Role Mod 01CXXXXX 000000YY XX digits Shan-Yu - 9488C Hayabusa - 948EC Axel from 2nd battle - 9548C Oogie Boogie - 964AC Lock - 9650C Shock - 9656C Barrel - 965CC Twilight Thorn - 98D2C Jafar (Genie) - 99B6C Hades (Paradox Hades Cup) - 99C2C Cerberus - 99C8C Hydra - 99CEC Thresholder - 99D4C Storm Rider - 99ECC Illuminator - 99F2C Shenzi - 9CC8C Banzai - 9CCEC Ed - 9CD4C Scar - 9CDAC Demyx (Olympus Coliseum) - 9F38C Sark - A05EC Hydra's Head - A0D6C Huge Sark - A178C Xaldin - A1CCC Barbossa - A22CC Blizzard Lord - A29EC Volcano Lord - A298C Groundshaker - A3D0C Demyx' water clone - A47EC Hostile Program - A4EAC Hayner - A57AC Prison Keeper - A9E2C Experiment - A9EEC Luxord's Card - AB08C Xigbar - ABAAC Xemnas - AC40C Seifer - AD5AC Pete from Megara battle - AE9EC Pete (Hercules Battle) - AEA4C Saïx - AEF2C The Experiment (Head) - B048C The Experiment (Left hand) - B04EC The Experiment (Right hand) - B054C Shadow Roxas - B192C Hades - B5B8C Final Xemnas - B600C Setzer - B660C Xemnas Armor - B756C Axel (TT 1st battle) - B95AC Sephiroth - B960C Terra - BD98C Roxas - BCE4C Marluxia - BBD0C Vexen - BC30C Vexen Anti Form(Not sute about this) - BC3B0 Larxene - BD4AC Zexion - BDE0C Lexaeus - BC3CC Axel(Limit Cut) - BF96C
I i need the Following Code: -Play As Pj Roxas -Every Donnald And Goofy Weapon Digits -Riku Renplace Donnald/Goffy W/o Crash -Make Roxas An Allies -Warp To Hydra Battle And Upgrade Is Hp/Def/Atk -Changes Master Magic Thats its Thanks in Advance
There is A Code to Drive In Dw Roxas W Final Move Set(Replace Any Form Exep Valor) And If It Possible Make Other Form Not Use Final Form Move Set Just The Form You place For Dw Roxas
So Tats Meen Your aren't Good In form Cheats
I Im Need The Goofy And Donald Weapon Digits and Wats Is The Code To Replace Magic Ex: Final With Master Magic (Give me every if its possible) Thanks in Advance
i mean wen you complete re com you can watch jap movie in kh2fm
When you complete Recom you can view scene in jap
i know it crasy but it posible to make sora and other party member talk in jap. with a cheat ?
You Rock Man
Its Not Work
Wath is The Code For Riku Can Make A Finisher (in The Code Play As Riku)
Thanks But I Just Ask For Srugle Bat Edge Of Ultima Detection Saber An if it possible Detection Straf And detection shield
Easy To Say But Where can I Find The Uwm ?
Ok Thanks Chrismas Pack (Joker R2) E015FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000955 11CE0B6A 0000095B 11CE0B6C 0000095C 11CE0B70 00000956 11CE0B72 00000957 11CE0B74 0000095F 11CE0B76 00000958 11CE0B78 00000959 11CE0B7A 0000095A 1032E020 000001F4 1032E134 000001F7 1032E248 000001F8 1032EE24 000001F3 1032EECC 000001F3 1032EF04 000001F3 I Will Be Make this Vesion Of The Code In Space Paranoid,Timeless River And Halloween. IM Will Make It Now! Edit: Halloween Pack (Joker R2) E015FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 000002B5 11CE0B6A 0000029E 11CE0B6C 0000029D 11CE0B70 000003E6 11CE0B72 000003E7 11CE0B74 00000980 11CE0B76 000003E8 11CE0B78 000003E9 11CE0B7A 000003EA 1032E020 000001F4 1032E134 000001F7 1032E248 000001F8 1032EE24 000001F3 1032EECC 00000220 1032EF04 00000220
Hey I Made A Code Can You test Please ( Tath Give you All Chrismas Form Donald Nad Goffy too) can you try it Please (All Form Please Include Anti) Thanks Chrismas Pack (Joker R2) E015FEFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000955 11CE0B6A 0000095B 11CE0B6C 0000095C 11CE0B70 00000956 11CE0B72 00000957 11CE0B74 0000095F 11CE0B76 00000958 11CE0B78 00000959 11CE0B7A 0000095A 1032E020 000001F4 1032E134 000001F7 1032E248 000001F8 1032EE24 000001F3 1032EECC 000001F3 1032EF04 000001F3
Anybody can help me ?
Can I use Another Weapon Wen i Play As Christmas Sora.Becaus im relly Not Power full Wen i Have A Srugles Bat?
Sorry But You Can't :/
There you go :) Sora looks like Limit Form (R2): E002FDFF 0034D45C 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B
Can Someone Give Me The Code For The Room Mod (i meen the list of secret room in the game)