That's good. I get lots of compliments but I get annoyed after a while.
Zack: you should be more nice.
Yeah. I've been getting better though.
Saïx: cause no one likes you and you're a dumba$$.
Cloud: No! That is NOT fair! You aren't aloud to talk about that!
Zack: * still squatting* my life isn't fair. Which is sort of ironic.
Proportions in general bug me. Every time I'm drawing I always have to erase one or two things cause they don't look right.
Zack: *sad puppy eyes* but... I... um. Dammit! *goes to the corner and starts doing squats*
Yeah. I've only drawn her twice. Once was a long time ago. Maybe only a year or two. It came out okay though.
Zack: hehehe. That's funny. That kinda sounds like aerith. But its not. Right?
Lol. I feel sorry for you.
I know! They suck! Why can't it be easier?!
Lol. You are right.
Me too. Eyes and hands. I also suck at proportions. I'm sooo bad at proportions.
Me too! Are you good?
Not all teachers suck but as a general group they suck. Also homework sucks.
No one. No one sane. And also I'm not exactly sane so....... hehe. I just like the pics to draw from mostly. Also they make my happy. They are one...
Haha. Yeah. Teachers suck. I hate school.
Kay thanks. Its not rare for me to get lost in videogames. That's why we have all the kh strategy guides. Also I like the pictures :)
Yeah. Teachers suck. In my case they expect way too much from me. Its true that I could do better but still they think I'm ten times better than I...