Yeah, well watch. You'll surpass me in less than a month. :p
Not sure. But the third one's still viewable through Amber's sig. :p
Yeah. He's a pain to live with. Constantly a thorn in my side, but at least he's honest. :p As for those machines... :blink: I wouldn't know anything about those. Since this is the fourth castle, all the machines are pocket-sized for convenience. They work with energy bondage and sensory ticklishness inducers. And I'm not sure what you're talking about. :huh:
Don't worry, I know better than to overestimate myself. My ego (aka Evil DF) can tend to be overpowering and overwhelming sometimes, but I'm constantly trying to keep a realistic view of what I can and can't do. Evil DF is the bane of my existence, yet I wouldn't be who I am without him. Just like Roxas is with Sora or Namine is with Kairi or Xemnas is with Xehanort or Riku is with...whatever fangirls want him to be with (currently Xion, amirite?). :p Different as in you should totally put that in your User Title. :p "DF is my squishy, lovable pervert" or something like that. :rofl:
It's "procrastinator." :p
Knowing that I made a cute girl blush and have her heart pounding rapidly with just my sweet, dulcet tones is such a confidence booster. :D
Ah. That reminds me I have two final drafts of an essay due on Tuesday. :dead: Fortunately, I've already got drafts done and got them back....
I'm doing good. Enjoying my hypno-powers. :p You?
Almost. I forgot to add the "Official" in there. :p Wow. When you type it up like that, it sounds...different. :p And why would I tickle you in the Castle when I can do it in real life? ^_^ You know you still adore me.
Yo! How's it going?
I'm KH-Vids Girl Hypnoknismolagniac. It's what I do. :ninjacat:
And when it's warm, I get to see said tanktops (and shorts)! :imslow:
I'll be here, don't worry. Now get some sleep. Just have a good day at school and if any problems occur, I'll be here to listen. :D
Love ya too, cutie. x3 Whenever you want to be hypno-hugged, Pactioed or tickle-tortured, I'll be here. ;)
She was wearing her summer stuff. I was SO damn speechless. :sweat: Thankyees. And technically, neither of us have been romantically physically kissed... ...yet. It'll happen eventually. :3 If I didn't adore you before, I definitely adore you now. And YOU seemed to enjoy that. X3 Anytime, cutie. Anytime. Sure you didn't. I improvise! I didn't know what I was going to say until I said it! True, but you're an adorable one. 8D I could actually see you trying to make sense of the tickle burst of minty freshness. It was like you were going like "Will you just hurry up and tickle me already?! I haven't got all day!" :lol:
6-Month Anniversary Last night me and your Kookie Kween celebrated our six-month anniversary of us being an official couple. :D Basically, my gift toward her was the best hypno-hug/huggle/cuddle/snuggle/Pactio that she had ever experienced. Her gift toward me was letting me hypno-tickle the giggles out of her while she was wearing her summer clothing. It was the best night of our lives so far (or it was one of mine at least). :woohoo: My absolute favorite part was using the insanely large equation to multiply your ticklishness into one omniepicultimate burst. Your reaction when I started using parenthesis and exponents on infinity made it all worth the effort when you finally burst out laughing your head off. ;)
Other than if you had a great day? Yeah, pretty much. :3
Alright, just remember what I said and you should have a really great day. ;)
Don't worry. Kinda like what Kairi said to Naminé once in my fanfic. "Never around when you want him, but always there when you need him." :p Wait...did that even happen yet? :sweat: Now get some sleep and I might see you in your dreams. ;)
Don't worry, cutie. I'll be here when you return. :glomp: Just remember to keep your chin up, giggle and grin throughout your day. And don't forget the deep breath whenever you feel stressed. ;) Oh, and tell me if the suggestions worked or not. x3