Nothing much, people on this site were pissing me off, then when i decided i wanted to come back, my internet stopped working.
What are you up to right now?
Omg!!! This is still going!?!? Over 500 posts!?!
LOL SALAD!!!! (yes, i'm werid)
crappy. ^_^ thank u for asking. hbu?
yeah, godzilla didn't stand a chance..... *eats cookie*
lol sorry ^_^ just mad right now.
Ur u using a wireless router or wi-fi usb connector?
I guess. I live in district 4 of my state. SO WHERE IS FINNICK!?!?!?
This is still going?
I'm sorry. If u ever want to talk i'm here for ya bro. *hugs*
Waiting for the cruel world to stop pissing me off. >_<
*sigh* i just thought i would do this for no reason, and i am not starved for attention. mods can just close this then.
Just a game where u give a reason for banning the person above you , U start ur Sentence with "Banned Because" and state a reason it could be something like "Banned because your avatar is weird" or "Banned because my computer crashed" or pretty much anything. ("Banned because cookie monster is GOD" lol) Good luck peoples!
lol, what's up?
WELL most people probably don't care but... 1. PG-13 2.Don't be TO evil with ur questioning Ask Away!
Pizza! Tacos!
I meant that your looks different to ME.
Well.....i really don't know.....