that's my biggest gripe as well. its' the reason i still play Mortal Kombat with my friends. i wonder if it would be possible to add that through DLC[/quote]
that's not really surprising to me. the game seems pretty mediocre if the demo is a good representation of it. the wii u gamepad features are actually pretty clever, they were a good idea. it does a good job in creating an atmosphere and it genuinely scared me quite a few times, so i think survival horror fans might like this, i on the other hand find it too intense for me, lol. but the lack of plot and character development is VERY off-putting to me, as well as the fact that it takes WAAAY too long to kill anything. you're going to be wacking at the same zombie for quite a while before it dies. the game does scary well, but i don't think the actual gameplay is that fun. also, isn't survival horror a very niche interest? so it wouldn't be that surprising if it didn't sell well.
i like both quite a lot. i loved Super Metroid so much, the exploration and ending were really awesome. i really didn't like the Metroid Prime games, i couldn't really get into them. but Other M, i LOVED that game as well. i like what they did with Samus and the gameplay was true to the 2d while evolving it in a way that felt right. there were a few nitpicks with that game such as limited exploration and stupidest reason for Samus to lose her powers. but overall, i really liked Other M.
the code you want is the Model Mod, this is the code Normal Sora has Limit Form's Model 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 4631484B
you're going to have to use all USA codes. none of the current codes on your cheat device will work if they were taken from the European website of Codejunkies. you should be able to get the proper codes in the US version of the website.
oh, that explains a lot. those codes Skiller hacked were for the USA version, you're looking for PAL codes. those codes haven't been hacked for PAL unfortunately.
i was pretty neutral with him before. like i liked that story about how he allegedly pistol whipped a kid during laser tag, and then said that lame "less hazin more lazin" line. but lately, he seems to have turned on this "******" mode.
it usually means your Master Code is wrong. these were used for the Codejunkies master code.
well, i say yes and no. i guess it would be easier to state certain situations i think they should and shouldn't. for example, a parent should not be pushing a kid to be a doctor or a politician if that's not what the kid wants to be. but at the same time, i'd be understanding if a parent intervenes when they notice their kid becomes an alcoholic or a drug dealer.
it's possible to fix it, but not really worth it.
same here. i'm hoping for a return of the Mirage Arena, that made BBS so much fun.
i think you can play with the Boss warp codes to acheive that effect. i'm not sure what the values are though. but Theater Mode kind of makes hacking a code for that a little pointless
here Hero Have All Magic XRA1-2AZH-0RV6K UTYG-AZ2A-9JK4K Yangus Have All Magic 3VYR-WW6B-CQ136 V4UH-DVAE-WJK33 Jessica Have All Magic HTEE-EYN0-7JXH5 R73U-EY93-QPDUA Angelo Have All Magic DMKF-W7C0-821BY GTED-FQ28-24KFW cant' really convert the Monsters ones, you're best off converting those one your own.
found this shot of Skyloft stage, from IGN's website. which looks eerily similar to a mod version
i'm probably in the minority here, but i think the in-game model for Sora looks a little weird. its' kind of an awkward hybrid of the CG version and the PS2 playable one.
another playable character confirmed: The Coach from Wii Fit Source: i certainly didn't see that coming. it's pretty weird if you ask me. also, i THINK i saw Skyloft from Skyward Sword as a playable stage in one of the screenshots, but i can't seem to find it again. i'm also expecting Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening to be one of the Fire Emblem characters this time around.
it's not all good news, apparently you need to subscribe to Playstation Plus to play online games on PS4. it's disappointing, but not a deal breaker for me.
i don't know actually, i'm not sure what World that place is in actually (or if it's a world of its' own) you need custom firmware on your PSP. if you need to install that, you should Google that, there are sites out there that have more thorough guides than we can provide. after that you'll need CWcheat.
you can download Codejunkies codes using the included Max Drive software on your PC. as for the codes, i got them from Skiller of Codemasters Project who hacked the game years ago. hope these are what you're looking for, i'm not sure how they work because i don't even have this game, lol Hero Have All Magic 20409898 FFFFFFFF Yangus Have All Magic 20409900 FFFFFFFF Jessica Have All Magic 20409968 FFFFFFFF Angelo Have All Magic 204099D0 FFFFFFFF Monster Party mod Spoiler Majin Breakers (Name mod) (For advanced Cheaters) 2040E6D0 ???????? 2040E6D4 ???????? 2040E6D8 ???????? 2040E6DC ???????? Belly Bruisers (Name Mod) (For advanced Cheaters) 2040E6F0 ???????? 2040E6F4 ???????? 2040E6F8 ???????? 2040E6FC ???????? Party Slot 1 1040E770 0000???? 2040E710 00FF???? Party Slot 2 1040E772 0000???? 2040E718 00FF???? Party Slot 3 1040E774 0000???? 2040E720 00FF???? Party 2 Slot 1 1040E776 0000???? 2040E728 00FF???? Party 2 Slot 2 1040E778 0000???? 2040E730 00FF???? Party 2 Slot 3 1040E77A 0000???? 2040E738 00FF???? Reserve 1 2040E740 00FF???? Reserve 2 2040E748 00FF???? Reserve 3 2040E750 00FF???? Reserve 4 2040E758 00FF???? Reserve 5 2040E760 00FF???? Reserve 6 2040E768 00FF???? Digits Spoiler &Monster Digits 01F4 = Smiles 01F5 = Slime Shady 01F6 = Tori 01F7 = Metaly 01F8 = Healer 01F9 = Curer 01FA = Metababble 01FB = Slimehopper 01FC = Hori 01FD = Hev 01FE = HackZilla 01FF = Potbelly 0200 = Orcus 0201 = Klub Kong 0202 = Dumbking 0203 = Faunus 0204 = Nightwing 0205 = Orrid 0206 = Spike 0207 = Fat Cat 0208 = Mechabubo 0209 = Sippy 020A = Slurpy 020B = Sugi 020C = Twiggy 020D = Archfiend 020E = Archer 020F = Sagittari 0210 = Fletch 0211 = Hazel 0212 = Brontes 0213 = Steropes 0214 = Arges 0215 = Pa Troll 0216 = Capers 0217 = Hork 0218 = Deadnoble 0219 = Jockey 021A = Bones 021B = Skeledoid 021C = Jewelbag 021D = Talos 021E = Roborg 021F = Cybot 0220 = Nohi 0221 = Goldman 0222 = Brickman 0223 = Stoneman 0224 = Blizag Jr. 0225 = Jack Frost 0226 = Flameman 0227 = Torchman 0228 = Moppet 0229 = Dolldrums 022A = Seasaw 022B = Hoodwink 022C = Lonely Joe 022D = Bush-W. 022E = Robster 022F = Squiggles 0230 = Octurion 0231 = Big Al 0232 = Cowboy 0233 = McHammer 0234 = Salsa 0235 = Foul Fowl 0236 = Bladewolf 0237 = Mornstar 0238 = Bishop 0239 = Frillsaur 023A = Gryphus 023B = Spot 023C = Snap Case 023D = Scorpius 023E = Trick Bag 023F = Doug 0240 = Clio
i certainly didn't see that coming. especially because of that tweet from David Hayter about not losing his voice.