My first thought was if there were no Disney characters it would pretty much just be a FF game. And if FF was missing it would probably be like Disney universe.
Never noticed this before.
Amusing. But the joke was mostly ruined for me due to Nomura's interview: — Speaking of the previous titles, about when do you start thinking of the ‘next title’? Nomura: It’s a gradual process. When Kingdom Hearts was in production, I was considering ideas for Kingdom Hearts II and Chain of Memories. And when those two were in production, I was thinking of ideas for the next three, 358/2 Days, Coded, and Birth by Sleep.
What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Cool. And I appreciate you including the menu trailer in the first Kh video, especially since I think Simple and Clean got muted.
Lol, nice.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
VANI <7 You're welcome. But now I wonder when I stopped counting as anyone.
That could work, I just thought it would be weird if they ignored 8 games worth of information in favor of trying to start off slowly again. And yeah, anything is better than Sora's Kh3d level of intelligence. I know that feel, as I'm usually the one disagreeing.
Even though story is probably my favorite part of Kh, I was thinking about how it might be hard to keep up with the new saga the other day. And so simplicity might be nice, although that could possibly rob some experiences from older fans.
Better than having no ears. Lol, I think it's different for each person. But I don't feel that strongly either way, so I dunno. I KNEW IT
I actually don’t have ears you insensitive jerk. But feel free to argue with these, Dumbo: Greg Kasavin of GameSpot felt the background music was appropriate for each setting. However, he complained that the music loops were too short and repetitive.[56] "I could probably go on and on and on about the great compositions on this album, but I think I've given an adequate description of what to expect from Kingdom Hearts OST. Actually, even though I find this album excellent, I still feel that this is one of Shimomura's weaker albums overall. Sometimes you get a little fed up with the happy-peppy feel of it. While not a new "Front Mission" or "Legend Of Mana", it is still great, no doubt there whatsoever." "The in-game soundtrack is pleasant, melodious, and most of all fitting for the various situations in which it plays. There are a few downers -- again, surprisingly enough, the Halloween Town music is weak -- but overall it's one of the better soundtracks Square has done in the past few years." "I also wasn't quite as enamored with the soundtrack to this game, as its songs don't strike me as being as resonant as those in the original Kingdom Hearts. The overall soundtrack isn't bad at all, though -- far from it. The tunes inspired by the different worlds you'll venture into are great. Still, the original Kingdom Hearts soundtrack is one of the most remarkable I've heard in any video game, and I was hoping that this would match it."
Hell yes, more Kh ftw.
Well played. But I forgive you.
I meant that I wondered why it got canceled.
You did. And good job.
Would buy.