縁図 = ベリズ = Veliz
Oooh, my kanji name. xD 茶手利。 Oh and I saw your mum with your sisters yesterday, she seemed happy to see me.
It was the combo part of Clannad.
It's true that people can say very truthful things when they are drunk, it's also possible that they over dramatise things. Maybe what his real feelings are is that you're a good friend and usually good friends tell each other that they love them? Maybe he just over did it? I've seen guys cling to each other crying and saying that they loved each other, but they both had partners.
I'm bored, should of seen the gif I found yesterday searching Clannad.
Because it's 6:20pm here.
Lol, I'm looking up Mio avis for you.
That's the point, the girls will swoon... or guys. Here 'freshman' is grade 8. Until I was in grade 10, it was only the grade 8's, then it was grade 9's, then the rest of the school was acting like little brats.
I'm surprised that it's real. We just ***** about them until they learn to grow the hell up! They are majorly immature here.
Get a makover, dress hot, and everyone will swoon.
Hero/Heroine - Boys like Girls
I just bought Final Fantasy on my phone! Just need to get Harry Potter now.
I've never noticed that, but you do have the nicest voice, I don't think anyone will ever complain. I love to sing.. when everyone is out of the house, I sing like mad. I dance too! If my family is home, I have a habit of singing in tune to adverts. I'm apparently 'meh' worthy though.
More like you are dragging me there. Haha! Nah, I wanna go!
Haha, they can't make pancakes.
He made a wish on a star?
Oh! We silly Australians didn't get that game! How'd he end up in TT anyway?
I thought that Riku ended up in Traverse Town.
Liiiiiina, sexy sexy, Liiiiiiiina.
Crumpet Doomple Mixzle Mompz Floop Mipples Andog Rawr You probably realised that I just smashed the keyboard a lot.