. Older generations keep pondering if what they really did was the right thing and longing for the peace and happiness they once experienced. Rules Terms to Know Synchro Battles (Major changes) Land of Kimpo OC Form Accepted Chars No godmodding/power playing (Though if either players agree, you can power play in some cases) Keep things at a PG-13 level (romance, violence, language, ect. You can censor the words) Try to keep killing off of radar. This RP actually disapproves murder and death unless a plot twist occurs (which there will be Muhahahaha) No removing other players unless the owner and I give approval Your character cannot learn more than 4 instruments unless I have given you the all clear to create The Honored. I will keep tabs on how many there are in this RP. Currently I don’t have a problem with character limit, but I like it when people have small amounts of characters and not like 20 to control. I’ll say try not to make over 5 characters at one time unless you are absolutely capable to do so. If a character is removed, you are more welcome to make more (Blah dumb rule) This is probably the most important rule. When doing Synchro battles, PLEASE try to keep it a reasonable length. I don’t want a battle going over 100 posts. Try to keep it around 10 posts per person on average before ending the battle. A little less is better. Unless it is an important part in the story or a major group battle, try not to post too long in battles (Removed since Synchro battles has been modified to become more simpler) No RP out here is perfect. If you wish to discuss things with me, please feel free to do so. I shall listen to your opinions and decide whether it should be incorporated or not This is rather a very character interactive RP. I will expect you to post pretty frequently. If life is really taking a toll on you, I understand, but please to notify me as I may have to move on. If you learned an electric instrument, you also learn the regular instrument as well. Keep in mind that this only counts as leaning one instrument though. Please have fun :) (Rules may be modified and/or changed. I shall notify you peeps if that will happen) Despaired – A person who has some sort of physical disability. It’s usually meant for those who have major disabilities, but it can be used on minor ones as well as those who are mentally unstable The Honored – People who are well endowed by learning 4 or more instruments and being proficient in them to the point where they can compete with these instruments. Only a handful of people are given this title and are praised by the community. Some even say these people are even more influential than the UPC MRS – Major Revival Symphony *Synchronize/Synchro – A challenge where one person challenges another person to a symphonic battle The Reformation – Term for the time during the 50 years before the attack. Mostly used by older generations *Clash – Term when someone interrupts the music *Final Beat – Used to finish off a song, major points are placed here *Solo – Please tell me you know what a solo means in a song :/ *Handicap – Placing an advantage on a person depending on specific situations *Breaks – Places in a song where the person will be playing UPC – United Peace Committee ~Will add more terms if needed~ (Words with asterisks are terms used in a synchro batle) Due to Synchro battles being very confusing and even frustrating for some of those out there, I have decided to change the whole system to something more simple. What is a Synchro battle? Well it's when one person challenges another to a musical battle using one of the instruments they own. How it works is generally up to the people or group, but there is one primary goal: To outplay the other person or group. To do this, there needs to be some random people to judge your performance as an unbiased judge or a score counter depending on how you perform the battle. In tournaments though, there are professional judges to score the battles. Only one type of battle is allowed in tournaments: Symphonies. One person/group performs, then the other does and then the judges decide who won. Kimpo before the war was a large continent filled with beautiful fields, lush forests, towering cities, and large scale farms. After the war, it was all craters and burnt land. 60 years put a good look on Kimpo as well as the 5 sectors, but it’s never enough to restore the real beauty it had. For crime, every sector has their own police force armed with specialized stun guns that can immobilize a group of people quickly. Each sector has their special school in teaching its form of music. Xanzo- Also known as “The City of the Future.” This sector is known for their superior technology and their music being incorporated into electronics. However, this leads to major loss in handicap points since of its convenience and diversity as well as a kind of loss to the originality of music and its basic pure form. If there is an instrument out there, Xanzo has it in an electric form. The city is very futuristic and heavily populated due to its highly knowledgeable people and their technology. Most of the technologies in other cities are created in Xanzo. Far off into the east is a ruined city polluted by strong pockets of radiation from the war. Many mutated creatures live there and claimed many lives of foolish explorers who wished to uncover secrets of the past. For general safety, the law enforcement has put that area on lockdown to prevent more casualties. Colpure- Flying over a giant mountain range, Colpure is a giant metropolis powered by powerful turbines keeping it in air. They are known for their musical knowledge involving windpipes and vocals. The only way to get o Colpure is through flying transportation or a monorail from Melodia that leads it to Colpure. Besides its knowledge of their own music, it’s known for its amazing sights of the mountain ranges and its exhibit of over 500 species of birds they keep there. There is also an old air base on Colpure that is now reformed into a war museum talking about the war. Underneath Culpure is a crater full of hazardous waste where precious gems are mined by the miners. This is where they once were settled in, but had to leave due to having hazardous waste beneath them. Now, the crater has abundant amounts of gems and harvested for its main revenue. Zalta- and Except not as menacing looking :p The land…or more like the island known for their string music and their knowledge in it. Zalta is a huge island with a city split in two parts: one on top, and the other underwater. The upper part of the city is in its humid jungle biome while the under part is a giant city where the residents live and want to take a look at the sea wildlife. Connecting the top and bottom is a giant elevator through the 2 towers in Zalta: one above and one below. Fish and tropical fruits is the main food source here and also being shipped to other sectors. Zalta is also known as the most romantic place in Kimpo due to its beautiful beaches and its unhindered sight of the moon and stars at night. Getting here is simple due to the ease of having ferries that can be taken to Zalta, flying there…or for the people who wish to swim to Zalta as they are either dumb or stupidly dumb as the waters are spotted with dangerous sea creatures. Sea mines from the war also litter around Zalta, but most are dysfunctional and far away from public. There also is an underwater city a few miles off of Zalta that was abandoned during the first war when it was built on a cliff, but the cliff broke and fell into the ocean. It holds many secrets and hidden articles about the past and the war, but it’s currently too dangerous for normal people to visit due to aggressive animals living around there and also being surrounded by sea mines. Farj- The oldest city in Kimpo as also known where the first people settled here in this fertile land. The land known for percussion and piano and their knowledge in it. One can say Farj is the least technological city in Kimpo. Farj has the smallest population than all of the other sectors, but it’s very famous and well used because Farj is surrounded by 3 biomes: plains, a giant lake, and the jungle/mountains. This makes Farj the best land used for farming and also 95% of the food source of Kimpo comes from Farj. Farj also holds the largest zoo in Kimpo, holding thousands of animals due to their diverse biomes and landscapes with many endangered species from the result of the war. They also have daily tour rides around the whole sector, showing all the lovely biomes and sights. Easily accessible by foot and all forms of transportation. Many of the Despaired live in Farj because the other cities despise them and Farj is people living off the old ways of living, making the Despaired a lot more comfortable in Farj. Farj despises the land of Xanzo and their technology, saying they are straying off the customs of Kimpo where they wouldn't rely too much on technology. Melodia- The Heart of Kimpo and also located in the middle of the 4 sectors. This is where all the different cultures blend together in one large metropolis. If someone were to be born here, they can hold all the knowledge of music in their hands. However, only the wealthy and powerful live in Melodia. Here is where also the MRS is held every year in the giant conference hall they own. The UM also hold their place here next to the conference hall. Underground subways also connect to the other 4 sectors. Melodia seems to favor the technology of Xanzo as it makes living and the transportation in Melodia more convenient. There’s also a giant monument that shows the victims in the fateful attack 10 years ago. Shivga- Not much is known of Shivga. If a person was deemed too far evil for a local jail, they would be sent to Shivga, an infamous prison where once in, no one would ever get back out. Located on an island far off the shores of Kimpo, only a secret underwater rail leads to it and even then, only special personal are authorized to visit it. Some say it was just a normal prison. Others say it’s a death camp where people would work until they died. Whatever the rumor is, nothing leaves Shivga intact. Username: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Playable Instrument(s): Birthplace (also living place if they moved): Bio: Other (tell if Despaired or not): Username: heartless_angel Name: Mya Suki Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: :3 Playable Instrument(s): Zither and violin Birthplace (also living place if they moved): Born in Colpure, but moved to Zalta Bio: Born a mute, people were disappointed in Mya. Her mother was well known for her superb singing talent, even getting to the MRS finals and being praised for her wonderful voice. They always talked about her having a daughter to carry on her legacy. Mya’s mother now had to work extra hard to cure Mya from her mute nature and teach her to sing just like her. Her father on the other hand worked in the UPC as one of the head directors in Zalta. Since Mya lived in Colpure, She was pressured to play a windpipe instrument, but refused since her muteness also hindered her breathing. She then moved to her father’s home and learned to play the zither and the violin and she loved it. At the age of 8, she was beginning to excel at it and even enter some musical competitions. She then attended the MRS to watch her mother perform, but that was when the hall was attacked and bombed. Her mother was killed by an explosion. Mya, not wanting to see another casualty protected another girl from an exploding speaker which caused Mya to get large internal bleeding in her head. Luckily, they saved her life, but the accident also ruined her hearing. Being shoved down to the bottom of the pyramid, Mya spend the next 10 years being persecuted and hated by the community. She always wanted to give up on life and join her mother, but the event back then kept her going. She had the power to save other people even at her current state. She wanted to be that kind of person, not a celebrity like her mother was, even if it costed her life. Other (tell if Despaired or not): Born mute and then going deaf, people would think she hit rock bottom. In fact, after what the girl told her, she was the opposite. She had a warm and loving heart for the community despite being hated by them. She always wants to put smiles on people’s faces and help those in need. Despite being proficient in 2 instruments, she never plays the zither nor carries it in public for some unknown reason. She also wears headphones to hide the fact she'd deaf for non-students and people she doesn't know. Username: heartless_angel Name: Vell Gayu Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: c: Playable Instrument(s): Electric guitar (including regular guitar) Birthplace (also living place if they moved): Xanzo Bio: Born in a family of power and wealth, people assumed Vell as a spoiled brat. In truth, she wasn’t spoiled at all. She was a curious child always wanting to explore uncharted places and secret areas like the lost city in Zalta. Her parents weren’t too fond of that and always kept her at home. Her parents weren’t musically gifted so she learned the guitar on her own and upgraded to an electric guitar. At the age of 9, she wanted to make a band of some sort, but needed a singer. So she headed over to the MRS to get some examples. Unfortunately, the attack ruined her hopes. Vell would’ve been injured if Mya didn’t save her from losing her hearing. After realizing who saved her, she was shocked by her bravery and wanted to repay her somehow. During the next 10 years, she made her own band called the “Silent Listeners” in honor of Mya for her bravery as well as giving the Despaired hope out there as her songs had influential parts in them. She also spent her life trying to find the girl who saved her. She wasn't the best, but she wanted to at least let her know that someone out there was grateful of Mya’s actions. Other (tell if Despaired or not): Being naive and childlike, she didn't like being serious or emotional. After the event though, it changed her life. It gave her a humble and respecting nature to people around her, especially the Despaired. She tried to follow Mya’s footsteps by trying to be a better person though she is really clumsy and forgetful lot of times. Username: Master of Keyblades Name: Zeke Caster Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: http://wallpaperscraft.com/image/kagamine_len_guy_green_eyes_uniforms_headphones_28371_1280x1024.jpg Playable Instrument(s): Violin, Electric Guitar Birthplace (also living place if they moved): Zalthar Bio: Zeke was mainly the boy with headphones growing up. He didn't talk to others too much and normally sat by himself and even played his instrument in solitude, even if the two that he learned were an usually pair. As for his instruments, they were a gift from his parent, though he barely even plays the guitar in public and he prefers not to talk about why he keeps it with him if it's not played much. Other (tell if Despaired or not): Not Despaired. Name: Pain Thoroheart Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: ♪ Playable Instrument(s): Her voice is highly admired. She has an incredible range, able to go from A3 to C5 with little difficulty. She can also play the violin family (Violin, Viola, Cello) particularly well. Piano is nothing for her to master, being an accomplished and ferocious while also controlled pianist. Birthplace: Born in Melodia, her family was poverity stricken and forced to move to Farj just after her birth; Following Farj, her family again reallocated to Falta when she was 8; Finally, she resided in Colpure for the past ten years, before moving to Xanzo on her own at 18. Bio: Pain was a prodigy at 3; everything she came in contact with became a musical instrument and it wasn't very long before what she made in sound sounded strangely appealing. By six, she had already learned how to play piano and had started on the violin. Socially, she was soaring due to her adaptability in musical prowess; everyone was sure she'd eventually make it to Honored status. She was already highly adored in all the varying communities she moved into for her musical ability by the time she reached High School at the age of 13, also being incredibly bright in other fields than music, besides being sobered by her stark professionalism. Unfortunately and fortunately, genetics gave her an early boost in physical maturity, growing to be 5'6" by the age of 12 and possessing a particularly pneumatic top heavy hourglass figure early on. At 18, her mind has matured well beyond her body, which is no standard matter in either category; to her grief, she has earned the nickname "Pai" and "Pai Pai" [For those unfamiliar with the terminology, Pai Pai is the equivalent of "Nipples" in Japan.] for her rather prominent chest, while also standing at 5'10" in height. Having moved around so much during the course of her life, she is strongly independent and a competent freethinker; she already lives on her own in the city of Xanzo with the blessing of her parents, as she has already finished with High School and is currently striving to make a bigger name for herself in the musical community by trying to appeal to all musical tastes. Currently, she's trying out for a local band called "The Silent Listeners". Other: No one knows yet, not even her, but she has a genetic disorder that will progressively cause her eye health to degenerate. Slowly, it is already just beginning to take effect. Username: Sebax Name: Col. Zed Pulse Age: 47 Gender: Male Appearance: ♪ (Pictured to the left) Playable Instrument(s): Very handy with digital mixers to produce violent Dubstep and electro mixes. Birthplace: Xanzo; Currently serves in Shivga Prison as a high-ranking officer Bio: Born and raised in Xanzo, he's been very affected by his upbringing. Electronic beats veritably beat in his blackened heart as much as if not more and faster than blood. At 10, he fired his first contraband weapon and has grown to procure a love of all things violent ever since. Eventually growing up to take up a position in Shivga Prison as a guard and a grunt at the age of 19. This would not suit his mentally unstable thirst, however, so he strived for most of his 20's. Finally, luck smiled on him when he was promoted to Officer of Cell Block B when the previous Officer mysteriously went missing. Since rising to stature, he has been rising ever since, climbing up the Shivga rank ladder with lustful desire. Other: Is not Despaired. If you will allow it, I'd like to see him be the Warden of Shivga already in the timeline; if not, I am satisfied with him merely being an Officer. EDIT: Col. Zed is the standing Warden of Shivga Prison. Username: Sebax Name: Lt. Faspian Best Age: 34 Gender: Male Appearance: He's the one to the right in Zed's picture Playable Instrument(s): Truth be told, he really doesn't like music that much Birthplace: Xanzo; Currently a high-ranking official at Shivga prison under Col. Zed Bio: His apathy stems from growing up in a rundown Orphanage where he was regularly beaten by anyone and everyone willing to take a whack at him. This developed in him the need to fight back, and this he succeeded in. A vicious and ruthless killing machine, Faspian may seem slight and harmless, if also a tad bit creepy, but underneath, he could kill without cessation and possess the coolness under stress to never be caught. In fact, for all the atrocities he's committed in the taking of lives and exacting revenge, he's never faced the slightest of charges. At 21 he was transferred from being a night guard in a Xanzo museum of music to Shivga prison, where he soon came under the welcomed tutelage of Col. Zed. Lt. Faspian will do as the Colonel commands, and usually such things involve blood and the spilling of it, though he has learned to restrain himself to hurt without killing, so that messages can be sent. Other (tell if Despaired or not): He is somewhat Despaired in the sense he is so emotionless, he cannot feel for music as effectively as most can. Even cold and villainous Col. Zed can dig into the more violent veins of music, but Lt. Faspian has no interest in the matter whatsoever.
OOC: Mah god this RP moves fast D: Merp also writer's block :< BIC: Mya followed the group of students near the back end. She watched the students all around her being all cheerful and chatty with their friends. It must be nice having friends to talk to and to be around with...If only I could. Maybe I could try once we get tot he tower. Yea. I'll try my best! She gave herself a convincing nod. But then again...the whole school doesn't like me anyways. She sighed in defeat. Ugh...I give up. I'll just let fate play its part in my life.
Tyvm for "reviving" this RP (っ◕‿◕)っ Username: heartless_angel In Game name: Mya Real Name: Mira Tayes Age: 17 Appearance: :DDDDDD Personality: In real life, she's socially rejected due to her love for MMORPGs and not being a "normal" girl. This led her to be socially awkward, having a fear of people in general, and wanting to be alone except being with her sister. That and her love for MMOs. After being trapped in SAO, she somewhat felt confident for an unknown reason. She was no longer the social awkward girl, but a more confident, yet timid girl. Bio: As a young child, her parents were divorced, living only with her mother and her younger sister. Her sister was found out to have a serious disease that blinded her. For this cause, Mya always took care of her sister when not playing an MMO. At her school gaming club, she heard about SAO and decided to guy it herself the day it came out, hoping she can experience life within a game. This led her to being trapped along with thousands of other players. WIlling to reunite back with her family, she set out and worked her hardest to get out, but at the same time, her other self wanting to accept the life she was forced in and live in it. Job: Tailor Level: 55 Guild: None Weapon: A single sword (liek in that pic) Special Skill: Piercing Strike (Sword skill that increases the damage of the wielder by 200% and ignore 50% of armor for one strike. Has a 2 minute cooldown. Higher ranks makes Piercing Strike activated twice in a single session for 300% increased damage with 70% ignored armor for each strike. Cooldown is still the same) Other: A lot of people seem to believe she has connections to the famous PKer, Masamune, even after his mysterious disappearance. No one knows for sure. Username: heartless_angel Known Name: Yoku Age: 19 Appearance: Dis Personality: Somewhat of a irrational and a bragging prick. Loves being the center of attention, though there's no real reason why he tries so hard being the center of attention. Actually hates playing video games, but joined SAO for one particular reason... Bio: Raised by a wealthy family, he had everything handed to him, but he knew that wasn't life although he did like having the feeling of being rich. He knew life wasn't all about getting things handed to you on a silver plate. He knew what he would have to go through in order to become successful in life. At school, he craved attention and love from his peers, especially from girls. He almost had them all except one specific girl. Mya. Seeing her uninterested in him and always staying away from the public irritated him a lot. He then found out that she always played this MMO called Sword Art Online. He thought if he wanted to get her attention, he would play it too. On the day of the in-game trappings, he played the game and was stuck in it, cursing the day he even thought of buying and playing the game and especially cursing Mya as the main reason why he was here the first place. He now blames Mya for the problems he now has and vows to kill her before returning back. Job: None Level: 61 Guild: None Weapon: Dis thingy Special Skill: Bloody Pain. His next attack leaves a mortal wound, causing the target to bleed and take damage slowly up to 10% of their maximum health (maximum, not current) depending on his level. However, this skill cannot kill the target if the target's health is below 10% of their maximum health. Bleeding damage lasts about 2 minutes. has a 10 minute cooldown. Other: N/A
Mya eventually reached the meeting place late due to taking he long route to the place. Seemed like they were going to head to the Tower today. She guessed it was meant for a good view of the festivities today. Not that it was any exciting, but at least it was better than being cooped up in a boring classroom. Besides, she may be able to see some military automations out there today as well as her parents probably being out there. It was gonna be a good day...but it made her feel uneasy a bit. Ehh...probably because of all the students around you Mya. Don't fret about it. Try to enjoy your day. I hope I didn't hurt that student's feelings. He should've known by know what kind of person I am...
Mya continued walking down and around the long path to the room since not a lot of students took that route and so they won't throw insults and stupid remarks at her. Suddenly, she was approached by one of her fellow classmates...whatever his name was. Wrong? Of course nothing's wrong. I'm just a simple girl who has to go through this crap every day. Why should it be wrong? It's perfectly normal right? As much as she wanted to say that, he probably was the "good-guy" kind of type, the one that won't ever stop bugging you until you start cheering up or something of that sort. Hey, there was always one in movies and animes so why not one in real life? No of course nothing is wrong here. I don't understand why you have to follow me though...I hope you don't mind, but I prefer to be alone at the moment...To be truthful, she was a little frightened. She couldn't help it when someone decided to follow her. She started to slightly quicken her pace down the hall.
Mya sighed, twirling her pen around while half-listening, half ignoring to the teacher. It wasn't like Monster Anatomy was a boring class. She really liked it, but it wasn't her type of class to take. In fact, she even went up to the head principal and complained to add a mechanic class or something relating to technology. Anatomy wasn't too bad since it was like looking at a machine from the inside...just almost. She got into a lot of trouble back in her days trying to place machine parts in monsters before. Her parents weren't too happy with that, but they understood her talents and hobbies. She should've gone for that more expensive school they offered her, but she declined. She wanted to live like a "normal" student, not some rich kid from a special private school. She looked around the class, a lot of others seem to have the same look as her. It was a shame she couldn't make friends with any of them. She always would run away from them whenever they came up to her. She even jumped out the window since a crowd blocked the door that time. She eventually got herself a nice nickname called, "The Wimp." She detested that name, but how could she help it? She somewhat deserved it. It wasn't as if THEY got kidnapped anytime in their lives. To kill time, she stared at the girl sitting in front of her. It intrigued her that this girl always figited with her hood as if she hid something under it. It was something like...Celine? Celina? She didn't care for names. She remembered people by giving them specific names, hers was "Hood Girl." The speaker then popped to life and then started spewing out random names. As usual, she ignored the voice until her name was called out. Huh...what am I in trouble for now? Oh wait...it was probably the lamp I broke yesterday when a teacher scared me...great. Instead of that, it told them they were being congratulated for being chosen to have front row seats tot he festivities. Hell, this got her very excited. Anything was better than this class. As she grabbed her stuff and headed for the door, one of the students called out to her. Hey! Try not to run out! We're getting tired of cleaning up the broken glass you leave behind every time you run out! Heck, you break so much, your parents might go broke for replacing all of it! This got the whole class in a fit of laughter which Mya ignored and slammed the door behind her as she made her way to the room where it was held. Punks...they wouldn't understand...
Ohh Lemmie join 8D Username: Heartless_angel Name: Mya Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h97/Fair_One_Of_The_Last_Dusk/Female Anime/0TourquoiseWarrior.jpg Home: Lorima Bio: Being born in Lorimia, Mya had a extreme interest in technology and the ways it can help humanity as a small child. She even created many fancy gadgets and trinkets growing up. Her parents were both wealthy and influential in the Lorima government, but she doesn't use that as an excuse to act arrogant. At a young age, she was once kidnapped and used as a hostage for a large sum of money, but was rescued with no harm. This gave Mya to have an extreme fear of people taller than her and shady looking people. She then was taught to use firearms, but Mya was an extreme pacifist, even if her life was at stake. Her parents now always track her with a wireless sensor to makes sure she isn't missing every time she goes out of the house for any reason. Branch of Magic: Conjuration Weapon: A nuclear missile than can end the fate of humanity as we know it A simple Handgun Other: Being extremely fearful of like 80% of the population, she always has a stance like she's about to run away when talking to someone she doesn't recognize.
So much stuff to do with so little time D:
O yays :D
I know there are a lot of posts about bullying and hate, but I really want to specify this project. To be honest, I can't really describe the words to explain the emotion and message rooted within the video he made. You guys have to see for yourselves. I feel that a lot of us out there can connect to this video and understand the feelings within it.
Since the leave of Twilight, the whole RP seems to have gone to a halt :<
I had so much planned too :< Maybe some one could take over Masamune?
Wat noooooooo D: WHYYYYY
Mya stumbled forward and got a hold of her footing before she looked back at Masamune sadly. Masamune...what happened to you? What did they do to you? She gritted her teeth and opened her menu. "Then take this back. I don't want something that means so much to me when you can't even remember it." She took the knife he gave her earlier out of her inventory and threw it on the ground behind her before she headed off towards south to the woods. Yoku sighed. Seems like he doesn't remember her...what's the point in that... He stood up and headed back towards the teleport gate, teleporting back to floor 50.