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  1. Princess Luna
    Every situation differs per person, the circumstances, as well as how parents discipline their kids. From what I see in your case (and if I were the one in your shoes), I would disobey. I've been on the same boat before, and still am, so if an opportunity came up where I can spend some time with some friends I've not seen in the longest time, I'd argue and rant till I milk a yes out of them. Whatever your parents' decision is based off on, it can still be changed depending on how you balance your argument. As per your sister and brother, I see no legit reason to hold them against you to stop you from seeing your friends.'s merely one night. Not like you're leaving for a week.

    It takes a lot to hold oneself back from friends when living that far apart. Often, a little disobedience and being able to hold your argument can earn your the respect from your parents as you grow up (shows that you can make your own decisions, more or less**). If all works out, they wouldn't object to a decision you make next time. This is your chance to earn that point, even if it results in some punishment in the end.

    **This would depend on if your parents believe in letting their children make their own decisions at the age of 18---if that's your real age. lol

    [EXAMPLE (in a nutshell): When I was 15, my parents tried to make me go to a party. Didn’t want to go. Disobeyed and stayed put, and disregarded their yelling for me to get ready. They left. I stayed home. They grounded me for 3 months. But the next time I said I didn't want to go. They didn't press me. So it earned me the respect point of listening to me next time...despite my punishment. It's up to you to judge if your parents would react the same way. My parents are rather strict.]
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 23, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  2. Princess Luna
  3. Princess Luna
    I know someone will be out to steal my mojo. Because it's the best kind of mojo there is. Mojojojo. lolroflmaololwut?
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 23, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Princess Luna
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Princess Luna
    But I know someone else will make a thread before I finish and ruin my mojo.
    Thread by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Princess Luna
    I has it. *sniffles*
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. Princess Luna
    Ah, that makes more sense. Since I wasn't here last time I wasn't quite sure of how to rate the lagging problem. This clears it up. Thanks mucho mas.
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. Princess Luna
    1. Blankets: It's a great graphic novel. Easy to read and such a great story. The amazing artwork adds more to it.

    2. Sookie Stackhouse Novels: HBO Series based True Blood on this, so it has mature content, but it's an extremely good read. If you like vampires, you may find it to be really good.

    3. Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: This is more like proverbs and collection of [very] short anecdotes. It's something to really contemplate on as you read each verse. It was a required reading for one of my classes...but it's definitely worth sharing.
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: Literature
  9. Princess Luna



    BLANKETS by Craig Thompson

    This is an autobiographical graphic novel by Craig Thompson. It's written and drawn by him, which of course it just amazing. The book tells the story of Thompson's childhood in a rather religious Christian family and community, his first love, and his early adulthood. I really enjoyed the book and it covered a lot of "deep" ideas of how a child feels as he grows up. It's non-fiction absolutely difficult to put the book down till you read the last page. I would definitely recommend this book...both for the story, and for the amazing artwork.

    An example of a page:
    Thread by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Literature
  10. Princess Luna
    "Magic ponies" or not, it's got more to with an actual story than just girly-fruity-magical-friendship moments. It's not expected to be everyone's cup of tea, but I would urge to at least give it a chance. Kids enjoy it for the colors...I assume. Others enjoy it for the great plot and character development.
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Princess Luna
    Yes, please...don't do that. It's annoying and rude. It really can suck the fun out of a game in less than a second. Online RPG games should be left far from cheats and hacks.
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  12. Princess Luna
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Princess Luna
    I am so surprised to see this here, and the amount of likeness for it. I thought I was the only one. This show definitely caught me by surprise. My sneers and dislike for this all fell apart as I sat there watching the 3rd episode of season 1. I laugh my butt of watching the show, and the next thing I know I'm watching with my lil sis everyday online. It's NOTHING like how I'd ever imagined it to be. IT'S GREAT! Wittly humor, sarcasm, dark humor, dark plot, girly's got the perfect dose. It's created in a great way and I do thank Lauren Faust for this. A lot. She's made the show a pure genius.

    I'm so glad that they are making season three...because I'm definitely NOT tired of this show at all. I wan more. MORE~ :lolface:
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Princess Luna
    *dances* :3
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. Princess Luna
    I bid $500!!
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Princess Luna
    oh man... tulu's demon pic would've been perfect D:
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Princess Luna

    Candy Corn

    it's 'cause you're so speckled to us. <3
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Princess Luna
    Where IS [​IMG] anyway....?
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Princess Luna
    My cat's totally ninja.

    Thread by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Princess Luna sad. =[
    Post by: Princess Luna, Oct 22, 2011 in forum: The Playground