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  1. EvilMan_89
    that box art looks pretty sweet, i like it.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 25, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. EvilMan_89
    huh, should there be battle noises for 358/2 days when it's not a playable game?
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 24, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. EvilMan_89
    i don't really like the fact that they're trying to use again. it's pretty lame the way it's used in RE6 and how it's the only way to unlock certain costumes.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  4. EvilMan_89
    it's on the first page in an attachment, here is the code with the full digits

    BGM Mod
    10347D34 000000XX
    10347D44 000000XX

    the first line is for gummi world map, town music, and boss music
    the second line is for normal battles

    *indicates that digit is exclusive to Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ only

    31 and below= no music

    32- Station of Serenity.
    33- Station of Serenity Battle
    34- Twilight Town (Sora's story)
    35- Twilight Town Battles (Sora's story)
    36- TWTNW
    37- TWTNW battle music
    38- Port Royal.
    39- Port Royal Battles.
    3A- Freeze
    3B- 1st Armor Xemnas Battle
    3C- Dash to the Unknown
    3E- Twilight Xemnas Battle
    3F- 13th Rememberance*
    40- Christmas Town*
    41- Christmas Town Battles*
    42 - The Other Promise*
    43 - Rage Awakened*
    44 - Cavern of Rememberance*
    45 - CoR Battle*
    46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    46 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    47 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    48 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    49 - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4A - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4B - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4C - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4D - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4E - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    4F - Nothing (Plays regular music during boss battles)
    50- Freeze
    51- Freeze
    52- Mini-Game
    53- Nothing?
    54- Agrabah Battle (super fast)
    55- Space Paranoids Battle
    56- Freeze
    57- Xemnas Battle (the one in front of the skyscraper)(hangs the game sometimes)
    58- Music when Sora awakens
    59- Reunion (one when Sora, Riku, and Kairi reunite)
    5A- Music when Riku removes blindfold (i THINK)
    5B- Kairi's Theme
    5C- New Journey
    5D- Evil Music (when the Villians plot)
    5E- Solemn Music (when Sora finds out what happens when he uses the keyblade)
    5F- No Hope
    60- Happy March (when Maleficent and Pete die in TWTNW)
    61- Silly music (like when Sora visits Santa)
    62- Bad Omen
    63- Longing (when Kairi is taken from her home)
    64- Underworld Music
    65- Beast Castle Music
    66- Underworld Battle Music
    67- Olympus Coliseum Theme
    68- Beast Castle Battle Music
    69- Nothing
    6A- Under the Sea (sometimes hangs the game)
    6B- Ursula's Revenge (background music) (sometimes hangs the game)
    6C- Ariel's Song (background to the one she sings in the cave)
    6D- Conclusion Song to Atlantica (background music)
    6E- Large Boss Battle (like against the MCP or Jafar)
    6F- Chaotic Battle (used in 1000 Heartless event)
    70- Land of Dragon Battle
    71- Swim this way (background music to "swim this way" in Atlantica)
    72- Nobodies attack
    73- Special Boss Battle (like against against the Experiment in Halloween Town)
    74- Land of Dragon Town
    75- Annoying Battle (like against Pete or the Hyenas)
    76- Twilight Town (Roxas story)
    77- Twilight Town Battles (Roxas story)
    78- Arena Battles
    79- Mini Boss Battles (like in Beast's Castle during first visit)
    7A- Atlantica Tutorial
    7B- Atlantica Tutorial (when you do something right)
    7C- Same as 7B
    7D- Conclusion to Atlantica Tutorial
    7E- Nothing
    7F- Agrabah Town
    80- Agrabah Battle
    81- Atlantica Town
    82- Neverland Clock Tower (KH1 never sounds in KH2)
    83- Ambush (battle music for most scripted battles)
    84- Ending to Beast's Castle (when belle and beast dance together)
    85- Yen Sid Tower
    86- Twilight Town battle (Sora's story)
    87- Space Paranoids
    88- Space Paranoids Battle
    89- Gummi´s World Map.
    8A- Gummi Menu
    8B- Gummi Construction
    8C- Under the Sea (this one doesn't hang the game)
    8D- 100 Acre Wood
    8E- Gummi Victory
    8F- Disney Castle.
    90- Halloween Town
    91- Struggle in Hollow Bastion
    92- Roxas' Theme
    93- Atlantica Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2)
    94- Gummi Launch
    95- Halloween Town Battles.
    96- Disney Boss Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2)
    97- The 13th Struggle (Organization XIII battles)
    98- Hollow Bastion.
    99- Hollow Bastion Battles.
    9A- Port Royal
    9B- Port Royal battles (hangs the game)
    9C- Ansem Final Battle (KH1 never sounds in KH2)
    9D- Nothing
    9E- 100 Acre Minigame
    9F- 100 Acre Minigame (when riding the broom thing)
    A0- Nothing
    A1- Nothing
    A2- Evil Music (when Villians plot)
    A3- Bad Omen
    A4- Olympus Coliseum Mini-game
    A5- Nothing
    A6- Bad Omen
    A7- Bad Omen (this one can be used in worlds as well)
    A8- Bad Omen
    A9- Bad Omen
    AA- Nothing
    AB- Nothing
    AC- Nothing
    AD- Nothing
    AE- Nothing
    AF- Shocker Music (like when Maleficent revives)
    B0-B8= Nothing
    B9- 13th Dilema
    BA- Pride Lands Theme
    BB- Pride Lands battles
    BC- One Winged Angel
    BD- Timeless River Theme
    BE- Timeless River Battles

    it seems everything past BE is nothing but it was only tested until D5 which all turned out to be nothing
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  5. EvilMan_89
    1. you would install custom firmware and CWCheat. both of which you can research on google (there are good instructions out there for both)

    2. CWcheat

    3. once custom firmware is installed use a program called Remote Joy Lite
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 22, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  6. EvilMan_89
    eh, i like it capitalized though :)
    Profile Post Comment by EvilMan_89, Jan 22, 2013
  7. EvilMan_89
    this is pretty awesome if it happens. i played the 3DS version and i think it's THE greatest 3DS game out there. i would even buy it again if they added things that weren't in the original release, like maybe have split-screen co-op for Raid Mode.
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 17, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. EvilMan_89
    you want the music mod which is somewhere on the first page
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 13, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  9. EvilMan_89
    summoning mod changes which summon you are currently using. each value points to a different summon. it's not that useful in my opinion.

    that code makes it so that the game doesn't crash if you're using more than one main character. without that code, the game would crash if you tried changing maps.

    the names of those codes are a little deceiving. the status mod kind of turns a character into a another character but not really. like, you can give Sora Auron's status, but he plays the same except is named Auron and has his abilities/stats. the moveset mod, changes a character's weapons as well as your combos depending on which movesets you use.

    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 10, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  10. EvilMan_89
    i don't think there's a code for that. we tried hacking that code and we just didn't find a way to make it happen

    we don't know of an easier way to do this right now. for now, you kind of have to make a new code for each thing you want to summon

    you can use the Boss Warp codes on the front page to return to 1000 heartless battle. you can mod enemies but you have to hack a completely different code for every object you want to replace, and for every room -_-. but it's not really possible to mod the enemies in 1000 heartless, from what i heard it crashes the game after a while. i don't think it's possible to make the enemies in that battle unlimited either

    using ps2dis (a program that is downloaded), and PCSX2 (an emulator that can give us memory dumps).

    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 6, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  11. EvilMan_89
    i would like a pin as well
    Post by: EvilMan_89, Jan 3, 2013 in forum: Community News & Projects