Dark Chocolates. Mmmmm...
Main reason I hated milk was for the reason that it was directly from the udders and steamed on the stove. The smell was not my cup of tea to handle. Oh well... =[
I'd tell my 11 year old self: "Pyro...you better put down that cup of tea and go run a mile, then drink a jug of milk. Drink it every night. Other than that...you regret nothing. Go party." EDIT: "Oh, and don't cut your long hair. Plz. ;~;"
Maplestory ftw! Such Kawaii characters... It would've been EverQuest if I had managed to actually start the game. Then I got rid of the disk not knowing what it was...oh well.
It's...got it's ups and downs. It's rather addicting, I won't deny that. I actually do enjoy playing it; both for actually playing it as well as keeping up with the chat room buddies I have made there. It's evolved a lot from its earlier versions, mainly the fact that leveling has become less of a hassle. It's still difficult; nonetheless, it seems more fun and faster now. I do see the difference in the population of players. Many maps lay empty from time to time, save the "training rooms." I'm raising a Wild Hunter and an Aran currently...I'd made the Aran in hopes I can get into her character seeing as I'm cosplaying as her in Anime Expo 2012. I've basically fallen in love with her. :lolface:
I guess the idea would vary by different people. Some would consider it cheating, others would say you're on the green since you beat the game. As I personally see it, I do believe it's not cheating. You did beat the game before hand. Now, you are focusing on trying to jazz up the game to either have some fun or challenge yourself. So at that point, using codes is alright. So, if it were me in your position, once I beat it...I'd go all out and mess with the game till I grow tired of it. As for your second question...I'd say this too vary by people. Some would use strategy guides as they technically do talk about the game's mechanics more than actually give you a straight forward answer on how to beat the game as per your understanding (as Machina above me pointed out). Then there are those who don't believe in any kind of help, even if it's a strategy guide. Using them is not cheating, ofcouse, but such said people would feel that they are cheating themselves by looking at anything that would make the game any easier. But that's their issue. In a nutshell...neither is cheating.
I'd say +1 to this. Mainly because of all the problems and unavailability of the user cp thing. An annual one would be nice. I was not here for this event (if I can call it that) last time...so I'd like to see it happening while I am active. So it's got my support.
Yup. I'm sure you do...
o: GIVE! lol I've the tendency to disappear from KHV from time to time. But I'm always on DA. :3 If you're collecting art...I can certainly...
It carries a lot of memories. ;~;
Good to know. =]
Wow...I said that in regards to the number of times it died despite its revival. What does it mean when you constantly revive a game in hopes to run it for a long time, yet it dies within a few weeks? Shouldn't that imply that the game's been milked for all its worth already? Golden days = when we had 10+ players, or the "honeymoon phase" of the game when omg everyone wanted to play. *facepalm*
I <3 to beat my kids. :/gasp: Where's my eldest, Absol. I've a brick for her.
I find amusement in my stalking people's profiles and etc. I love it when I find out info that was meant to be "hidden." xP Maybe I'm being too...
LOLZ. So suggestions now are enforcements? I cannot suggest to keep something as is? Who did I enforce it on? Where did I say that? Every post I merely stated that IMO the previous version was better. Not once did I enforce that it should not be revived or changed. I said it's better to leave it alone as a whole. Not to mention I agreed to the reviving from time to time to avoid boredom. It will keep it interesting. Every moment, I stated my opinion. Isn't suggesting things the point of gathering ideas before finalizing something? Hence the whole concept of "let's talk about it, hear suggestions and we'll come to conclusion." I stated mine. Others have stated theirs. If I've supposedly enforced the "keep it the same" then everyone else have also supposedly enforced "let's change it."
You cannot eateh FAIA'!!!
There's not a single ounce of enforcement for "You cannot change the game in any way or revive it." in any of my posts. It's my SUGGESTION. I never said "omfg you gaiz better not change it or you gaiz will killz it hurr hurr."
Ah...M'kays. =] Just curious. lol I came across a lot of contradictions while using my stalking skills. x3