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  1. Destiny's Force
    "Does it matter whether this is a dream or not? Pain is pain. Fear is fear. Reality cannot save you. Welcome to your nightmares."
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 20, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Destiny's Force
    That's just it, though. You've already been hypnotized more times than you might think.

    You know that feeling of dazing out? Completely focused on something that you're not paying attention to everything else? Daydreaming?

    That's hypnosis. And using the right techniques, you could be put under. Especially if subconsciously you want to try it, but just won't admit it. :p

    If you're ever interested and own a webcam and headphones, PM me. ;)
    Oh yeah. I've seen a few of them in action.

    I haven't had a chance to try anyone else outside of Ambrosia other than one or two people, though....:(
    Well, I suggest that you don't worry about it and just let it all happen. Although, it's still fun to freeze you in place and tickle the crap out of you. :lol: We both know how much you enjoy it. X3
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 18, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Destiny's Force
    Well, I've done decades of research and only months of practice. That and the fact since I've been doing it almost every single night made things a lot easier. :3

    But it's a pretty satisfying experience when I can tickle poke her in a waking trance without touching her at all. As tempting as it is to do things like the growing tongue bit, I'm kinda limited on what I'm allowed to do since I'm not there in person in case something goes wrong.

    The only suggestions I really do is the "Feel it" suggestion where she feels *almost* anything I suggest. That can range from ice cubes down her back to tickle pokes in every ticklish spot on her body. The reaction's pretty much the same.

    Of course, there are a few places that won't work since they're off limits and despite how deeply hypnotized she is, she's still in control of what she feels. :p

    So, the sleep trigger and tickle pokes are pretty much what I limit it to. Don't want to bite off more than I can chew.
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 15, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Destiny's Force
    Unfortunately, Nekane's VA's been busy with life and stuff, so it's been kinda hard to finish the thing without her. It's understandable. She's got enough to worry about as it is. This was just a side project for the forum anyways. Unless someone else wants to volunteer for her part.

    And Asuna never got back to me with the revamped lines, so I'm not sure where we stand on that.

    Other than that, unless there are other people on the forum that want to volunteer for the parts we need replaced, it's on standby for now.
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 14, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  5. Destiny's Force
    Skin colored. You can never go wrong with looking all natural. ;)
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 13, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Destiny's Force
    Actually, I prefer using my "Matrix Flight" ability, but teleporting is fun too. :3

    Oh, and I still can't believe I finally got the sleep trigger to work. It's pretty fun when you just drop in the middle of yelling at me and you forget what you're talking about when you wake up. X3
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 13, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Destiny's Force
    Who eez theese Destineee's Fouce?? :sigh:

    *teleports away*
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 11, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Destiny's Force
    Isn't the whole reason for wearing a bra in the first place is so that breasts don't sag later in life? Other than that, there really doesn't seem to be any non-societal reason to keep them covered.

    If you think about it, there really aren't any real difference between the male breast and the female breast. Believe it or not, the males' are just as sensitive to touch as the females'. They maintain the same function of showing signs of sexual arousal. One's just more noticable than the other.

    Anyway, the female chest is just as natural as the male. There's probably going to be the male tendency to reach out and touch them, but let's face it. It's only because they're curious and uninformed. Moobs and boobs are pretty much the exact same thing. There's no difference in texture and feel other than a few stray hairs.

    Who knows? Maybe in a couple of decades it'll be allowed. Woodstock had bare breasts. Nudist beaches/camps/colonies have them. It'll probably just be a matter of time before it's more widely accepted.
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 11, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  9. Destiny's Force
    Don't know. Free time doesn't seem to be in good quantity at the moment. It's pretty much up to whoever's left to work on it. :huh:

    I mean, I still have the materials and resources to continue. It'll just be on standby until interest picks up again.
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 11, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. Destiny's Force
    Okay. Since everyone's busy with life and such (me and everybody else), the project's on hiatus until further notice.

    If anyone's still interested and available, contact me via PM.

    As for right now, I hope everyone has a great and properous summer! :)
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 10, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  11. Destiny's Force
    Creativity Corner.

    If I weren't so distracted by...:sly:
    Post by: Destiny's Force, May 8, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Destiny's Force
    Technically, he was kinda dreaming, but not really. The "dream" was more like his memories being uploaded, flashing through his head as he slept. It's not like he was cyrogenically frozen.
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 30, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Destiny's Force
    And now we find out the YouTube account is back. Go us! :woohoo:
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. Destiny's Force
    Except he wasn't in suspended animation. The pod was just there to give him back his old memories. It wasn't created to stop his body from aging.
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Destiny's Force
    Was KH really for a male-oriented fanbase? Yeah, you get a couple of pantie shots from Kairi and Naminé's dress could just be a towel, but other than that, it seems more like the more males in the game, the more guys fangirls could choose from to create ambiguous yaoi pairings. :sideways:

    It's not really sexist if it's widely accepted by both genders alike. And I think it was more oriented toward the 12 and up gaming fanbase regardless of gender.
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Destiny's Force
    What are you still doing up, cutie? I thought you had a test you had to rest up for. :huh:

    And I miss you too. ;)

    Okay. Well, it looks like Arial to me, so I don't know how cool it looks or anything. :sideways:
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 28, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Destiny's Force
    Mine would have to be the Negima! Final Mix: KH-Vids Edition coming out within the next few months or so.

    The one they currently have out now sucks. (The first series "Negima!", not "Negima!?") :sideways:

    I say our forum can do better. :)

    Initial thread: I need voice actors, mostly females...about 31 different female voices.

    Current progress: Negima! Final Mix: KH-Vids Edition
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Destiny's Force
    I thought you were an electric mouse... :blink:

    BTW, where did you download the "marker felt" font? Because to me, it looks just like ordinary Arial text...
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Destiny's Force
    I did warn you, cutie. :bored:

    Oh well, I hope you get to take a nap when you get back. :p
    Post by: Destiny's Force, Apr 27, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Destiny's Force