Does the fact that I downloaded a Hannah Montana song off it make it worse?
Welcome Patman *mentally sings old batman theme song* did you do a level 1 playthrough on critical? I am with Ven and his specific Keyblades.
Well, there is always the stupid intercourse joke, but we are too mature for that... right?
Hey Mister_Windy, welcome to the drug that is actually proven to cure cancer, Awesome siggy, btw
Exactly Wolfie. Exactly
I feel awesome for having an awesome recycle can name
Beaten all 3 and final episode on normal. And Terra's and Aqua's and Final episode on hard. Working on Ven on hard and a lvl 1 playthrough on critical (at Deep Space)
You can play it for free but it is so boring.
I don't know how it was messed up. It just won't turn on. And I made sure it was plugged in. They make an Okami game for the DS. I think I am going to get it for the PS2.
Megamoleman- the videogame?
But my Wii is messed up.
I need help. I have just left my old religion (yahooism) and I want to join this one. But I don't think the local stores selling the main form of communication (the game). Need help finding one.
What are they trying to sell us these days?
What about belts and clown shoes?
I thought you could feel music if you were high.
Sorry. I'm not a chick but you could still flirt with me. And I would be creeped out , but you could.
Yes we do need. Or just a big team game with all of us. BTW, Overkill!!
What did you use to make this? Movie maker? My complaints: ~ Subtitles (if you used WMM then I forgive you) ~ that it ended My praises: ~ how the song matched the clips 95% of the time Other notes: ~ So let me get this straight- Kairi likes Sora, Xion likes Roxas and Riku, Namine likes Roxas (and Sora), and Aqua likes Ventus and Terra?
You need FFIX. Much better than emo-man and his sword.
Red vs Blue is awesome.