You saw my cake picture, right? *eats cake*
I've never even heard of it, to be honest... I'll go check it out.
Hey guys. I want to start a new FF X RP, which is basically about Braska's pilgrimage to defeat Sin, with Jecht and Auron. But before I do, I want to know whether you guys think it's a good idea and if you have any advice on starting an RP. My first one about FFVIII has had a pretty frosty reception so far >.> The RP advice section said you should work with someone else to create a really great RP, so I was wondering if anyone else is interested?
I prefer Axel, to be honest. He's one of the best villains Square Enix has ever created, and the way he interacts with the other characters is fascinating. He looks cool, too. Reno's not a bad character, not at all, but he never really "wowed" me the way Axel did.
I bought a Beethoven CD yesterday... So I'm a nerd...
......... I baked it myself.... *shifty eyes*
*random high five to you too* ....It's fun to learn :bounce:
*Happy Birthday* :birthday:
I played the Gamecube one, which was pretty good... The battle system was sorta dull, but I liked other aspects of the game.
*Awkward silence* No just joking... *hi fives*
Of course you don't choose your sexual orientation! It's a completely subconscious thing; you can't just decide you're going to be attracted to men instead of women/vice versa. It doesn't work that way.
No, unfortunately. I live in Ireland, not too many of them here >.>
Coolness! I have a camcorder...somewhere...
That reminds me of that thing in The Simpsons where you could buy 100 tacos for $
It's....very dark brown, sorta wavy.
How many positions have to be filled before this starts? Thanks, BTW!
Thanks for your help guys! Arigato!
The Machine Gunners... *snooze*
I was just guessing; the Dark Aeons aren't in it after all.
I think I heard that "ether" was considered the fifth element, the substance that space was supposed to be filled with. I may be wrong though.