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  1. Fearless

    Art Tutorials


    Rules | How To Critique | Art Shop | Competitions | Help

    Need to learn how to draw something? Looking for references? Hungry for art books? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

    Here, you’ll find an extensive list of tutorials gathered and made by members, for members, over the many years that the KHV Arts and Graphics section has been open. Please, feel free to peruse our collection, and if you have something you’d like to add to the list, go ahead and make a post!

    Happy drawing!​

    Body Basics

    Human Anatomy

    Guide to Drawing The Body by Majnouna

    Guide to Drawing Body Types by Cedarseed

    General Human Anatomy by Andrew Loomis (downloadable pdfs)

    Human Bodyparts

    Semi-Realistic Eye Tutorial by Qinni

    Face Tutorial by shingworks

    Face Tutorial by Fukari

    Bishoujo-Style Anime Eye Tutorial by Illness-Illusion

    Manga Eye Tutorial by Jakuu

    Drawing Hands by Majnouna

    Drawing Feet by Majnouna


    Capturing Pose and Figure Study by fyuvix

    Pose and Character Perspective by Aquafeles


    Clothing and Fold Tutorial Pt 1 by DarlingMionette

    Clothing and Fold Tutorial Pt 2 by DarlingMionette

    Clothing Notes by shark-bomb

    How to Draw Ruffles by Samantha Lewis


    Horse Tutorial by Droemar

    Canine Leg Anatomy by Bonz847

    Techniques for Lineart, Shading, and Coloring

    Traditional Tools


    Shading with Pencil (Plus digital elements) by mythori

    Colored Pencil Tutorial by fog-mire

    Acrylic Paint

    Acrylic Painting Process by paradegritar

    Acrylic Painting Tutorial by miimork


    Roxas Painting Process by Revenant-Wings

    Watercolor Tutorial by Ze-RoFruits

    Digital Tools


    General Photoshop Pen Tool Tutorial by Photoshop Café

    Photoshop Pen Tool Lineart Tutorial by THAZumi (doesn't work with CS6, but works with previous versions)

    General Lineart Tutorial by The Ez

    Guide to Lineart by Cat-Cat (mostly Photoshop, but good general tutorial)

    Lineart in Paint Tool SAI by Lily-Fu


    Shading Basics by Nsio

    Basic CG Tutorial by iDNAR

    Quick and Easy Coloring by vashs-angel

    Realistic Coloring by minties

    Soft Coloring Tutorial by Kitanya

    Full Drawing Walkthrough by shilin

    Pepper Portrait Process by Artgerm


    Elements (Lightning, Snow, and Fire) by ShadowUmbre

    Night Sky Tutorial by Sadir89

    Morning/Evening/Stormy Sky Tutorial by Sadir89

    Word Balloon Tutorial by dynamicsketch

    Miscellaneous Tutorials

    Ploykarbon’s Tutorials for a variety of different basic subjects (also available in Spanish)

    Mark Crilley’s Youtube Tutorials

    What's Next?

    So what's next, after all that? Well, if you have a tutorial to submit, be it one you made or one you found, go ahead and post it in this thread! We'll review it, and then add it to this magnificent list!

    Remember, kids, all drawing starts with a basic foundation. We all start somewhere, so whether you've been painting landscapes for twenty years or you've been drawing anime for two months, there's always more to learn!

    Much love,

    Fearless and The KH-Vids Staff~
    Thread by: Fearless, Aug 11, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Fearless
    I mean.

    It's not untrue.
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 11, 2017 in forum: 2017
  3. Fearless
    ...Okay, these ones are way cuter than the other ones.
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 9, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Fearless
    And again I say;
    Who in their right mind would give Amaury any sort of power.
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 7, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Fearless
  6. Fearless
    Why in the fresh hell would we give Amaury any sort of power.
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 4, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Fearless
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 3, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  8. Fearless
    Sounds good to me.
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Fearless
    Hi there!

    Please keep all your KH1FM questions to the appropriate thread, located over here! We don't allow one-off threads in this section, so in the future, please find the thread appropriate to the game in question. Thanks!

    Post by: Fearless, Aug 2, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Fearless
    ...That was a rhetorical question.
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 2, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Fearless
    What the fuck even happened in here.
    Post by: Fearless, Aug 1, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Fearless


    No, but I am annoyed.
    Post by: Fearless, Jul 29, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Fearless


    Post by: Fearless, Jul 29, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Fearless


    new phone who dis
    Post by: Fearless, Jul 29, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Fearless
    Look, everyone, Tale managed to escape the pit.
    Post by: Fearless, Jul 24, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  16. Fearless
    ...Yeah okay sign me up.
    Post by: Fearless, Jul 24, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Fearless

    First Doctor is my fave classic doctor <3

    also fuck yeah lady doctor
    Post by: Fearless, Jul 23, 2017 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. Fearless
    Hi there!

    Please keep all code requests to their relevant threads. The thread for KH NTSC is here, so you might have better luck posting it in there. Thank you!

    Post by: Fearless, Jul 23, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Fearless

    Welcome back to Daybreak Town! Actually on time for once! Everyone ready to see how your hard work has stacked up?

    In fifth place this week is KHV_Ursus with a total of 3,953,780 Lux! The top scorer was @tamale with 3,951,665 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @O.KnightofTwilight followed with 1,480 Lux, and @Krowley with 635 Lux.

    In fourth place this week is KHV_Leopardos with a total of 6,576,796 Lux! The top scorer was @Scarred Nobody with 3,203,555 Lux—about 49% of the party's earnings. @Noizless followed with 1,580,468 Lux, and @Haseo with 1,124,426 Lux.

    In third place this week is KHV_Vulpeus with a total of 12,173,767 Lux! The top scorer was @Xephos with 8,417,220 Lux—about 69% of the party's earnings. @Randy kelly followed with 3,659,331 Lux, and @Fearless with 47,066 Lux.

    In second place this week is KHV_Anguis with a total of 17,326,397 Lux! The top scorer was @Explode with 17,308,721 Lux—about 99% of the party's earnings. @Day~Dream followed with 13,049 Lux, and @61 with 4,627 Lux.

    In first place this week is KHV_Unicornis with a total of 21,436,588 Lux! The top scorer was @KHGrl15 with 8,159,230 Lux—about 38% of the party's earnings. @GarrettFinch followed with 7,557,668 Lux, and @Swordsman_John with 5,719,690 Lux.

    1. KHV_Unicornis
    2. KHV_Anguis
    3. KHV_Vulpeus
    4. KHV_Leopardos
    5. KHV_Ursus
    Congratulations to the Keyblade wielders of KHV_Unicornis! Master Ira would be thrilled with all your work!

    Special congratulations to this week's top scorers from each party—tamale, Scarred Nobody, Xephos, Explode, and KHGrl15! You'll all be sent special pins to commemorate your accomplishments if you've not yet received one!

    If you want to join in the competition, you can still sign up for our official KHV parties here!

    NOTE: If your Player ID is not already recorded in the party sign-up thread, please post it there in order to facilitate the creation of these leaderboards every week!

    See you all back here at the fountain plaza next week!
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 17, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  20. Fearless
    What's his favorite dessert?
    How many sisters does he have?
    Who's his favorite author?
    What color is his hair?
    Post by: Fearless, Jul 17, 2017 in forum: Workshops & Recreation