I've been on and off all day i think i need to get off again.
Feel good? Tried that on singstar.
What are you up too other than making me a very happy person?
whoops! don't tell him i did that... *nervous laugh*
You rock!! Thank her for me too please!! You are so awsome!
LOL. Um, i apoligize..
Okay, i'll try thanks!
I also have a cat. But he does his own thing. I really love him though! *huggles kitty*
Cool. I don't know him i don't think though..
KBMJ is right!! That is definitly the order, oh, we can't forget the hemi cuda's!
You know someone who can shrink pictures to regulation size for my sig? Someone drew a picture for my signature, and then it was taken out saying...
:sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy: SLEEPY
Hey, what's up? ^_^
puppy!!! i love dogs!! (i have never met a dog that didnlt like me) i have 2 but i want to get another one, maybe a german shpered...
yup. i was pissed off.
lol, me too, i have hidden talents...^_^
No prob, i don't know how the site works yet, but contact me!
Okay well, if you have a working wireless router, you shouldn't any problem connecting. On a game, go to wifi settings. (Usually on main menu)...
What are ur hobbies?