Yes. He would. I love my brother.
Zexion: don't make me hit you with a book. Luxord: he's currently reading the dictionary.
Cloud: well- leon do you wear mascara?
Frozone? Really?
Zexion: is he trying to prove something?
The incredibles
Zack: I got lost in the slums once. I was trying to find a car.
Yup. We are pretty awesome.
Zexion: okay. I'm sorry. Hes an idiot.
I don't want just anyone to hold.
Zack: ...... I wonder where she is. I wonder where am I.
;) I know. We rock.
Cloud: Cid thinks he knows stuff about everyone. But the truth is he makes it all up!
Lololol. I love you still :D
Zexion: I hate both axel and vexens stupid replica. I mean, I would.
:) they give me happiness. Like my juice ;)
Saïx: no comment Luxord: hmm
??? Who is that young one?
Zack: I love her. Shes one of a kind you know?
Teehee! I luv you so much.