I'm saying someone else said that. And that they were wrong to say so. I worded it badly sorry.
Is is pretentious if you really are better than everyone else?
Me neither that's why I'm asking you guys.
Me's meaning on teh forums. But good nuff.
We'd know caring is a personal matter. Roxas was a phenomenon. But like an moth to a flame he like crashed and burned. Icarus, that's what he did. He pulled an Icarus.
That means sexy's back!
So who? Or this one If you find this funny then you're as ******ed as me. Believe me that sucks for you.
yOU ARE VERY WELCOME. Damn caps lock. Yeah, you could also see many other things but that's just how my logic predicts the situation came to be.
This might get bad soon. I don't like the looks of this. That's the trouble with these polarized situations.
Dude made some peeps come here and conduct a bogus experiment. Not at all.
Whatever. I liked Roxas as much as any of you but I just can't get into the moping and complaining. So just like let go maybe? Not trying to be argumentative but it's over it, happened and that's how it is.
Something makes sense now and that ain't it. Hint hint
Na na na na na na na nana na na nana na!
Well. Only one thing we can do now. Dance on his grave to katamari on the rocks. What do you guys think?