Search Results

  1. Marluxia13579
    Maybe you're using too many sleights. Each time you use a sleight, the first card in that sleight disappears and can't be reloaded for the rest of the battle. Eg if you have a sleight (Cure-Atk-Atk), once you use it, the Cure card can't be reused for the rest of the battle. Hope that makes sense.

    BTW, the fight with Darkside is really long, so you probably shouldn't use sleights to conserve cards.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Marluxia13579
    Damn metric system, a pox on thee!!

    Ahem. Sorry about that. I honestly don't know how tall I am in meters.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Marluxia13579
    Thanks! It looks great!
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Marluxia13579
    Whenever I try to upload the new sig made by ~Amber~ for me, I am informed that "The remote file is too large". And I don't understand why; afterwards, I tried to preview someone else's sig (just to see if it would work of course, I had no intention of stealing it) I was again informed that the file was too large, despite the fact that another forum member had been able to use it as their sig. Can anyone help me out?

    EDIT: Problem solved. Feel free to close this thread.
    Thread by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  5. Marluxia13579
    6 feet.....
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Marluxia13579
    Sorry if this has been done already. I searched the forums and found nothing, so...

    What languages are you able to speak? I'm fluent in English (obviously...) and have a good knowledge of Irish and French (from school). I also know a little Italian and Japanese.
    Thread by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008, 113 replies, in forum: Discussion
  7. Marluxia13579
    I have a friend with the same name as me. It felt a little weird at first but I wouldn't say it actually affects our friendship all that much.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. Marluxia13579
    I actually had a dream where I played from the start of FFX until the first fight with Seymour in Macalania. About 2/3 weeks ago. It was quite a fun dream to be honest.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Marluxia13579
    Ultima, Oblivion, Oathkeeper and Acrossing Two (from Final Mix) are my favourites.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Marluxia13579
    Wow, thanks. Me too! Crisis Core is actually better than FF VII (IMO...) ... but it's too damn short.

    I ... *tries not to sound gay* love your avy too! (No seriously, it's hilarious)

    I suck at minesweeper... :crashcomp:
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Marluxia13579
    Wowww... *has a strange urge to play minesweeper*
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Marluxia13579
    And I quote (said by Repliku): "Favorite threads are against the rules and will be moved to the Spam Zone to let them continue there or will be closed here."

    Therefore this thread should be in the Spam Zone. I don't want to break the rules.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Marluxia13579
    They come from Final Mix mostly, so they've got English voice overs but Japanese subtitles.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Marluxia13579
    Umm, hello, this is the SPAM ZONE. Nuff said.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Marluxia13579
    ... What the title says. It's a multiple choice poll.
    Thread by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008, 21 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Marluxia13579


    I adore animals, especially dogs. They're fascinating.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 10, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  17. Marluxia13579
    Beat's way of getting special attacks is really awkward and annoying. >.>
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  18. Marluxia13579
    It's ok, I'll draw the designs.

    Hmm... *Tries to imagine how Zexion would look as a fish*

    ... I might be a while though.

    I can't wait for this RP to get started, BTW.
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Marluxia13579
    I love that song! *Starts listening to Mr. Brightside*
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Marluxia13579
    The Price of Freedom - From FFVII:Crisis Core
    Post by: Marluxia13579, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone