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  1. EvilMan_89
    the Wind Waker bundle is an awesome deal! i seriously need to stop buying video game consoles before price drops or new/better models come out. i think this is like the 3rd time that this happened to me, lol. but i bought the Basic version for $240 so i don't feel too bad about it.

    i never really thought it needed a price drop but what the hell, good news for everyone i guess. i wonder if they're going to do what they did with the 3DS when they had a price drop, with that Ambassador Program.

    also, that image is broken by the way
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  2. EvilMan_89
    i believe you can just insert all 0s for the ? marks.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  3. EvilMan_89
    i don't think anyone could've predicted this was coming. the price is pretty good though but that's about it. i think the design is pretty ugly but that's not exactly a deal breaker. the 3D really isn't essential for any games, though it does make everything look better. does it have the same screen size as the 3DS XL?
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. EvilMan_89
    there's ability mods in an attachment in the front page. you can add the Max skills that way
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. EvilMan_89
    what made you think that would impress a girl? because that's a pretty weird way of of doing so, even for a 10 year old. also, did it work?
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 26, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  6. EvilMan_89
    you most likely need to update the firmware. i know with the newer games, there was a patch to use with BBS and other games after that.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 22, 2013 in forum: Technology
  7. EvilMan_89
    when i was 5 years old and in Kindergarten, i walked home by myself. my parents usually picked me up and and i noticed they weren't there, so i decided to just walk home. apparently, my parents arrived a few minutes later and panicked when i wasn't at the school. the teachers and my parents were panicking because they thought something bad happened to me. some hours later, my parents came home and yelled at me for not waiting for them, lol
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 20, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  8. EvilMan_89
    some thoughts on some random bullet points:

    i like that price drop for the Vita. i noticed that it was $200 on Amazon this morning, i thought it was just a sale. also, it's great that they're dropping the price of the memory cards for Vita, would love to know how much they'll be. i've always wanted a Vita, just waiting for a price drop and more games (so far, i only really want Persona 4 Golden).

    the 12 GB version of the PS3 seems a little ridiculous. i know it can be upgraded, but won't that fill up really quickly by patches and install data alone?

    weird for a Watch Dogs movie when the game isn't even out.

    the PS4 release date: sooner than i would've thought.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  9. EvilMan_89
    some gameplay videos have surfaced. they were taken at the arcade test locations in Japan. i got these links from a website called Dustloop

    Persona 4 Arena Location Test // Elizabeth vs Junpei 1

    Persona 4 Arena Location Test // Elizabeth vs Junpei 2

    Persona 4 Arena Location Test // Elizabeth vs Junpei 3
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  10. EvilMan_89
    huh, i suppose it'll be like Labrys as opposed to Shadow Labyrs. though i didn't think Shadow Labrys would be back given the events that happened in the game.

    also i didn't notice it before but it seems like they are using more of a Persona 3 style color scheme in the HUD. by using blue instead of yellow.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  11. EvilMan_89
    this is awesome news! i didn't think they would create a fighting game sequel to P4A. even though the events from P4A were hardly resolved, i thought it would be some material for Persona 5. but this works too.

    though, i 'm not too crazy about Junpei's present look. it took me a while to warm up to Akihiko and Mitsuru's present day appearances so maybe i'll change my mind.

    as for this rumored 3rd character, i don't think it would be Minato (well, Persona 3 players should know why i have doubts) even though that would be awesome.

    i hope that's true. it is certainly possible for a DLC way of doing this, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 is also doing something similar to this with an DLC expansion method or new disc. so it's a possibility.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  12. EvilMan_89
    a cartridge of Zelda and SNES cartridge of Chrono Trigger. sadly, the Chrono Trigger one seems to have something loose inside of the cartridge. if you turned it a certain angle, the save data will get wiped out, lol.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  13. EvilMan_89
    that's pretty disappointing. it's actually one of the best aspects about Brawl. the cutscenes did a great job of being interesting despite having no dialogue whatsoever. i hope there is at least SOMETHING to replace it. hopefully, nothing as lame as Playstation All Stars story mode -_- i also hope there are character unlocks in this game, i think it's pretty lame to start out with every single character right the get-go.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jul 28, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  14. EvilMan_89
    surprised i made it to 10

    1. life is more fair than we give it credit for. i get so much crap for thinking this with people saying stuff like "well, what about people who get cancer?". which is why i say "more fair", not "fair". i do believe we have a lot of control over what happens to us in life, and i kind of think that people who are always spouting about how life is so unfair is just using that as an easy excuse for whatever issues they're not handling on their own. i feel that unless something really bad happened to you that you had no control over, you shouldn't complain about life being so unfair.
    2. protestors are really annoying. they block the sidewalks, they are really loud, and i think the majority of them don't know what the hell they're talking about.
    3. the whole "stick it to the man" attitude is stupid.
    4. Resident Evil 6 is a good game. not sure if that's unpopular, i kind of think that most people like it but it's just a very vocal minority that makes it seem like everyone hates it.
    5. bikers should ride on the sidewalk instead of getting their own lane. bikers slow down traffic by so much and quite a few of them break so many rules while they're at it.
    6. most internet commenters are very close minded despite how they pretend not to be.
    7. internet atheists can be really annoying. we get it, you don't believe in God, you don't have to keep making comments about it on facebook or reddit. these people make me embarrassed to be an atheist.
    8. Metal Gear Solid 4 is one of the most overrated games ever.
    9. it's better to watch shows in your own native language rather than sub-titled (if you can help it). i think most people who say that the foreign dub is better only think that because they don't understand the language.
    10. parents should stop trying to be their kid's friend.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jul 25, 2013 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. EvilMan_89
    guys, have you even tried the game? i played the demo and watched some of the trailers. the game screams mediocrity, so the fact that it didn't sell well might be on Ubisoft and not on Nintendo. even the trailers make this game look pretty lame. i mean, i know it's no secret that the Wii U sales are pretty down, but this game doesn't seem that good. though, i could be wrong about that since i didn't play the full game. so it would be nice if someone who actually did weighed in.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jul 24, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  16. EvilMan_89
  17. EvilMan_89
    those leaked images for the menus look so much better than the ones in the final game. the ones we have are pretty boring and too generic
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jul 22, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. EvilMan_89
    for All Abilities, disable the code as soon as you see that it worked. you could save the game and then restart without cheats. or if on an emulator just disable the code and everything should be fine

    for all drives unlocked, try one of these. the press R2 ones, don't work on emulator by the way. if you still can't unequip it, try using the code and then disabling it once you see it worked

    All Drive Forms Unlocked

    20340E28 FFFFFFFF
    20340E2C FFFFFFFF
    20340E30 FFFFFFFF
    10340B24 00000029
    10340B74 00000029
    10340B9C 00000029

    Unlock All Drive Forms (Press R2 and change maps)
    E006FDFF 0035B55C
    20340E28 FFFFFFFF
    20340E2C FFFFFFFF
    20340E30 FFFFFFFF
    10340B24 00000029
    10340B74 00000029
    10340B9C 00000029

    Unlock All Drive Forms (Press R2 and change maps)

    No MP Charge (AR MAX)

    No MP Charge (RAW)
    201A0568 10000006
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  19. EvilMan_89
    Play as Mickey

    Mickey Has 60 HP

    no idea what you mean by All Boss Battles
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jul 21, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  20. EvilMan_89
    i like this announcement. my favorite game in the series. though, while i like Heihachi (he's my main) i also wish they could've included Spawn and Link as well. Link was the only character who could shoot so he brings something new to the game.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jul 20, 2013 in forum: Gaming