Hug a creeper.
Dang it. I hate Fritos®.... I'm gonna starve.
1. Tron (Light Cycles... 'nuf said) 2. God of War 3. Final Fantasy IX (Vivi is so cute) 4. Hunger Games 5. Batman 6. Spectacular Spider-man 7. Infamous 8. Sengoku Armors Spoiler Awesome armor fighting! 9. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift 10. Prince of Persia (2008 reboot)
Spoiler Live at Name: mrbryanwithat
The chorus is very catchy. Not gonna lie
Hopefully they will change her face by the time of the movie.
List of essentials: 1. Under garments 2. Shirts 3. Shorts/Pants 4. Toiletries 5. Zombie Survival Guide 6. Socks/Shoes 7. Other Number 5 is possible the most important thing on the list.
It looks like a good movie, and of course I am going to watch it, but the girl's face looks weird to me. Maybe if she had straight hair instead of curly hair. I don't know.
My song is Fat lip by Sum 41. Edit: Yeah... not using that song anymore. It just doesn't work with me
My latest video, though I've done better. [SPOILER]
May I join? I need to read some good literature this year.
I hate it when my mother uses the restroom and forgets to flush. Or close the door.
I want to join. This MEP will be awesome!
KHvids username: Gerdneek Xfire username: notsoepicsteve
Just got back from Walmart with 2 Disney dvds. I don't know which to be happier about. Sword in the Stone or Beauty and the Beast?
I enjoyed reading this manga. Though every fight lasted about 1 chapter.
I'm actually hoping for 2 more Pirates of the Carribean movies. Movie 5: The founding of the Brethren Court and the binding of Calypso Movie 6: Finishing off the series.
Now Zter, Imma lety you finish but I think that Kaichou wa Maid-sama! is the best manga of all time. ^you made it too easy. T^T
Poor Engineer from TF2.
Is your avatar Brad Sherwood from Whose Line is it Anyway?