it seems like you guys are focused on KH1FM. but something i was wondering about was 358/2 Days. do you guys think it would be possible to mod the DS version of the game to have the HD version's cutscenes in place of some of the text scenes? i'm going through the HD movie and it leaves quite a few gaps. so i figured it would be awesome to have the PS3 scenes modded into the DS game to get the entire experience some how. i don't have any experience with creating mods so i wouldn't know where to begin or know how difficult it could be. thoughts?
i had trouble on this part and on Ansem. it took me 2 hours to beat Ansem because he kept killing me in 1 or 2 hits. so yes, i agree that the topic creator should level up and get new equipment. also, get Aeroga if you haven't already. it requires you to get all of the Dalmatians and a Yellow Trinity in Neverland. but its' very worth the trouble.
dumb name, but good news! it's too bad they showed us nothing about the new guy. i like the new attacks that they gave the old characters. it also makes me wonder how they adjusted the balancing of the characters as well.
ok, reading everyone's posts about starting a new thread. i guess we can hold off on that until you guys have someone a little more substantial to release. alright, we can do this whenever you guys are ready. say when :)
glad i was able to help. thanks for testing it, will add it to the first post then.
hey guys, would you guys like to start a new thread for this? the reason i ask is that i noticed it's a little hard for newcomers and people who haven't been following the thread to see what's been done and hard to find download links to current patches and such. so i figured that whoever is doing most the updates can start the thread and turn that first post into a progress and links thread. how do you guys feel about that?
i ported the fly anywhere code a while back but no one ever tested it so i don't know if it actually works Press R2 to Fly Anywhere (KH1 Final Mix) E002FDFF 004E42DC 002C8130 00000008 002C6510 00000008 E002FEFF 004E42DC 002C8130 00000000 002C6510 00000000 but i can't port the other code, i don't have whatever dumps i used to port codes to this game anymore (and also never owned this version of the game)
i liked the movie, but for some reason never liked him in KH oh and the background finally changed. it just randomly had one of the KH keyhole transitions and it turned to Olympus Coliseum now EDIT: oh god, it always starts off with the Aladdin one when you turn the PS3 on.
if it makes you feel any better, you're not missing out on much. if i knew the artbook IS the case, i probably would've bought the regular edition to have a normal PS3 case.
when do the backgrounds change? mine keeps showing the lame Aladdin one, lol
is there an easy way? he always hits me while i'm hitting him >.> those colored flowers that change depending on the spell used on them? what ARE they used for? i don't think i ever figured it out myself also, i thought i was going to go blind while playing in Destiny Islands. that place is so damn bright, lol. i'm glad the brightness mellows out a little after that point.
it's 2013, and i still can't beat Squall the first time in Traverse Town, lol
not really interested to be honest. since Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix came out today, i'll use that to play the game in English :)
my guess for him intentionally leaving issues is to see who is a good tester? i'm guessing he wanted to make sure people were being thorough with their testing and not just skimming around.
nice guide! it included some tidbits that were news to me.
huh, being able to play Vita games on a TV. that' s pretty awesome! i would totally get one though it seems a little weird for Sony to release that $100 Vita TV. doesn't that kind of make the actual handheld less attractive? well it does for me, can't really speak for anyone else.
i'm not sure why that is. i don't know if there is a workaround for that. sorry
that's awesome news! i'm still crossing my fingers for Link as well even if it's unlikely.
oooh right, i completely forgot about that. thanks for clearing that up
wouldn't they be the same as what they were in the US version?