Sailor Moon x Naruto. I'm sorry I looked.
Cite evidence that these people actually are healthy. Regardless, I am merely trying to draw a parallel to similar cases of mental instability, that can be perhaps closely related to each other. I am not stating that cases of possessiveness and OS is essentially the same. Similar cases do tend to point more to the theory that it can be considered an illness.
A khv member. Omgi'msosmart.
D: You're aliveeee~~ Good job, btw...for getting your EE's done. /late
Being too possessive about your partner is not healthy either. Do tell me how OS patients are not similar to those who are possessive about their partner compared to one who is definitely in love with their laptop, perhaps. OS patients love their objects, to the point where they refuse to part with it. Similar case, a hoarder loves his/her objects, and refuses to part with everything he/she happens to own. One vs. many? OS patients are possessive about their object in case and refuse to let it go. Similar case, an obsessed and possessive man/woman is unwilling to let go of his/her partner. Inanimate vs. living?
It's always sad to see a veteran KHV member leave. I may not have talked to you much, but I did know you to be among the few lively members here, and that always perked up KHV. I am sad to see you go, but what must be done must be done. So good luck with your school and your baby. I do give you my best regards. Hope to see you around KHV in the coming future. VETS ALWAYS MAKE KHV SHINE!~ You were one of the lights. /sappy. But I really do believe in it. Toodles~
It's isn't the same as hoarding, but similar to it. Object sexuality is another line of having too close of an emotional attachment to one particular object versus more than one. As per "hoarding women," a male or a female may not hoard their partners, but there are extreme cases of possessiveness. Replace a said OS patient's object with a human being, and you would see something similar to obsessive and possessive tendencies.
^ THIS (to both posts. pretty much sums up what i had in mind.) I do believe in the whole "to each their own," concept and ideology, but if I observed such behavior, I'd relate it to hoarding and classify that as an psychological illness. Of course, it isn't natural, and I would obviously not intervene with his/her "love affair," but I'd hope he/she receives medical attention. Hoarding simply comes from the fact that one is too emotionally attached to the object to part with it, and developing intimate feelings for an inanimate object too closely resembles that. It's unhealthy both for the said person's mental stability as well as his/her physical health.
D: what about texts?
I'm guilty of this one. I like blocking out all sounds when I'm listening to my iPod. But on that note, I do not like it when people blast their music during a party. It's really not necessary that you should max out your volume and let the entire neighborhood know that you are throwing a party. But what irritates me the most is that the music doesn't stop till it reaches well into the AM's. 1 AM. 2 AM. 3 AM. People are sleeping, yes?
Lol. I came to say bye, but it was too late. >: Sooooo...Welcome back! I'm glad all is in order for you. xP (inb4block yus!)
Welcome to KHV my little pony. I do hope you'll enjoy your stay. Be nice and no kicking. The speed limit is 55 MPH. Now that that's over... I am your master! Obey me or I will banish you to the moon too. And cover the earth in eternal darkness! >: Spoiler