huh, i'm not sure why that is unfortunately.
i just never touched the profile, so i guess that might be why. i also like to remain anonymous on the internet, so that's a secret :) i'm sure i...
joker the code, for some reason it freezes if you don't so use this. press R2 anytime after you load your save file and then it should work perfectly E002FDFF 0034D45C 21C95674 00303031 21C95678 00000000
that's pretty cool. i like that you can stream the games everywhere. and it's an ok substitution for no backwards compatibility on PS4.
you would put in your codebreaker, select the cheats you want. put in Swap Magic instead of KH2FM, and THEN use the swap method for KH2FM
once you activate the HP codes, deactivate them. leaving them on the whole time will cause the infinite HP stuff
this looks awesome! i always wanted a more action-oriented Zelda game. it kinda reminds me of Soul Calibur Legends for Wii, but it's not really clear which controller(s) you will be using with this game. it's interesting spin-off game, i presume it's not the main Zelda for Wii U. but i like it and am looking forward to it!
that's pretty awesome! i didn't expect that even though the Mario Galaxy stage was added in before. she looks like she plays like Ice Climbers.
it's just a card break that has to occur almost immediately after an opponent plays their card. its' really simple to do, just wait with a 9 or 0 and just press the attack button the moment you see the opponent put up their card.
i think it's just a phase we go through. i think it's just a time in our lives in which we think we would be judged by "hanging out" with our parents.
sorry to say it, but i really don't know what the issue is.
it'd help to post the exact codes you used. it's be much easier to figure out how to help
joker the HP codes. otherwise, their HP will always be set to the value you set it to be.
well, Sora didn't have any new scenes in Final Mix so it wouldn't have mattered for Haley Joel anyway. except the Xemnas one which they used recycled lines for. the only new FM scenes were the ones with Riku whose VA they had. though i do hope they dub the 2.5 remix scenes as well. there were ALOT more new scenes in that one.
i hear that DMA codes don't work well with Xeeynamo's patch, but i don't know if that's one of them that works or not. i think anything that isn't DMA will be fine though.
i say why not? they had the VA and they touched upon quite a bit of other things, it's not like they just threw KH1FM in as is. i don't think it would've been too far out of their way since they were doing brand new dubbing for 358/2 Days anyway.
it's in an attachment called "ItemsEquipmentDigits", i know it's a weird place to have them. for whatever reason, Items, Equipment, and Abilites use are in the same list of digits. it doesn't really work out. the abilities shown in the Form's ability list are there for show only and have no actual effect on gameplay (except the Growth abilities and Antiform's "No Experience" ability)
these ability mods should do it, but they will overwrite the first two abilities you learned though. Skill Mod 1 1032E074 0000819F Skill Mod 2 1032E076 000081A0
i noticed it during that scene. it was weird, it was pretty blurry at times and then crystal clear again afterwards. well they had David Gallagher for the 358/2 Days scenes, so they could've had him voice his FM scenes. i don't think he sounds TOO different than he did in KH1. anyways my thoughts on 1.5. it was good other than a few nitpicks. my list of nitpicks include: 1. no remixed music for RE:COM? i thought it was weird that they used all the old soundtracks for that game even though Final Mix had the new ones. the new ones sounded better (it's also one of the reasons i really like this collection) 2. the reaction command being the same button as the Assist button for your allies. i'm conflicted on this one, i like that they made it triangle to open chests and talk. but it can be annoying accidently using Sonic Blade when you just want your allies to come to you. it's not game breaking but still mildly annoying. 3. the no show fights in 358/2 days. we would see the characters prepare to battle but then the fight would be over after a brief pause that looks like a commercial break. it's weird, they could've had brief fights like some of the ones in RE:COM. or they could've at the very least shown Roxas slash at his opponents or something. 4. no Theatre mode for KH1 FM. i thought it was weird that this game didn't have it. i guess it was coded too differently than later installments? 5. not sure if this one is a legitimate nitpick but. was it just me or was this game like SUPER bright? i had to lower the brightness on my TV because it felt like they were trying to make me go blind -_- 6. no recolored Heartless in RE:COM. a minor nitpick, but after having them in Final Mix, it sort of creates a disconnect between the two games. i guess the lack of remixed music also contributes to this disconnect. that's all the ones i could think of. it was in no particular order. they're all nitpicks of mine and none are really deal breakers for me. i thought that 1.5 was pretty good despite those tiny things and probably some other things that don't come to mind right now.
it doesn't work that way for PS2 games though.