Ashley- Is that so? Who are you trying to impress now Joe you know teasing vampires will only end in blood shed. You shouldn't ever try to get...
*Continues to cry telling my lifestory for no reason.*
Spoiler Ep 2 of season two the end credits it reminded me of Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix the picture
*Walks in the corner to begin crying.* Goddamn Animals ruining everything
Ashley- Greetings Joe if I'm not mistaken you getting ready to change?
Could it be possibly someone to hug and hold on to tightly
I get that much but I can't help you if that's all you say
Windy-*pushes Ashley to Joe, grabs Rosey and heads into a changing room with her.* Rosey- WHAT THE HE-*Voice muffled by Windy* Ashley-*Bumps into...
Welcome aboard I'll be your captain because you aren't the only one. Tell me what is getting to you.
Yep yep so how are you doing these days Madame Em
Windy- I have no ideas :p Rosey- Damn airhead -.- Windy- Ignoring Mrs.Deforest the reason I have no ideas is because Ashley is the key to all of...
Perfect and absolutely of course you still are able to Madame Em.
I like that I hate Cavities, but I protect things that cause em freaking sweet Thanks Madame Em.
Dr. Want you to get cavities so I protect the Candy!! PERFECT
Protector of all things sweet call me the... Masked Guy who protects stuff :/
Kim-*Blushes seeing you again started a bit.* Oh y-yes I'm fine thank you for asking.*Not ignoring the Vampire who is walking in the distance.*
I'll take your word for it then Madame Em
I don't know its been a while since I've gotten into a serious fight. If its for my snacks then I will kill all :D(Within reason ^^")
When you say that you do get these are cartoon characters right? Meaning no matter where we try to hide them it will be found
That's gonna be a hard task to do I like to hoard the candy after I get it.