Cloud: he was- Cids a dickwad
I know. I think zack does squats whenever he feels emotion :D
Luxord: I swear I'm laughing on the inside.
Yes. Did you feel the burn?
Zack: :O you guys are going to make me cry! That is it! I am going to make aerith a better flower cart! I will do anything to protect her and make her happy! *starts doing squats* feel the burn!
Yes yes. I am the ultimate.
Cloud: :blink: :censor:
Yes. That is so cute. And I am I love with zack's squats. He does them randomly. He did two and then went to bed.
Luxord: none whatsoever. Maybe saïx- Saïx: don't talk to me. Luxord: ....... well.
Love love love. Love. I'm addicted to zack :) and laguna is so good with kids. Its almost like he is one. They are both so sweet!
Zack: I've been told I act like a puppy. But I am very good at fighting things. And doing squats.
Luxord: new found respect.
Mmmmmm. Tasty.
Cloud: that was one time! And aerith made me!
So are cowboy hats.
Zack: you are like... a really cool, nice person.
Zell has a face tatoo.
Luxord: how bout ultimate power while wearing a suit. Or a dress. Whichever you prefer.
Cloud: he said what?
Zexy: so..... what are you planning marluxia?