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  1. TAFKAA8
    You're right Lord Guan invented it it was even supposed to weigh over a hundred pounds. I doubt that though.

    Hand to hand? I'm not sure. Ny dad teaches me his own original style. It's based off of the concept of negating range advantages by taking the inside. My teacher in class is Shorin-ryu. He however teaches sport karate as well as self defense compatible techniques. I'd say I've taken some of that some from movies and boxing and tried to combine it. So I don't know if it's good having never been in a real fight. But, at half power it's useful against black belts in sparring. Only thing is I can't continuously block well.

    Weapons I'm self taught all the way.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. TAFKAA8


    iTumor! Now I can listen to mp3s through a convenient nest of tumors liquifying my brains!
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. TAFKAA8
    You don't get me do you?

    Thank me for relatively ******edness. Thank everyone else for extreme ******ation.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. TAFKAA8
    See what I mean kiddies?
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. TAFKAA8
    Nopers. I've never used one. I think they're expensive, am I right? Also, finding a decently weighted one seems like it'd be hard. I hate wushu weapons. They feel like they have no mass at all. It's hard to make them work without a perception of where they are. I do know how to use one though. In theory. It should be like a spear and a sword combined as far as base theory goes right?
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. TAFKAA8
    Personal opinions are for losers. Meaning most of the world is made of winners.
    Thread by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. TAFKAA8


    I made it up. Sorta. It was based off of what some guy actually did in history. You know except for the modern references.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TAFKAA8
    They scare me. There is a hooked blade no threat for me. Theres a crescent hand guard, a bit on the hard side but I'd deal. Third, there's these huge spikes coming off the pommel. They each are like five inches long and are sharp. I'd impale myself. Anyways like I said two swords are really worse than one for most people. BTW Training rope darts have no blades, just the same weight and shape. That's what I've got.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. TAFKAA8
    I saw that coming. But, I don't care. I'll do as I like this is the free world. Heh, if you're not in one of about two hundred countries.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. TAFKAA8
    The first thing I read with no replay value.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. TAFKAA8


    I was reading something about a dude. It totally sucked for him. He won this really cool prize but his parent/ guardian took it away. Then he stormed off to his tent and sulked and listened to rage music for like three days. Then when he came out to see his cousin he got run over by a truck. I think his name was like A- Albert. Something like that.
    Thread by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. TAFKAA8
    So that's what happened. How long ago'd he disappear? I have a skewed sense of time. It was probly only like a week ago.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. TAFKAA8
    I honestly am not talking all about this. I mean when people who will go unmentioned act like because it was the admins that did it it was obviously justified and right. Nevermind. I just don't like this kinda thing.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. TAFKAA8
    I hate it when people suck up. Sure I withhold a lot of things as not to get people mad at me. If you knew me at all I'd be banned for a number of things. But, you shouldn't try to act like the staff members are like gods. When it all comes down to it they're people, just like anyone else. And people are flawed. Like my grammar.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. TAFKAA8
    could be anything. I think people are getting bored or something and going to other sites. 'Cause although people do go on vacations and trips but that doesn't account for everyone. I could be wrong. I've been known to be.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. TAFKAA8
    Murder Weapon.
    Light show maker.
    Meat tenderizer.
    Electrical conduit.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. TAFKAA8
    I assumed too much of him. After all the craziest people live on islands.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. TAFKAA8
    He's stealing internet? Xaldin is a bad man. Probly a wacko too. Can't trust those islanders.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. TAFKAA8
    Nice. Only thing is. You mentions meteor hammers (cool and deadly) and steel whips(I assume) they're really hard to use. I'm good with a sword or spear. Knife... eh I'm alright. But I can't for my life do much with loose weapons. They have good power and range and speed but the time it takes to learn much less master is just not worth it to me. But, to each they're own. I like rope dart a little better. It doesn't hurt as much when I hit myself.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  20. TAFKAA8
    I'll decide tomorrow, but I think I know what's gonna win.
    Post by: TAFKAA8, Jul 13, 2007 in forum: Archives