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  1. Light-Rune Maven
    "Oh, Goodie. Doomed if we do, doomed if we don't. My favorite situation." Ursula sure was sticking them in a tight spot. But then again, what was his life?

    He stood silently, waiting to see what the rest of the group would decide to do. He could try to influence their decision, but that had little chance of success. Personally, he would rather just guard the princess and let her try to achieve her objective of her own merit. It was better than working for the villain anyway.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Light-Rune Maven

    When Tinarah abruptly left them, Chrys wasn't sure what to do. There was no one left to vouch for her allowed presence. If Torrin was in that room, she was screwed. In fact, a fight was likely to break out the minute someone saw her. It was a disaster waiting to happen, and she would take all the blame for it. Not in any particular rush to get her keyblade taken away again and kicked out, Chrys quickly left the vicinity of the room. She headed back towards the courtyard, desperately searching for some obscure corner to hide herself in, or perhaps a familiar face that wouldn't trounce her.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys didn't get much of a chance to answer Tinarah, as Lumen hastily gave a reply of his own and bolted off. Tinarah's comment at the event caused Chrys to let out a small chuckle. She climbed up the stairs after the two of them, listening quietly. It seemed Take had rushed off earlier due to a dislike of dragons. She briefly wondered about the cause of such a fear, though it wasn't as if having a negative experience with dragons was much of a stretch.

    As they reached the front hall Lumen didn't take long to start begging to go to the kitchen. Chrys smelled the food as well. Her stomach was growling. Not much of a surprise, since she hadn't managed to get anything to eat at all the morning Zeno had come to wake her up, and of course the way things had gone after that... She hadn't eaten at all yesterday. Still, she was hesitant to go to the kitchen. Someone was clearly in there if the scent of cooking could be detected, and she knew there were many students she had yet to run into. Just because there was food in the kitchen, didn't mean the chef would be willing to give her any. Besides that, Torrin had to be lurking around somewhere. Nevertheless, she was hungry and unlikely to get food from anywhere else. She would have to just deal with it. Still, that was only if their tour guide said it was okay to make the stop.

    "I don't have anything against it if you don't." She spoke to Tinarah with polite indifference, not wanting to sway her opinion too far one way or the other.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Light-Rune Maven

    So, Fost was gone now, as were most of the people who had heard the announcement of her presence. She supposed that meant she would have to stick with Tinarah for now. Overall not a bad situation to be in. If she had to have an impromptu escort, at least it was someone she herself was going to be an impromptu bodyguard for. Trust might still be an issue, but she had made her decision in spite of that. Tinarah herself was the only person so far who was judging her by her words and actions other than who she had sided with. It was quite refreshing really, considering that they had met the others here a grand total of once so far, and she had thought she made her reluctant stance on having to fight them pretty clear at the time... Though, she supposed that didn't necessarily mean she had.

    Whatever the case, Tinarah was okay.

    "Thank you." When someone was kind to you, you thanked them. It was that simple.

    When the boy, Lumen had first began inquiring them, Tinarah had silently pled for help with the situation with her eyes. However, Chrys had only shrugged. It was unfortunate, but in spite of all her political training, she tripped over her tongue more often than not. At least, in social situations... she seemed extremely loaded up on words whenever she was feeling an indescribable surge of attitude. That said, since neither of the other parties was being actively hostile, she was effectively tongue tied.

    The dragons dancing was cute though.

    "That's generous of you." She said in regards to the offered help, still feeling relatively at a loss.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 17, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Light-Rune Maven

    Fost's words did not instill Chrys with confidence; she didn't really trust them to keep their word. Sure, it might be in their best interest to keep her safe from the other students now, but she had no doubt that if they became convinced she was in the way of their goals they would screw her over in a heartbeat.

    Regardless of allegiance.

    While his words of the battlefield rang true, his lack of any attempt to actually placate the concerns of those who were essentially his soldiers did even less to quiet her fears.

    Qamar was the first to approach. Considering that last time she had seen the girl had been when she had been mocking the death of one of her friends, the sudden cheerful and friendly nature of her greeting was... disconcerting to say the least. If anything, it only reinforced her newfound opinion on the two-faced and untrustworthy nature of people.

    After her was a boy who called himself Take. He was... incredibly polite. His outstretched hand felt like something to be taken, if only to return his politeness. It was something she had tried so hard to do in the past after all. Heck, it was something she had been trained to do even.

    Then Boreas cut in.

    She was reminded all of a sudden that being polite, well meaning, and caring had been exactly what got her into this mess. Boreas had the right of it: Anyone could stab her in the back here, even if they didn't have a active reason for it. She had been their enemy be default: Wasn't that bad enough? She withdrew the hand she had begun to outstretch from simple force of habit. Instead she crossed her arms and withdrew slightly behind Forst.


    She introduced with absolutely no warmth before Illiana made a haughty promise of further interrogation later.

    Meanwhile, in the background, Tinarah and Fost were having a little drama episode.

    Tinarah. Perhaps there was an upside to being forced to work with these people after all. The Light Chaser had done a terrible thing to that girl while she had just watched unwittingly. She had to at least try to make up for that mistake. Chrys listened as Tinarah spoke of betrayal and the councils' poor behavior. It would seem that not everything the Light Chaser had told her had been a lie. That was that then: She didn't need to trust these people, she didn't even want to. They had betrayed and been betrayed. Circumstances may have forced her hand to cooperate with them, but she couldn't afford to make that kind of mistake again.

    She sighed as she felt the urge to go off and be anywhere other than surrounded by potential backstabbers, but she unfortunately had no such luxury. There were plenty of students who had not yet been made aware of her presence, Torrin prime among them. If she didn't trust him not to attack her with a masters 'protection,' she certainly wasn't going to take stupid chances on him not attacking without it. Even if she was allowed to leave anyone's sight for the time being.

    And then a boy came flying in on what looked like a dragon, cheerfully asking about shelter.

    She rubbed her forehead in exasperation, her current situation taking no turns in any relevant directions.

    "Can I just curl back up in the creepy jewel teeth now...?" She muttered under her breath.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys inwardly winced at the mention of the trial run. The master had already mentioned Torrin's incredibly likely reluctance to accept her presence. She was honestly in no hurry to get along with him either. However, the fact that many of the keybladers here could turn violent at the mere sight of her practically ruined her chances before she even got started. Still, she had known this wouldn't be easy. She still had to try though.

    At least she had her powers back. If nothing else, she could toss up a protect spell should anyone think her back a nice looking target. She followed after the master silently, not really in the mood to say much in the first place and admittedly growing more anxious as they went further.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys did not share the man's faith in Torrin. He hadn't really waited for an armed opponent back when they first met, after all. Still, loathe as she was to trust the boy, it was either at least attempt to work with him, or... Nothing. These people weren't going to give her back her keyblade and let her go unsupervised. Not getting involved further was always an option, but... "Self preservation was never my reason for becoming involved in this." It was unfortunate, but the only way forward for Chrys now was try and side with the Light Chaser's enemies. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that they were convinced that she was their enemy as well. She resisted the urge to sigh. All of the times she tried to avoid a fight meant nothing in the end: The only person who had listened was now one of the Light Chaser's prisoners. Her resolved was steeled by this. Talking had gotten her nowhere: She had been refused the peace she sought. Now her only option was to make others regret wishing for war.

    She would fight. No matter who stood against her. Light or Dark. If they walked the path of evil, she would bring them to their knees or die trying. It was all she had left.

    "I choose to stay."
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys was not amused to say the least.


    She supposed she should consider the bright side; he knew she wasn't a threat to them. It didn't do much for her situation though. "'Where I came from' Isn't really an option." Chrys moved to sit on the bed with her knees bent and arms wrapped around them. She looked anywhere but at her current host. "A part of me wants to do what Chryssa asked of me, and maybe keep on..." She shook her head, cutting herself off before she could mention her brother. "Yet, the way things are... I'm not sure what I can do."
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys could tell this man had taught the light chaser. It was just that infuriating way that they talked; the Light Chaser like he was offering you kindness as he ripped everything away from you by lying to your so called 'friend' and this man with the thinly veiled constant reminders that he could take everything away from you with the snap of a finger. He certainly seemed to enjoy lording it over her, in addition to how wrong she was.

    Too bad she had already lost everything. Otherwise she might feel threatened by this hopeless situation. As it was, she could hardly put in the energy for worry. Seems Sir Fluffy's advice wasn't gonna do her any good in the end anyway.

    This man basically thought he had all the cards, telling her things she had already figured out for herself, because really there's quite a fine line between just not knowing something and outright ignoring suspicious behavior, and rubbing in her face that her options did not involve any sort of positive outcome. He was even threatening to take away her keyblade.

    An ever present memento of her master before all else.

    But she supposed the outcome of assuming you knew people whom you had no facts about was acting pretty dad gum stupid yourself.

    "I found Chryssa's grave is what happened. Does that clear anything up? Or am I so ignorant that I have to spell it out for you?" She placed a hand to her chin in thought. "Actually... why don't you read my memories? As unpleasant as the experience sounds, I've got pretty much nothing to hide at this point, and I don't really want to talk about it. Words are meaningless anyway. So just take what you want already. After all, that's what people like you and the Light Chaser do when words don't get you what you want, isn't it?"

    If Chrys was honest, she didn't really want this man to know about her brother. However, his knowledge of the subject wasn't so great a sacrifice for ending this mind-numbingly arbitrary experience.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys managed to avoid looking too annoyed at Fost words. Was this still an interrogation, or had it become a therapy session somewhere along the way? "I don't know." She shrugged. If she was honest, she cared quite little for his little mind games. "It could have been both; he didn't really specify." Now how to answer his little brain puzzle about the darkness... "Oh well, you know, I figured they would survive since they have light. After all, everyone has that too. I suppose you're going to tell me I was too optimistic?"
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 3, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Light-Rune Maven

    Of course it couldn't be as simple as saying no. Why she had been so simple minded as to think that actually would have worked was beyond her. As far as this man was concerned, she was the enemy. She had the sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't be satisfied by anything she said. It couldn't really be helped though. There was likely little chance of success against a man who taught her master, even if he was lying about the wards, or she could get through them. She was pretty much doomed how ever this played out, which was only made worse by the fact that this was about someone she was no longer loyal too.

    "My only 'mission' was to get the heck out of dodge." She sighed, only hesitating for a few moments more before speaking up again. "He talked about bringing my home back from the darkness, and getting rid of it for good. Is that what you needed?"
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Light-Rune Maven
    Steel was... disappointed with Luna. To say the least. Her reaction was more than a little unfair to Aux. For one thing, she had just compared a squabble between a father and daughter about whether or not it was okay to like a boy, to a horrible catastrophe in which possibly thousands of people had lost their lives. It was hardly comparable. No matter what kind of trauma that the princesses experience had given her, the fact was that the people in this world could very well lose their lives if they didn't stop No Heart. If they didn't need or want their help, then Aux would be entirely correct to infer that trying to help could wait until the people in question were safe.

    Then, of course, Sebastian had come along. That somehow justified making a scene in front of a local and slapping Aux in the face.

    Luna's reaction wasn't just unfair. It was kinda downright mean, especially knowing what the man had been through.

    "Forget about them." Steel said to Aux as the girls swam off. "You're right after all; no amount of help you can give will do any good to a person who won't accept it." He put his hands behind his head. "I think the rest of us were kinda just anticipating this, though I was personally hoping we could get out of here before that happened, if only to spite Triton." He shrugged.

    "I'm just bitter like that."
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Nov 1, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Light-Rune Maven

    As Chrys assimilated the new information, she found herself glaring at Fost. It seemed this man had been her former masters' mentor, though that was quite a thing to let slip so casually to someone you were interrogating. Despite what her fuzzy, glowing... 'friend' had said, learning to pick up on the hidden value of words was hardly something she could do overnight. So what value did this information have? Was it true, or false? Had he really just let it slip, or was he about to weave a sob story about why she should join their side.

    It'd be quite Ironic if she finally met someone who was willing to talk after she had decided to wash her hands of it.

    "That's none of your concern." Snapping might not be the best idea, but he had no reason to know about her life. In fact, telling anyone about her life had decidedly not gone well for her so far. To that end, having some heart to heart with a man who just threatened her and may or may not be trying to otherwise manipulate her emotionally was decidedly... a rather distasteful idea.

    "Just ask me what you want to know. Isn't that how interrogations are supposed to work?"
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys, perhaps predictably, was not particularly thrilled with her current situation. It was very much a... out of the fire and into the fire situation. There wasn't really any winning here, since both sides now viewed her as an enemy. They were very clearly about to pry for information. Information she couldn't tell them because her teacher had never really told her anything. This would likely be taken only as defiance and loyalty. What little she could tell them... well it was probably all part of her former masters' plan. She could be beaten or outright killed just for being honest.

    It was something of a negative situation for her.


    Not much else to do but follow along and try to enjoy the last few moments of peace before everything went to Cocytus.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 25, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Light-Rune Maven

    All was black. It had been that way for some time already now. Even so, Chrys felt there was... something. At the edge of her senses, she was aware of a... Memory? ...Vision? ...Force? It wasn't really clear. Though it seemed it would be soon enough. The black was filling in, and in place of the inky void there was instead what looked to be the room of a cavern. Sitting against one of the far walls a boy and a girl with blonde hair were resting. The girl was completely unknown to her, but the boy... the boy was someone she knew very well.


    Chrys stared towards the open mouth of the cave, watching the rain pour down. It was a calming sight for him, and the reason why seemed to escape him when he had first set eyes upon it. However, the realization dawned upon him suddenly as he stared at it, having found that he had recollected a large portion of his life all at once. Much of it was still hazy, but he figured he'd just need time to sort through it.

    "Seems they've done it." He murmured quietly to his silent companion. Turning toward her, he could see the results of the battle clearly on her face, as her now wide eyes slowly narrowed in focus as she nodded. Likely trying to sort through her own memories, he left her be. She hadn't spoken much at all since they left the others some time ago, not that he could blame her. She had been rather severely injured back at Orphic Coast, and he was rather certain that they had both taken quite the blow to their self esteem as well. He returned to his original train of thought newly enlightened to his current situation...

    Which only left him all the more confused...

    "What happened to you Fleur?" His silent mutter caught the attention of his companion, who sent him a questioning look. "It's nothing." He placated her without thought as he continued to stare out at the rain. He knew not what world they had landed in, nor how long it had taken them to get there. Only that he should enjoy this rest while it lasted, as the two would need to be on the move again soon.

    As the inky black infected the reality around her once more, Chrys was left to wonder if what she had seen was an actual vision of her brother, or merely a dream, concocted by her mind to show her something she so desperately wanted to see. However, she was distracted from even that thought when ground appeared beneath her feet, and trees popped up around her. The thick foliage made numerous rustling noises, and she hastened away from where she stood without much thought. The feeling of something watching her was omnipresent, and she found herself running at the sound of a howling wolf. Eventually, she broke into a large clearing, where the ground had vanished once more. Beneath her was the picture of a night sky full of stars. It was above her as well, but above also sported a brilliant white orb that was clearly the worlds' moon. It was a marvelous sight; One that brought peace and comfort to many in her home world, if only because of the stories surrounding it. However, all she could do was stare up at the satellite with a sad stare. It stayed that way for some time. The desire to run was gone, and the forest stopped rustling. With no animal sounds to be heard, the clearing lapsed into silence.

    Then the moon moved. It descended toward her, as the rough outline of a wolf, no doubt the one she had heard howling earlier, took form. The sky seemed to encroach upon her, but rather than be afraid, she collapsed willingly into the crystalline fur dotted with shining stars. Her tears finally began to spill forth once more. The great beast leaned down and opened it's maw, a geode filled with terribly sharp minerals of teeth, and began licking at her face with a tongue like a galaxy, catching up her tears in it's shining maw.

    "Now, now, my child, you must dry your tears. Though I know that it is a task far easier said than done." The creature spoke with a motherly tone, though it was quite clearly male. As she somehow wrapped her arms around the creatures impossibly large torso, she marveled at the dream she was having. Everyone in the Garden of Rivers knew this being, legendary as he was. Many thought him an impossible being, but her brothers own existence could quite effectively silence any naysayers.

    "Do not get carried away now child. I am no god, whatever my more... enthusiastic... supporters might have you think." Chrys response was to raise an eyebrow at the night sky that had decided to wrap around her like a safety blanket.

    "It's your psyche."

    It was only at this point that Chrys thought to question if the wolf was reading her thoughts. However, she quickly decided it didn't matter. This method was far more accurate and efficient. Words were useless. Tools.

    "Perhaps." The wolf seemed to agree. "But tools are not without their use, as you thought yourself not long ago. Just because one man used his tools for evil, does not mean that value cannot come of the labors of another. If you would embrace a more silent path, than I encourage you to appraise them. Being able to discern their true value at a glance would do you well." Chrys was honestly surprised at the creatures musings. Even if he were not a god as he had said, he was still something of a spirit, and he spoke in surprisingly straightforward terms... or at least as straightforward as one could be when using tools and value as metaphors for words...

    Maybe it was just that she herself was far too pretentious.

    Still, is this why the wolf, her brothers creator, had come to her? To give her advice?

    "Advice, and comfort." Chrys thought long and hard about this response. She decided that if someone was handing her pearls of wisdom, she should start by asking for some basic guidance. The master had said to her during her mark of mastery exam that he did not wish for blind obedience and asked just how far she was willing to go to save her brother. She supposed that her answer might as well as translated to 'not far enough' in his eyes. Yet still he named her a master. Why? What was the point in that whole show if he just wanted to paint her as a traitor? It was clear to Chrys that he got something out of this. He expected her to react in a way that would benefit him.

    Almost anything she could do would play right into his hands.

    Where was she supposed to find her faith in a situation like that? Where both bright and dark had failed her?

    "It is quite the predicament, isn't it?" She felt the demigod of the moon nuzzling against her head once more. "But it's surprisingly common. It's hard to determine the consequences for your actions in advance. They can be severe, even when you had the best of intentions. If you've lost faith in Light and Shadow, than screw both. Fix what is broken, and destroy what dares to break others, regardless of the two. That may be all you can do." The princess considered these words and recalled Chryssa's wish. It seemed some days that only the dead were above malevolence, their ethereal state having burned away impurity and allowing them to see life more clearly. Yet she knew evil spirits existed as well, so even they were not so trustworthy. It brought the uncomfortable question of what exactly her wish consisted of. What would saving the Light Chaser from himself entail? What did one do when the thing that was breaking others, was broken of itself?

    "That is an excellent question." Her companion mused. "It is good that you thought of it." Looking up at the creatures face, he was clearly giving a very considering look of his own. "First you would have to consider if the object in itself is capable of being fixed, or if it even wants to be..." This made sense to her. It was hardly worth beating herself up over anything she couldn't really fix after all. Though that left the second bit... likely what would be done in the event that fixing was not itself out of the question. In response to this questioning thought, the wolfs face leaned down. His sharp teeth lay before her eyes once more, and his breath blew past her like a light breeze.

    "Then one must consider if repairs are worth the cost."

    With that final 't' his teeth snapped shut, and the light and darkness that emanated from him faded into nothingness at an instant.

    With that same sound, her eyes snapped open.

    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys barely contained hysterical laughter at the Light Chasers words. Somehow, she was relatively certain that, in spite of his words, she was fulfilling his expectations perfectly. It was perhaps ironic that the so called 'Light Chaser' was responsible for such anger and sadness. Were not such things considered of the darkness? She supposed it did not matter now. It did not matter if the darkness welled up within her, or the light she held died.

    They were both lies.

    Metaphors that had been repeated and abused by those seeking power. Claiming one must rule over the other or that they must be at balance. They had nothing to do with good and evil. Not if they both ripped away her home and family for no reason. They were both just tools, words even.

    And words had no meaning.

    Yet they still had their use. The Light Chaser had clearly found it. He had wormed his way into her heart, and the hearts of his other apprentices. Propped himself up as a wise and carrying individual. Even as he sought to tear them all down. Something she didn't doubt for a second had been what happened to Dentro. Would it be a good use of words to tell him that he had been more a father to her than the one she had before?

    No. No it wouldn't.

    He wouldn't care.

    It was meaningless.

    No, at this point the only useful use of words would be...

    "Very Well."

    That was it. He had won. It was a fact. Nothing could change it. So she turned and walked away from them. Away from that town between light and dark. Away from what had become her home. She summoned her keyblade and converted it into it's glider form. But as her glider hovered in front of her, she did not yet climb on. Instead she turned her head back, ever so slightly...

    ...And spoke in a voice not her own.

    "I'm through talking."

    As she left, her tools conveyed to the Light Chaser that he would come to regret this victory.
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Light-Rune Maven

    The words coming from the Master's mouth should have been surprising.

    They were not.

    The lies, and the illusions casting her as the villain. The feeling of complete and utter betrayal... It was not new to her. She had experienced it before. Chrys knew very well what was happening. The Light Chaser himself had saved her on the very day she had last been so brutally betrayed.

    She hated it. In the instant she had seen what the Master was capable of, she fell back on her old habits immediately and thought "Maybe I can reason with him."

    How could she be so stupid?

    When had talking worked so far? What had been solved by it? No. Talk was cheap. It was just a tool people like the Light Chaser used to manipulate others.
    That's all it would ever be.

    As Zeno's blade rushed down, Chrys sidestepped the blow flawlessly. She grabbed a hold of her former comrades shoulders and ducked underneath him, using his arm as leverage, Chrys was able to flip Zeno over her own shoulder and tossed him towards the the other man. He landed gracelessly at the Light Chasers feet. Chrys herself looked on from several feet away, her tear streaked face remaining otherwise blank, as the source of further waters dried up.

    "Is that really the best you can do? Dance aimlessly to your puppet masters strings? It hardly takes mental gymnastics to find the holes that are in his story. He confronts me saying he's just now figured it out, yet somehow has conclusive evidence from who knows how long ago? He himself even presented it as something that just 'makes sense' and you lap it right up. I guess you were never really my friend after all."

    On the inside, Chrys was considerably less calm about what was happening. For the second time in her life, her world was crumbling around her, and the people she trusted were out to destroy her.

    But she could not give in.

    Far too much was at stake for that.

    "I suppose friendship is just a lie."
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys didn't respond to Zeno. She wasn't really registering anything at the moment; anything other than the stone that she was slowly drawing closer to. Before she quite realized what was happening, she had reached out for the stone, and the world around her changed.

    Zeno and the flowers were all gone, but in their place their was a man with black hair, face to indistinct to recognize, and a girl whose on hair was long and red. She was younger than Chrys, and the two seemed to be talking animatedly about something. Unfortunately for her, no sound was emanating from their mouths, and so she was forced to watch them interact like cheerful mimes or a television program on mute. She tried desperately to see if she could find some feature to identify the man, or hear what they were saying, but she couldn't really do anything but strain her eyes and ears for visual and auditory information that wasn't being given. But then, she did hear something. A voice barely above a whisper. Her Master's Voice.


    So this was Chryssa.

    Chrys thought on this momentarily. Was his relationship with this woman romantic as Zeno had implied? Or was it something else? Lantana had mentioned Chryssa's father had loved flowers, and it would be no stretch to assume someone who had brought so many might be quite fond of them as well. Then again, one would assume Lantana wouldn't be entirely dense to the fact that she was talking to her own son, unless he used a special way of hiding it. They also did not share the same colored hair, though that was easily explained away. It was something worth thinking on.

    Then the whole world vanished, and what she saw was an entirely different scene altogether. It was quite a bit more violent.

    Her Master was fighting against another person with a keyblade. Sparks leap from the blades at each clash, and the two fight with ferocious intensity. However, it is only a matter of time before her Master disarms the other, and her heart fills with a sense of dread at the hate filled words he speaks.

    "You deserve this."

    The words seemed so matter of fact that it was unsettling and when a dark portal appeared from seemingly nowhere, her master was very quick to pick up the other man and shove him into it. All the while the faintest of whispers could be heard. An ethereal voice calling out to say something. Yet she could not hear what its message was.

    Once again, her surrounding melted into nothingness, only for a new scene to take form.

    Her Master the Light Chaser was now standing over the form of a bloodied man and a broken keyblade, with several other bodies scattered around him in a barely conscious state. The Light Chaser spoke: "Your students will pay the price for your stubbornness. All you had to do was tell me where the Princesses were and we could have avoided this. I don't have to kill you, this world is falling, but I don't need to save you either." Of course, Chrys was appalled at this. Yet she wasn't really sure she was surprised. However, the string of events continued ceaselessly, and in this instance with a fireball to the master's back. Both she and the Master turned to face his challenger. She was met with the frightened and enraged eyes of a younger Torrin.

    The scene fades away. The whispering grows in intensity. A clear and soft woman's voice echoes in a heartbroken plea.

    "Please. Stop him. Save him from himself."

    Chrys returns to the present and sees that the stone is engraved with a single word.

    It all happened so suddenly, it was far too much for her to take in, for her to process in such a single instance. Yet she knew she had little choice in the matter.

    "Zeno... We shouldn't be here..."

    A single tear tracked down the side of her face as she stared forlornly at that single, haunting word.

    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Light-Rune Maven

    Chrys shook her head at Zeno, who had somehow always managed to display vein behavior, even when so completely focused on his many curiosities. However, before she could really comment on that, she spotted something.

    On a hill near the town, many of the red and white Dahlias that Lantana had described were blooming. "Look at that!" She flew over and saw a whole field with a ridiculously large amount of them growing everywhere. "I think we found where the master has been taking the flowers."
    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Light-Rune Maven

    Zeno was off like a shot, barely even giving consideration to Chrys' words. He was quite taken with the idea of the Master being a secret romantic, but the way he had talked about Chryssa... she wasn't sure that Chryssa was still around. At the very least, she was likely to be in bad condition of some kind. Zeno was leaving her behind though, and she didn't really have time to think about it. She supposed that if the answer to whatever happened was in this town... they would know soon enough. With a sigh, Chrys summoned her glider and flew after Zeno.

    Post by: Light-Rune Maven, Oct 16, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena