hhmm... i have yet to figure that out..
lol. other countries must think very highly of us.. *throws you a belt*
lol, i can't do that. quote Toshiro then!!! I wanna see!! I wanna see!!
* grabs hand* thanks.
yeah, no clue at all.... *slips and falls on butt*
hhmm... i have so much trouble with names...
lol, we are the kids of america, i wonder what other countries think..
lol, it is was an awsome idea!
nah, food is portable and so is my laptop.
talking to you. i haven't eaten much in a couple of days so i'll probably go eat some breakfast.
lol, i have had one cat hiss at me on the street. I have a cat that is mad about me. 4 dogs that are mad about me too.
lol, never heard of any of them but YuGiOh i like naruto too. but definitly not as much as bleach!
lol, not really, there is always more to do. I have free time right now for example, when i could be working but i choose not to lol.
lol, i love animals, i have never met a dog that didn't like me. I had went over to this one guy's house, and his dog was known to bite people but...
I work for an old lady, a young lady, and a crippled guy at random times. ( i make my money off of odd jobs, karate and tutoring) I love my dogs...
yes. thanks. hbu? have a job?
Thank You. hbu? play any sports or are you into any thing like that?
yes! so in other words, AM muscle kickes butt!
Black. I hate no know takes karate seriously anymore because it has been turned into a sport.. what i do is REAL self defense that i have had to...
Yes, anything i want i have to pay for myself. ( i was the only teenager without a cell phone and i got fed up with it. the lap top i am using is...