Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Aelin FireHeart @Krowley @Zimmy @VermillionMok @Captain Arch
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: Kingdom Hearts: Recollect (2) Kingdom Hearts SoS (2) The reveal that the Mark of Mastery would be the Reaper's Game (Kindom Hearts SoS) RE: Mario's High School Days Kingdom Hearts- Light Chaser
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @KHGrl15 @VermillionMok @Heart ❤ @⋆cstar⋆ @Glen @NutheadBros @StardustXtreme KHGrl15 Spoiler: Before Luna unclenched her fists and let out a sigh. This girl gonna get on my nerves isn't she? Luna thought to herself. "Was I hitting the ground for no reason before attacked you three?" She put her thumb on her chin and her other four fingers on her eyebrow as she asked her question. Spoiler: After XIV: The Story of Luna Legacy.... Division 3 of 4: Tipping Point ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon arriving at the castle, Luna and Beast had to cross through the entrance to reach the east wing of the castle. What awaited for the two was the royal family which consisted of her parents and her twin brother, Akira as well as Luna's fiance right at the entrance waiting for the return of their princess. As Luna started making her way first, her fiance had spotted her out of the corner of his eye. He turned toward her and began walking toward her as he called his beloved's name. "Luna!" Luna tensed up at the sound of her own name. Luna turned her head slowly to her left. Before she could see anything, Luna was caught in a tight embrace by none other than her fiance. "Where have you been all this time?!?!?! Do you how worried sick I was?!?! Don't you ever scare me like that again!!!!!" Luna stood there listening to her beloved's voice. How long has it been since she could hear his voice? How long has it been since she was held in his arms? As if to pull her away from her thoughts, she had felt water on her shoulder. Her eyes widen at the sudden realization of this. Was he crying? Was this really happening? "Blake....." Her eyes watered up as she heard her beloved crying silently. Before she even knew, tears had begun falling down on her face. She buried her face in Blake's chest and wrapped her arms around his crying form as she herself continued to cry. The two stayed locked in their embrace crying at the sight of each other. Her family smiled at the sight of the two in each other's arms once again as the Beast watched the two from the hallway leading to the west wing. After what seemed to be quite awhile, the two released each other as they wiped away each other's tears. Akira looked out toward the entrance and saw the Beast peeking out from the wall. "Intruder!! Show yourself!!" Akira summoned forth his keyblade toward the Beast. Luna turned around and saw the Beast before turning toward her brother as he started charging at him. Luna immediately jumped into action as she started running toward the Beast. "Akira!! Stop!!!" Luna stood in front of the Beast with her arms spread out to shield him from her brother. "Luna! Get out of the way!! It's an intruder!!" Akira shouted and gestured to Luna to move out of his way. Luna looked down and shook her head. "I will not! He's not an intruder! He's a friend of mine! He's a guest and will be treated with the same respect as you would to me or anybody else in this room! Am I clear?!" Luna looked up at Akira as she cleared up any misunderstandings Akira might have gained. Akira looked back and forth between the Beast and Luna reflecting on his dear sister's words. After a small moment, Akira looked at his sister and nodded his head. He drew back his blade and took a couple steps back. Luna turned back toward the beast and extended out her head toward him. "It's alright now! They're not gonna hurt you. I'll protect you!" Luna smiled as the Beast reached out for her hand. The Beast stepped out into the entrance to greet Luna's family and loved one. The four greeted the Beast with the same respect as if it were Luna or any citizen in the kingdom. Vermillion Mok Spoiler: Before Seo was walking home when he saw an old man walking along the shoreline."Wonder what he's up to" He thought. Suddenly the old man collapsed on the sand.Running toward him Seo calls out "Are you okay"? The man shook his head in a yes fashion and held out his hand. When Seo took his hand the man muttered some," I can feel light and darkness". Confused Seo took his hand back and everything went black Spoiler: After It was an odd feeling that had currently embraced him, a cold and silent slumber to be exact. He wasn't sure just how long he'd been like this, but from what he could feel the surface that he was currently on wasn't the most comfortable of things to be on. This realization, along with the voices of other people had gradually stirred him awake. His eyes fluttered open and took a moment to adjust to their new surroundings. Once they did, the cold feeling that he was experiencing prior made a little more sense to him. He was on the surface of the cave while next to a seemingly broken machine. A closer touch and looked revealed that it was just as cold as the cave floor. Questions started to pile into his head as he moved away from the machine. What's this machine doing here? Why am I here? And who's doing all that yelling? That last question he could answer himself to an extent by looking past the machine he was next too and in the direction the noises were coming from. He spotted two people, one male and one female, standing up and speaking with each other. Out of the two Chrono noticed two different things that stuck out. The first was the odd weapon that the girl was holding and the next being the pin on the man in white. It bore the numeral X. This was when he noticed that he wore a pin of his own with the numeral IV. Perhaps they were connect in some way. Before that he needed to actually speak up in the current situation at hand. "I have some questions as well." His hand that was raise barely visible from the other side and Chrono noticed this soon. Thus as a result he got up from the cold cave ground, stood up and stepped away from the machine. "What's up with that pin of yours?" His finger pointed towards the male's own pin before he motioned towards the one he wore. Heart <3 Spoiler: Before Spoiler: After ⋆cstar⋆ Spoiler: Before Spoiler: After Glen Spoiler: Before IC: Gexln sits down on a small stairway in St. Louis,waiting. This location seems like a reasonable place for a keyhole. I couldn't find anything earlier when i searched,but hopefuly someone else will come to look for it. And if they do....they'll be in for a surprise, Gexln thinks to himself while cleaning his blade. Spoiler: After NutheadBros Spoiler: Before ~Halls of Nintendo High: Let's get to Class without a problem!~ Mario who was on the floor looking up was the first to speak up explaining "Well, it all started when my brother told me that this school had the best food ever, so naturally I needed to check it out...but I didn't know where the Canteen was so I asked that big guy over there if he could tell me where it was, of course then he yelled at me and threw his fist before we got into a fight, sir. And then these other guys showed up and somehow it became a large mess and I never got to eat at all" "In all honesty I'm actually surprised that there could be a mass of fangirls following those boys around if I may interject, and Mario here is your schedule..we have to get to History Class with Mr." Luigi explained before he gently helped his brother off of the ground, he then gave a quick look at Bowser and Shisui and said "I apologize, my brother isn't exactly smart, BYE!" before grabbing Mario and made a mad dash for History Class with Mario being dragged behind. "Oh crud, Kirby we have to go!" Yoshi yelled aloud before he noticed that Kirby had already ran off for his English classes, Yoshi sweatdropped before he ran off to his first class...Mathematical Sciences with Dr. R. Bowser also started to quickly run to his first class while thinking "That kid...he seems to have determination for one that lacks brains, I'll have to test him later" before running right into the History Classroom as well. Spoiler: After Mario's eyes widened as he struggled to push forward unable to move as he said. "What's going on? Why can't we touch it!" Astral's voice soon rang. "It's because I will not allow you to come into contact with that thing..." The brothers were soon forcibly flung backwards into the lockers outside before seeing Astral in front of them clad in a white aura. Mario stood up looking rather angry as he said loudly. "I knew you were here!" Astral merely looked at Mario and said calmly. "And you two have become a liability now for your actions." Luigi stood up asking. "You weren't even there! How would you have known we met Zordon." Astral looked at Luigi and said. "I have eyes everywhere, you should already know that by now." Mario immediatly transformed into his fire state and pulled his fist back shouting. "Enough! We'll beat you down and become the hope of the world!" Mario soon swung his fist at Astral's head only for the S-Type to take the blow and not even move, it didn't even flinch from Mario's attack. Mario's eyes widened in shock. "W-what!?" He kept punching at Astral and even kicked at it before making note of its resiliency. Astral then flung both brothers out of the school with a single hand movement before following them back outside. Mario and Luigi tumbled out onto the ground outside before Astral was right on them with a glowing eye as it said. "The bane of the S-Type existence...power that is unmatched to our kind...power..." It stopped as Mario and Luigi punched it in the head and stomach to no feedback. Astral merely laughed. "You two naive fools....did you really think that all of this is as black and white as you perceive it? This world is corrupt...impure...and yet the people are just as ignorant of the truth of things. WHAT IS THIS JUSTICE YOU SPEAK OF!" Mario and Luigi stood firm as Mario said. "Honestly...considering everything, I don't know what justice is..." The two brothers then transformed into their evolved forms with Mario shouting. "What I do know is that a thing like you who threatens to hurt and kill innocent people is evil enough to eat my feet!" Luigi glared at Astral as he said aloud. "Your kind hurt and killed all those people on Azarath! You don't go around proclaiming you're the light when people like Red Skull, Thanos, and Smaug exist!" Astral looked down at the mention of those names laughing softly. "The Red Skull....Zordon really showed you the former S-Type Commander in his prime, that friend is gone from this world now..." StardustXtreme Spoiler: Before Spoiler: After
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Aelin FireHeart @VermillionMok @Krowley @⋆cstar⋆ @al215 @NutheadBros @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Aelin FireHeart Sample 1 Sample 2 VermillionMok Sample 1 Sample 2 Krowley Sample 1 Sample 2 ⋆cstar⋆ Sample 1 Sample 2 al215 Sample 1 Sample 2 NutheadBros Sample 1 Sample 2 Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Sample 1 Sample 2
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: Kingdom Hearts SoS Spoiler: Samples The Realm of Darkness has a Coffee Shop Spoiler: Samples Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser Spoiler: Samples
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: Kingdom Hearts: Recollect Ten keyblade wielders wake up in a cave with broken pieces of a machine everywhere. They have no memory of how they got to this place, or where this place is. Some people forget far more and far less than that. While trying to figure things out, a mysterious figure going by the name Ria attempts to kill them all, seeming to know them and a lot more about them. Will the heroes restore their memories and defeat this figure, or will they become as forgotten as their own lives are to them? The Realm of Darkness has a Coffee Shop It is 150 years into the future. The plot of Kingdom Hearts III has already happened, and well, Sora lost. The worlds were consumed by darkness and really there was nothing they could do about it. However, despite the fact that it’s 150 years in the future, time has stood still. There are people everywhere who have no idea what to do. In this big realm of darkness, a coffee shop was made. No one is fully sure who made the coffee shop, in fact some people say the coffee shop might be enchanted, or even haunted. But some people decided to set up shop here and now it is a hub of activity. Where crazy stuff happens without warning. There is a rumor that has spread that a new organization is being made to wipe out everyone who is not happy with the realm of darkness being, well, dark. Some say Xehanort is behind it. But some say it might actually be Xehanort’s evil daughter who can control time. The coffee shop owner, Tifa Lockhart, has decided she wants as many heros as possible to come together to defend everyone from these evildoers. Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser Years after the Keyblade War, masters have noticed the disappearance of worlds without a trace. Rumors spread amongst the remaining masters still able to keep contact with each other that there exists a being known as the Light Chaser causing worlds to fall into darkness. In order to keep their students safe and on the move, Masters Atmos and Choma bring their students to investigate a world by the name of Eventide Town. The world is quickly overrun by Heartless and seemingly destroyed by a massive dark entity with the keyblade wielders barely escaping with their lives. Hope to save the worlds from falling seems lost as their power is proven insufficient. That is, unless finding the Light Chaser holds the means to save the Realm of Light. The Serpentine Road In the politically strangled and magical land of Tekal, a thief breaks into a holy tower asked with keeping the portal between Tekal and advanced barbarian creatures from leaking through. The rumors say that one of the High Families of Tekal pulled away from an ancient contract and have essentially broken a treaty. Before anything could be confirmed, a small caravan of commoners were sent down the Serpentside to find the renegade family, only to discover there is more to this situation than even the High Families are aware. RE: Mario's High School Days Fifty years ago an object came down from the heavens and onto the Earth known as the N-Force Relic, inturn attracting the entities known as the S-Type who mostly oppose the Relic and its creator to Earth as well. The People of Earth and the S-Types fought one another for years employing the use of the Relic and inturn the Special Techniques to stop the S-Types until the incident from Seven Years prior caused most of them to stop showing up. Cut to Present Day Tokyo where the populace live and work their seemingly normal lives within the big city even as the terrorist organization called the Crystal Order attacks the world, Students go to school at the prestigious Nintendo High founded by the father of Peppy Hare and ran by the mysterious Al Mualim. Two students named Mario and Luigi arrive at the school only for them and the whole world to be wrapped in a complicated web of government conspiracies, super-heroism, and ancient legends at work as the S-Types return under the lead of Astral Praenunitus. The fate and destiny of the revolution intertwined within the Relic sitting inside Nintendo High. The stage is set in Tokyo, let the Revolution be reborn.
Relli came up from behind Ria, out of quite literally nowhere, and smacked the villain upside the head. "Stop complaining and be grateful that you got on the poll."
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: Kingdom Hearts: Recollect Ten keyblade wielders wake up in a cave with broken pieces of a machine everywhere. They have no memory of how they got to this place, or where this place is. Some people forget far more and far less than that. While trying to figure things out, a mysterious figure going by the name Ria attempts to kill them all, seeming to know them and a lot more about them. Will the heroes restore their memories and defeat this figure, or will they become as forgotten as their own lives are to them? A Prayer for Eden Prayer for Eden is a fantasy based Roleplay which takes place in a world created by angels but later abandoned. Without the angels to protect them, demons made their move on the land, trying to take it for themselves. Since magic, given by angels flourished in the land, the demons were having trouble getting a hold in the lands. One of the demon princes made their way in, in secret and set up four offerings. Using his powers the offerings turned into towers that blocked the flow of magic in the world. Without magic now, demons moved in, threatening the royal families, destroying most but three children. After a few years those children started a rebellion and started gathering people to help them free magic and remove the demons from the world Kingdom Hearts SoS In continuation to the SOS Saga, this takes place when all participating keybladers are thrown into darkness. This arc features the players revisiting their past as well as embarking on the dangerous mark of mastery exam. At this time, Vanitas has sided with Maleficent, Nequa has formed her own Organization XIII, and Aux continues his relentless quest for dark power. With the help of new and old friends, Kaida must help her friends prepare themselves for newer, stronger threats. To make matters worse, Hikaru discovers a very shocking revelation that could change everything. All the while, the enigmatic Master No Heart oversees it all, as things are going exactly as the masked master expected. Can the keyblade wielders become masters and find their way back to the light? Or will Aux have other plans for them...? Kingdom Hearts: Light Chaser Years after the Keyblade War, masters have noticed the disappearance of worlds without a trace. Rumors spread amongst the remaining masters still able to keep contact with each other that there exists a being known as the Light Chaser causing worlds to fall into darkness. In order to keep their students safe and on the move, Masters Atmos and Choma bring their students to investigate a world by the name of Eventide Town. The world is quickly overrun by Heartless and seemingly destroyed by a massive dark entity with the keyblade wielders barely escaping with their lives. Hope to save the worlds from falling seems lost as their power is proven insufficient. That is, unless finding the Light Chaser holds the means to save the Realm of Light. Cosmic Ocean The Galactic Coalition sends out its newest vessel, the Ouranos, on its maiden voyage three years after their previous flagship, the Elanus, was destroyed in an encounter with an unidentified alien race. To keep tabs on the crew and provide additional information on a need to know basis a survivor of the 'Elanus Incident' ex-Captain Irrin Quint joins the crew at the last minute before the Ouranos departs to deep space. While others believe the threat posed to the Galactic Coalition to be a hostile race, he knows it to be something far worse. A plague. RE: Mario's High School Days Fifty years ago an object came down from the heavens and onto the Earth known as the N-Force Relic, inturn attracting the entities known as the S-Type who mostly oppose the Relic and its creator to Earth as well. The People of Earth and the S-Types fought one another for years employing the use of the Relic and inturn the Special Techniques to stop the S-Types until the incident from Seven Years prior caused most of them to stop showing up. Cut to Present Day Tokyo where the populace live and work their seemingly normal lives within the big city even as the terrorist organization called the Crystal Order attacks the world, Students go to school at the prestigious Nintendo High founded by the father of Peppy Hare and ran by the mysterious Al Mualim. Two students named Mario and Luigi arrive at the school only for them and the whole world to be wrapped in a complicated web of government conspiracies, super-heroism, and ancient legends at work as the S-Types return under the lead of Astral Praenunitus. The fate and destiny of the revolution intertwined within the Relic sitting inside Nintendo High. The stage is set in Tokyo, let the Revolution be reborn.
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! Cerdic (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect) Spoiler: Bio Cerdic is very full of himself. He likes to talk about himself and flirt a lot. He is also a bit of a coward and makes monsters where none appear. When push comes to shove however he just wants to help everyone and keep them safe. He might seem like a dick-wad but he isn't as bad as he first seems. Examples of Cerdic in all his greatness. Example 1: Example 2: Literally everyone in KH SoS (Kingdom Hearts SoS) (No Sample) Alder (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect) Spoiler: Bio Alder is filled with MAXIMUM HONOR. He acts selflessly in defense of others even when it would put himself in great danger and even if they have wronged him or his allies. He defended Mora, a young girl blackmailed into trapping him and his allies, from being killed by Recollect's antagonist by offering himself as a bargaining chip. Examples of Alder's HONOR: 1. 2. Lloyd (RWBY: Guardian's Saviors) Spoiler: Bio Lloyd Ashen is a relatively serious and confident person. He's respectful and driven, with little tolerance for idiocy and people being disrespectful. He is dedicated to fighting for people to protect them from a hostile world, and will set aside past transgressions if it means that the individual in question will stand beside him in battle (Within reason). His motivation stems from his desire to help defend his village from the frequent attacks which they faced from the Grimm (Monsters in the RWBY world) despite his father's best attempts to keep him out of the fighting. His goal now that he has left home with the shadow of a serious argument behind him about the issue is to become a worthy Huntsman who can go home one day and be the protector that he wants to be. The above bio in action: Example 1 - Example 2 - Example 3 - Arian (RWBY: Guardian's Saviors) Spoiler: Bio Arian is quite a character. He likes to joke and talk himself up. He tends to flirt and try to bring himself attention even though, as a faunus he isn't always the most accepted. He tries to be a leader, even if he isn't the greatest at it, and doesn't want to listen to anything else. Examples of what Arian is truly like: Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Sailor Moon (RE: Mario's High School Days) Spoiler: Bio A brave, albeit lazy, clumsy, student, Serena is secretly the leader of the Sailor Senshi, a group of heroes who fight supernatural enemies and are well known throughout Japan. She is known as Sailor Moon. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Sample: Hikaru (Kingdom Hearts SoS) Spoiler: Bio Hikaru is a light hearted individual. He constantly worries on the very fabric of any world he visits. While he speaks calmly and rationally at most times, he may end up accidentally saying the wrong thing as a failure of "reading the room". He is the type of person to put the mission first, but has shown himself vulnerable to the fates and feelings of others. Though he tries to stay on top of things, his plans, more often than not, fail to proceed accordingly. Despite new obstacles, he tries to improvise and find ways around unforetold situations to ensure everyone is safe. As he's traveled with his new companions, he's grown to be a lot more easy going, while still keeping his focus. Example 1 (His heart's memories. Discovering he's a replica of Kurt, and that his childhood memories belonged to Aux): (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! Aux (Kingdom Hearts SoS) Spoiler: Bio Goals: - Destroy any bonds to light he has (His former friends) - Increase his knowledge of darkness and harnessing it's power - Recover his lost memories - Destroy anyone in his way Acts of Antagonism: - Linked to killing Bambi's mom and Clayton - Assisting in the kidnapping of Snow White and Belle - Basically beating up all the protagonists and sending them into the realm of darkness - Fought and took down 2/7 members of the order - Betrayed his friends - Sank Disneytown into darkness - Kicking people when they're down. Both literally and figuratively - Stole a time belt to alter timelines and meddle in world affairs Posts showing his past: Example 1 (Home life): Example 2 (Following his grandfather): Example 3 (Following his heart): Example 4 (Helping a Friend. *Before Station of awakening bit*) Posts showing him as a villain: Bambi's world (Sending hunters) Bambi's world (Using Ronno): Beast's Castle (Meeting Hikaru again): Beast's Castle (Defeating Hikaru *Edited to show the image*): Part 1 Finale (Page 322 to this post) Mizrabel (Kingdom Hearts SoS) Spoiler: Bio (Look under "Mizrabel") She's basically The C-list Maleficent. Goals: - Find and harvest pure hearts to keep her young and powerful - Assist Maleficent's Hellfire Club in their plans Acts of Antagonism: - Transformed herself into Horace Horsecaller to try and get closer to Minnie to abduct her - Turned Mickey's friends into crystals - Tried to absorb Minnie's heart - Tried to capture and harvest the hearts of the SOS protagonists - Erased Aux's memories - Implanted false childhood memories into Hikaru Mizrabel's Reveal: Boss Battle: Ria (AKA Aevum) (Kingdom Hearts: Recollect) Spoiler: Bio Who are they?: Ria is an amalgamation of pure darkness created in a freak accident by the main cast of Kingdom Hearts Recollect. They mostly take the form and goals of Aevum (who is now a shell of his former self and goes by the name Chrono), but with a darker and warped twist to them. Goals- *To save their old world from darkness, using darkness. *To have Orphic Coast fall to darkness and use it as a conduit for their power over darkness. *To kill and absorb the remaining members of LIGHT for information as well as power. Acts of Antagonism : *Killed off nearly half the cast of Recollect *Placed all citizens of Orphic Coast (except for one) into a painful coma to use their darkness as a weapon *The one citizen who wasn't was blackmailed into helping him lure the cast into a trap, then tried to kill her as well. *Flooded the world with Heartless *Physically and Emotionally antagonized pretty much the entire cast. *Intentionally withholds Chrono from gaining new memories, and when he gives him a bone he tortures him for remembering. Astral Praenunitus (AKA Astral) (RE: Mario's High School Days) Spoiler: Bio Who are they? Astral is a member of the S-Type species and is the Commander of the S-Type forces who align themselves with the terrorist group called the Crystal Order. It was also originally a member of the forces aligned with the Red Skull and has existed for quite a long time. It has a distinct form of a winged bipedal creature with a star-shaped head made of blue crystal with a singular red eye in the middle that can be made out in shadows. Goals -Destroy the Bane of S-Type existence [the Relic in Nintendo High] and inturn the Harbinger of Providence- -Make sure that the Crystal Order's vision of a new world comes to pass- -Kill anyone who stands in its way- -Collect the crystal souls of the other S-Types and deal with those who rebel against its will- -End the lives of the Jumpman family and inturn Mario and Luigi- Acts of Antagonism -Sent the initial S-Types that first attacked Japan at the start of the story- -Confronted Mario, Luigi, and their friends in the Toshima District of Japan and nearly beat all of them to death- -Created both the Psycho Rangers and Shadow Mario- -Almost wiped Toshima from the map with Mario and Luigi in it- -Fought Jumpman, Fujiko, and Ruiji in the 80s/90s- -Manipulated an unsuspecting Miror B. in taking a Master Ball containing Missingno. in an effort to kill Mario and friends at Vermilion Gym- -Attacked in the middle of Mario vs. Honnouiji Academy's Elite Four when the former was weakened- -Attempted to kill both Ruiji and The Puppet when it was revealed that both were double agents against the Crystal Order- -Nearly killed a pregnant Fujiko- -Has commanded other S-Types in various situations as well as being a part of the Red Skull's group in turn killing people all over the galaxy and being part of the reason people like C.C. and others hopped around planets before settling on Earth along with issues that happened on Earth too like the incident from Seven Years Ago- -Fought Mario and Luigi after the latter two dealt with an S-Type army outside the Command Center with their friends...and beat them senseless- -Forced Mario and Luigi to watch as it lowered itself onto the Relic and survived taking in a portion of its power in the process- How many puppies have they kicked while stealing candy from children in the middle of a littering jaywalk? -Probably way too many puppies to count and wouldn't have the use for the candy since it has no mouth despite having the ability to talk.- The Light Chaser (Kingdom Hearts - Light Chaser) Spoiler: Bio Who are they? The Light Chaser is an absurdly powerful Keyblade Master that, in the five years he has been active under his alias, recruited 6 keyblade wielders and 1 keyblade master as students of his own to aid in his quest. Due to methods of his own devising, he has been able to keep track of all who oppose him in a near omnipotent manner keeping him a hundred steps ahead of all those who would stand in his way. What are their goals? To gather enough light, or "lux" as some might call it, to summon Kingdom Hearts and restore worlds that have been destroyed or taken by darkness. At the same time, the Light Chaser has been working to cleanse the Realm of Light of all darkness which would include those who harbor it in their hearts. Acts of Antagonism This opening post. Allowed worlds he deemed not worth saving to fall into darkness. Kindapped a Princess of Heart. "The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes." This holds true for the Light Chaser whose sheer power has spawned the creation of a massive dark entity that threatened to destroy an entire world had the Light Chaser not intervened to prevent its destruction to use as a home base. Karina (Kingdom Hearts SoS) Spoiler: Bio Karina in essence was never meant to be an Antagonist. She joined the keyblade wielders on a mission to save worlds. However Karina wasn't there to be a savior, instead she was running away from her father. With a hardened protected heart, Karina found herself prone to fits of anger and violence. For the most part she just pushed her team away, not willing to work well with them, and making their lives more difficult. However over time some people pushed her too much and she snapped, trying to murder not one, but two of her fellow teammates out of anger. On top of that, she nearly murdered a two other teammates just because she didn't know her own strength. The strongest of the group, there had been times that she sparred with a teammate and in a single shot nearly killed him. Another time she tried to push her teammate into action and pushed her into a Behemoth that nearly killed her. Now there is also a data replica of Karina trying to murder members of the main cast in which she has now departed.
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @⋆cstar⋆ @Aelin FireHeart ⋆cstar⋆ Aelin Fireheart
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @tamale @Day~Dream Tamale Spoiler: Samples Day~Dream Spoiler: Samples
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Marushi @Heart ❤ Marushi's Samples Spoiler: Teenage Mutant Avengers Source; x Spoiler: Starkasm Source; x Heart's Samples Spoiler: Sick Day Source; x Spoiler: When You're Gone Source; x Spoiler: The Night They Met Source; x
Cycle 1 is the Most Nominations! Cycle 2 is the Artistic Nominations! Cycle 3 is Best/Worst Nominations! Cycle 4 is General Nominations! And here are the nominees: @Day~Dream @Cat~ @Beau Day~Dream Cat~ Beau
There are so many things I want to say to you, but every time I try to put it into words, I just fall flat. They can't describe what a good friend you are, and how much you mean to both me and the site, and I won't say them, knowing that they can't encompass everything they need to. I know we haven't talked so much lately, but I still consider you one of my closest friends. I don't even remember why we started talking back then, but I'm glad we did. I know this isn't really goodbye forever, but I'll still miss you around the site. It's gonna be weird not seeing your name in colors anymore. But like I said in the staff thread, I know you and I know you've been thinking about this for a long time. And I support your decisions, because what you're trying to do is so important, and it's your dream. You're almost there, and I know you can do it! <3 PS: We finally did it! We made it to staff at the same time!
What. How.
Our avatars match.
~ If you think you're pretty good at games, try the game on Proud mode. I've heard a lot of new (adult) players complain that the game gets too easy at points, and I can see where they're coming from. This goes extra double for KH2. However, if you're not much of a gamer, I'd stick with Normal mode. ~ PLAY THE WORLDS IN ORDER. By battle level. I've seen so many people play the game for the first time and just skip around, and then they complain that they're confused. Lmao I wonder why. ~ If you have a DS, PLAY CODED. Heart's right that there's not much story, but the story that there is IS important, not to mention the game itself is fun as hell. You don't need to go super out of your way for it? But still. ~ Agreeing that grinding is actually super helpful. Tbh it's not that tedious unless you're trying to get to level 99. Most people beat the game at around level 50.
is this the part where i start posting memes?