Holy fuck...I need to go to BevMo. o.O Spoiler
7 out of 22. Bawwwwwww~~~~
Eve (Parasite Eve) VS. Kerrigan (Starcraft). You talked about it with me before. I think it's a good match.
Seriously? :/gasp: That's pretty cool, buddy. :3
Can I be best man?
Oh my...Welcome to KHV Toonmore~ I would definitely have to sit and watch your vid. I've always wanted to do something like that on my own, but procrastination got the best of me. Hope to see you around, dude, as well as more vids if you're still up to it. I'm sure a lot of members would appreciate it. :D Hope you enjoy the site!
A little addicted, I see...
Dearly Beloved Remix by Unknown Artist.
@Kisala: Avatar: 7/10 Sig: 9/10 I really love that sig. Makes me lol every time I see it. x3 Also kind of reminds of Cardcaptors for some reason. Meh. Gah! Ninja'd!!! @Namin3: Avatar: 7/10 Sig: 8/10 That face is always a win. lol
There are PLENTY of Disney movies I've not seen. But "classic" classics include Fantasia & Dumbo. Never seen those. I'd be more than willing to watch Fantasia, but after watching Bambi, I don't think I want to watch Dumbo. lol
It can be summed up this way: "....*enter name of disney movie*.... 2" I don't think I've come across any of the sequels that I liked. Tho this strictly applies to all the cartoons, such as Bambi, Mulan, Cinderella, and etc. The actual movies (with actors and actresses), there are some ups and downs, so it's 50:50 on that. I can't quite think of anything but Perhaps PotC can serve as an example. The fist was amazing. The second was good, but the third and fourth kind of killed it. Now with the talk of a fifth movie (idk how credible it is, I've only heard rumors), it's really pushing its limits. Imo, it's passed its limit after the first one.
You and I both need to catch up. Still on Season 1, Episode 15. /fail. x3 As for favorite pony...it's just so hard to decide. But I can't help but melt when Applejack does her kick to harvest the apples. An "Aweee~~" never failed to leave my lips every time a kick was involved. She's just so darn cute! The southern accent, the mane & the tail style, the hat, the freckles...aye, she's definitely my little pony. Hah!