I hope Tarrlok gets his arse kicked by Katara.
1. Mixt 2. Okabe Rintarou 3. Forsaken 4. Stardust 5. Sabby 6. Plums 7. Kites 8. Misty 9. Ienzo 10. Mish 11. Peace and War
Spoiler Am I the only that wants Bolin to learn from Lin? And the episode today... Spoiler OMG Tarrlok can bloodbend with no full moon....Dang. Now Katara needs to come and kick his arse!
Spoiler http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2009/1/29/128777236356575281.jpg
So does that mean you will play Coded and Kingdom Hearts Mobile?
Want to watch... but might contain spoilers... F********* T^T
Glad that we can still get the Dream Eaters in game. But what the guy said made me think. "Nightmares eat people's dreams. Spirits eat Nightmares" So Spirits are cannibals?
So my plans for today are as follows: 1. Buy Dragon's Dogma (put $28 on the pre-order). 2. Pre-order KH 3D MoM Editon from Amazon. 3. Weep after I realize that I just bought a second copy of KH 3D. 4. Cry as I realize that I just spent $90 on video games. 5. Stare at my calender, wanting July 31st to arrive 6. Watch Legend of Korra... again
Wait. There is a Kingdom Hearts II? Mind = Blown!
Favorite Pony: Rarity Reasons: 1. She is extremely generous to her friends and others (The Return of Harmony & Suited for Success) 2. She a boss at getting people to do work for her (Diamond Dogs) 3. She reminds me of a Disney Princess. 4. She deserves more fans, IMO.
BronyCon is a meetup in NY,NY for $65, and this time, Lauren Faust and John de Lancie (Discord) are going to be there. Last time, the VAs were there.
I've seen a few episodes of TZ, but they freaked me out (mainly due to me watching them late at night [gotta love recording a few episodes])
View attachment 30671 Though The Twilight Zone has a pretty awesome theme song.
Had to make the joke... But seriously, I have never had this problem (mainly because it is hard for me to give physical gifts to my girlfriend.
It is British. By that logic, it is already more awesome than most American shows.
Sadly no. That is not the one. But that does look funny. To be honest, I have never seen a Doctor Who episode. Ever.
The one where the good doctor seems to be standing in the desert and gives a quirky smile.
Why does your signature make me think Dr. Who is thinking "B*tch please."?
Happy Birthday! Spoiler
Bronies For Life! I don't usually post much. I just skim everyday. Are you going to BronyCon in June/July this year?