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  1. Fearless
    Yo, friends! Here is the thread wherein you post the gift to your Secret Santa Assignment!

    Reminder that you have until January 1st, 2018 to post your gift, or at least let us know that your gift is coming down the pipeline. Failure to do so will result in being unable to participate in next year's Secret Santa.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! <3
    Thread by: Fearless, Dec 24, 2017, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Fearless
    More of a pop person myself, but I do enjoy some good hip hop from time to time.

    ~ If he counts, Lin-Manuel Miranda. The man literally built an amazing broadway show based around rapping and hip hop, and he's an amazing actor and singer to boot. Love him.

    ~ Agreeing about Kendrick Lamar.

    ~ Todrick Hall. Love his newest album.

    ~ I unashamedly have a deep love for Macklemore.
    Post by: Fearless, Dec 23, 2017 in forum: Music
  3. Fearless


    New phone, who dis.
    Post by: Fearless, Dec 23, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Fearless
    Oh yeah I forgot to do this. I'm not in school anymore, and thusly have no grades to report.

    But uh. Work is going good I guess?
    Post by: Fearless, Dec 18, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Fearless
    Brand/Model: Microsoft Surface Pro 4
    OS: Windows 10

    T'was a gift from my father last year, and I mostly use it as a drawing tablet (as opposed to my old Wacom Bamboo). It's actually pretty powerful for a tablet, it's basically a really small laptop. The keyboard is detachable and works fabulously, as does the pen. I love it so much <3

    Probably the biggest problem I have with it is that Photoshop drains the battery like no ones business (it usually lasts about 6 hours of continuous use, but heavy load programs will easily cut that down to 2, with Photoshop CS6 draining the battery down to 25% in just half an hour), but Photoshop isn't my main drawing program (I use it for graphics and minor adjustments), so it doesn't bother me that badly. It also refuses to run Paint Tool SAI for some reason, but I'm not sure if that's a problem with the tablet or Windows 10. I ended up switching to Manga Studio 5, which runs like a dream and actually has more functions than SAI anyway, so I actually kind of prefer it now >_>

    But yeah, this thing was fantastic when I was in school, since it's small enough to fit in my bag without taking up half the space like my big old laptop, and I could draw on the go no matter where I was on campus as well as do schoolwork from anywhere. I'm not using it as much now that I'm working, but it's still fab. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, based purely on the fact that, uh, it was 900 American Dollars, but if you can get a SP 2 or 3 for cheap I'd give it a go.

    Post by: Fearless, Dec 17, 2017 in forum: Technology
  6. Fearless
    Hi there! Welcome to KHV.

    For questions in the Code Vault, we'd prefer it if you would keep them to the thread for the game you're asking about, such as this one. This is to keep clutter out of the section and avoid spam.

    Also, to answer your question, I believe there's a setting on Critical Mode of both KH1 and KH2 Final Mixes that allows you to keep Sora at level 1 for the entire game.

    Post by: Fearless, Dec 6, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Fearless
    Out of the ashes, we rise.

    Post by: Fearless, Dec 5, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  8. Fearless
    (sorry for the wait, i didn't have a phone most of yesterday)
    Post by: Fearless, Nov 26, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  9. Fearless
    Sign Ups are now closed! Assignments will be going out within the next day or two.
    Post by: Fearless, Nov 24, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Fearless
    Okay but,
    That beach and the new world don't necessarily have any direct correlation.
    Post by: Fearless, Nov 19, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Fearless
    Hey y'all! Welcome to another year of our Secret Santa event! I am your Supreme Santa, Fearless, and will be laying down how it all works. So kick back, relax, and make sure you rev up those cookies for Santa. Feed me, mortals.

    Secret Santa is an event we host every year, in which you guys sign up and get to make presents for each other for the holiday season! Previous Secret Santa threads may be found by clicking the following hyperlinks:


    Presents are anything that you can make online and send to the person.

    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Artwork
    • AMVs
    • Signatures/Avatars
    • Writing (Poems, Stories)
    • Pictures
    • Other things of this nature

    You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. On Christmas Eve (December 24th), I will make a thread in which you can post your gifts for the person you're paired with. If for some reason you are unable to do it this day, you can send it in a message to your assigned member early, or, alternatively, have until New Year's Day (January 1st) to post it.

    Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online gift cards, web orders, etc. RATINGS ARE NOT A GIFT.

    Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me.

    Signups will go from today until November 23rd 2017. Aka American Thanksgiving. This gives you a full two weeks to sign up.

    If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting).

    Gifts will be given between Christmas Eve and New Years day (12/24/2017 - 01/01/2018), but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be ahead of time.

    In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa.

    Have fun!​

    To sign up, please follow this link to our sign up thread within the SpamZone:

    This thread is for general comments/questions/concerns only. Sign-ups are, as stated above, in the following thread:

    If you wish to toss out your question in private, please feel free to send me a message! Really looking forward to this, and hope you guys will be too!
    Thread by: Fearless, Nov 10, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Fearless

    Welcome to the eighth annual Secret Santa! I am Fearless, and I shall be your Supreme Santa for this year's processions. You all probably read the General Thread in the Community & News Section, but just to make sure they're clear, here are some rules for y'all.


    Digital presents only! This means nothing of monetary value, such as online giftcards and the like. RATINGS ARE NOT A GIFT.

    Keep it appropriate for KHV, if you need some help with that either look at the rules or message me.

    Signups will go from today until November 23rd 2017. Aka American Thanksgiving. This gives you a full two weeks to sign up.

    If you sign up, you can’t back out once everyone is paired up (extreme cases permitting).
    Gifts will be given and due between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day (12/24/2017 - 01/01/2018), but let me know in advance if you know you’re going somewhere so I can let your Secret Santa know when the best time to exchange gifts would be ahead of time.

    In order to participate, you need to be an active member for at least a month, OR have 30-50 posts INCLUDING posts in areas without post count. This is just to make sure that you are an active member and won’t disappear on your Secret Santa.

    Have fun!​


    Presents are anything that you can make online and send to the person.

    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Artwork
    • AMVs
    • Signatures/Avatars
    • Writing (Poems, Stories)
    • Pictures
    • Other things of this nature

    You can make one big present, or do a bunch of small ones. But please, don't wait till the last minute and throw one little avatar together. You're expected to both give and receive, so make something you would be happy to receive in turn. On Christmas Eve (December 24th), I will make a thread in which you can post your gifts for the person you're paired with. If for some reason you are unable to do it this day, you can send it in a message to your assigned member early, or, alternatively, have until New Years Day (January 1st) to post it.

    For those who sign up, be sure to post both the username you commonly go by, as well as a list of at least 3-5 of your favorite things. These can be bands, songs, TV shows -- you name it (as long as it's within the forum rules)!

    To give a brief example:

    Name: Fearless

      • Sailor Moon (Usagi, Minako)
      • Every single Yu-Gi-Oh (Yuuya, Juudai, Carly)
      • Steven Universe (Lapis, Peridot)
      • RWBY (Yang, Penny, Ruby)
      • Avatar TLA and Korra (Toph, Asami, Bolin)

      • Doctor Who (Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond)
      • Star Trek TOS + the Abrams films

      • Kingdom Hearts (SORA, Kairi, Aqua)
      • All the Final Fantasys (Cloud, Garnet, Cecil)
      • Pokemon (Pikachu, Eeveeloutions, Arcanine, Primarina)
      • Legend of Zelda

      • Fall Out Boy
      • Sia
      • Cyndi Lauper
      • EXGF
      • Of Monsters and Men
      • Selena Gomez (the older stuff)
      • Most Vocaloid songs
      • Gorillaz
      • NateWantsToBattle
      • Melanie Martinez
      • Marina and the Diamonds
      • Halsey
      • Imagine Dragons
      • The Beatles
      • Queen

      • Every Disney Movie Ever (Tangled, The Little Mermaid)
      • Ghibli Films (Ponyo, Howl's Moving Castle)
      • Les Miserables
      • HAMILTON (Alexander, Eliza, Angelica, Laurens)
      • Heathers (Veronica, Heather M.)
      • Very Potter Musical + Sequels

      • Harry Potter (Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood) (I'm a Gryffindor)
      • Homestuck (John, Calliope, Roxy)
      • The Adventure Zone (Taako, Merle)

      • Any combination of Sora, Riku, and Kairi
      • TerraxAqua
      • RemusxSirius
      • Most canon ships, really

    For those of you who want to use tabs, simply use the BBCode posted below:
    [tab=This is a tab]
    This is within the tab![/tab]

    If you have any further questions, feel free to shoot me a message!
    Thread by: Fearless, Nov 10, 2017, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Fearless
    And y'all wonder why my name was 'a single grain of salt'.
    Post by: Fearless, Nov 9, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  14. Fearless
    Yeah okay I'll give this a shot.

    Hit me up with #1.
    Post by: Fearless, Nov 6, 2017 in forum: KHV Chorus
  15. Fearless

    IT'S TIME.


    Thread by: Fearless, Nov 1, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Fearless
    Personally, I have no problem with the term. The way language evolves over time is a funny thing, and sometimes gender specific terms become gender neutral in certain contexts. We use the word 'cool' for things that are awesome or impressive, but if you used it a hundred years ago, it would have no other connotation than to mean 'slightly cold'. Likewise, some words have more than one meaning, and 'cool' can be used both to describe something that's super rad, and something that's a little chilly.

    In my opinion, using 'guys' to describe a group of people, no matter the gender of the occupants of the group, is no different than the French 'ils', which is also used for groups of people of mixed gender. I say 'guys' all the time, and very seldom does anyone have a problem with it, since the way the term has evolved has conditioned us to accept it as a legitimate way to refer to a group.

    (However, on the off chance that someone does ask you not to refer to them as 'guys', definitely respect their wishes, the same way you'd respect someones pronouns.)

    Exclusion in gaming communities is a huge problem, definitely, and there's a lot of language and attitudes that need to be changed. However, in this specific case, I'd have to say that this is a non-issue.
    Post by: Fearless, Oct 30, 2017 in forum: Discussion
  17. Fearless

    We actually have specific threads for KH2 hacks and codes, and to reduce clutter, we ask that everyone post questions about KH games in their specific threads. You're also more likely to have someone see and answer your query if it's put in the correct place.

    The thread for KH2 Final Mix is here, and the thread for the original KH2 is here! Please feel free to repost your question in whichever thread applies to you. Thanks!

    Post by: Fearless, Oct 28, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Fearless
    I have literally only played P3, so that one's my favorite.

    (The girl protagonist is my fave tho. Give me more playable girls, Atlus.)
    Post by: Fearless, Oct 27, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  19. Fearless
    Post by: Fearless, Oct 25, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Fearless
    sign me up, bby.
    Post by: Fearless, Oct 24, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone