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  1. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    All right! My move, Draw!
    ~Draw Phase~
    *Draws 1, Hand size is 6*
    ~Standby Phase~
    *Mirage of Nightmare activates* In response to this spell card of yours, Jaden, I activate Mystical Space Typhoon!
    ~Main Phase 1~
    *Hand size is 5*
    I activate Pot of Greed, drawing two new cards.
    *Draws two, Hand size is 6*
    I activate Heavy Storm, wiping the field clean of all spell and trap cards.
    But I'm far from done, Jaden. I activate Power Bond, fusing the two Cyber Dragons in my hand, and fusion summon, Cyber Twin Dragon. Complete with 5600 attack points. *Hand size is now 2*
    But am I done yet? Hardly, Jaden. I activate the spell card, Limiter Removal, making my Cyber Twin Dragon 11200 attack. *Hand size is now 1*
    I already know the outcome, Jaden. Because your monster is now mine, I activate Snatch Steal, taking control of your monster, and making him mine.
    The duel's finished. I attack with your beloved Bladedge, Jaden. And then with my Cyber Twin Dragon. And since you only have 1 Necro Gardna in the Graveyard, you can't win through this attack. The match is finished.

    Cyber Twin Dragon!

    And your Necro Gardna blocks one of the attacks from Cyber Twin, but can't block the second, the match is finished, Jaden.
    Post by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  2. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  3. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    LP: 8000
    Customs: None.
    Anime Exclusives: None.
    Video Game Exclusives: None.
    God Cards: None.
    Hand Refill: None.
    First Player: Jaden Yuki.
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): None.
    Post by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  4. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Post by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  5. Hell Kaiser Ryo can you summon a monster in face-up defensive mode?

    That's against the rules isn't it?
    Post by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  6. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  7. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  8. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Post by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  10. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  11. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  12. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  13. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  14. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  15. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  16. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Post by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Hell Kaiser Ryo
  18. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Post by: Hell Kaiser Ryo, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  19. Hell Kaiser Ryo
    Profile Post

    ...Come again?

    ...Come again?
    Profile Post by Hell Kaiser Ryo for MandyXRiku4ever, Jun 15, 2010
  20. Hell Kaiser Ryo