Thank gawd my dad now understands facebook. My mum on the other hand still hasn't figured out how to use Google, though I've explained it about a gabillion times.
My cat ran over my dog and made out with my brother.
It does! I've decided to buy them instead of reading them off the internet, which doesn't seem to be an option anymore. I think the next one I...
I guess I'm still young enough to whinge that I don't want to be a teen
What's it like being an adult, my lady? xD
I was wondering why my post count came back up.
Gash equals good or bad?
Watch out. Keep talking like that and Admins are gonna get evil on you.
It depends on how well the dubs are, most times, it's subtitled, but with shows like OHSHC, they are perfect and I barely watch it in Japanese. I have to admit I didn't like the voices for Fruits Basket in Japanese. Yuki sounded waaaay to feminine.
With movies, it just throws you into the story, with games, it lets you sink yourself in and get to know the characters. At first, in FFXIII, I didn't like Snow. I thought he was big headed and idiotic, running around pretending to be a hero. I've grown to like him now, and with his relationship with Serah, I can't stop thinking about how cute they are, though I was origainally thinking, "Oh my god, how can she date him?" though she is like half his size. In movies, you're just thrown in and it takes about 20 mins to got from "Err" to "Ohhhh!" I dislike that, it makes me very bored, very easily. I also loved the Tidus/Yuna love story. It was perfect until the end. Expect SE to expect something and give us something different and dramatic.
I've got Latias.
I'd be happy too, could you wait until next week though, it's at my dad's house.
I accidently msiread that. Me bad!
Oh wow, that's huge, and I spent the whole night hiding from a bee.
So no hermaphradites allowed?
I'm jealous of everybody who's turned eighteen this year. All my friends can drink and I'm stuck at home watching the Simpsons. I have to wait another three months before I'm legal.
Just in case you become a transexual.
I found a similar one. I could use that! We could still be twins!
I hated the gummi ships. I always just put canons and stuff onto it if I needed it. I only ever used Highwind.
Ohmygosh! I was just about to use your avatar as my avatar. >.<