Just Ask Them at my profile (or let me just know you want a cheats)
Im Enjoy If I Help You
There You go I know Its Long But You Have Riku In Your Party And It Not Crash (Use In Cutsene Only) Normal Party (L1+L2+R1+R2+[]+X) E00E30FF 0034D45C 4032F064 00130001 02010300 00000000 200FC000 396D0001 200FC004 11A0000B 200FC008 240D0054 200FC00C 396D0002 200FC010 11A00008 200FC014 240D005C 200FC018 396D0003 200FC01C 11A00005 200FC020 240D005D 200FC024 396D0004 200FC028 11A00002 200FC02C 240D0819 Edit: Full Party 4032F064 00130001 03020100 00000000 I Hope I Help You :)
Hi Guy! i finally Found my password and now im back
Change With Your Weapon With The Normal Sora's Weapon Or Sora/Roxas 1032E020 0000???? (Just Change Digits)
Its Nothing But Hey I Have The Code Bond of Flame in Roxas's Left Hand 1032F01C 000001F2 (Just Change The Last 4 Digits) i Hope Taths Help
There You go 1000 Heartless battle (R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00001104 2032BAE4 00420042 1032BAE8 00000042
-_- Hi Every Body i Try The code to Play as Chrismas Sora And Drive In Halloween Limit Sora in the digits list And Both of them Crash (alone Or Twin) So Please Find a way to make tath Work.ho and when i play as crismas sora is have no keyblade and make crash. And if is Posible Can you send me the code to play as boss Roxas With Sora Voice (or Is Normal Voice) For Ps2. Thanks Alot. MasterSoras13
Wtf thanks but the game crash all time (is something like this i want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGhCeZ8i9kw)
Help Can Somone give me the code to play as Limit(With Nomarle sora monve set) And the same thing but inverse
the anti-form doesn't have any reaction command and i want this code to have reaction command with anti-form. thanks
thanks alot guy
What is the code What is the code to play as cristmas sora and Drive in Limit form Haloween sora ho and what is the code to 1 have antiform in drive menu and 2 antiform with reation command thanks to reply me
keyblade i want to have the keyblade cheats for have axel keyblade in roxas second hand
can I have the master code in us codebreaker,
but can you tell me the master code for kh2fm (not kh re com) or find it to me thanks
ok but is the code for code breaker (us) ????
Some one now the master code of kh2fm (for code breaker us) Thanks