Please just let something nice happen.
Gotta work again tomorrow. Not looking forward to that.
Happy New Year!
Another 8 to 9 hours in the car tomorrow. Send thoughts and prayers.
Pretty tired ngl.
Oh, cool! I hope you have fun!
I have nothing interesting to say today. Go find someone else to bother you.
I was crammed in a car till nearly 4 o'clock this morning. So I had a long night.
I've got a lot to do before 4 o'clock. Wish me luck.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Holidays
Good morning ladies and gents! It's day 2 and I-! Have no thoughts. My head is empty. We've already hit a wall.
September 21st, 1998 The Flux capacitors have exploded... again. I don't know how I'm going to get to Disney World at this rate, but if I don't...
Maybe I'll just start setting this daily from now on. Could be interesting.
It would appear I last posted a status in December of 2020.
I'll be honest. I'm just so tired of everything right now.
"That was quite a storm." Steel sighed as he looked up from the parchment in front of him. The storm clouds were now gone from Mt. Olympus; the others had done it. "It always is." He shrugged as he continued to transcribe his message to Aux. Laura continued to press though. "You sure you don't want to say goodbye in person?" Steel tried very hard to refrain from sighing again. "It would be a waste of time; they'd ask questions we don't have time to answer. Besides, they've probably already been whisked off to the next job anyway." He shrugged again. Leaving them had been a hard decision, but he decided that in his current state he was just a liability to them. He needed to recover, and going with Laura meant he could do that. Besides, she needed his help. "Well, if that's the case, then just how are you planning on getting that to them?" The ex-pirate stood with her hand on her hip, a skeptical look being sent his way. Steel couldn't help but smirk in response. "Oh, don't you worry about that. They'll get it." Finishing the letter, Steel rolled up the parchment and tied it shut with a ribbon. Holding the scroll in his hands, he focused intently on Aux. Not that he knew much about the SoS de facto leader, but . . . he was the de facto leader, so it should go to him. In a puff of smoke and a flash of light, the letter vanished from his claws. Laura shook her head. "If you keep using up your energy like that, you're gonna drop dead before we even make it back to your 'garden.'" "Then we had best get moving." Steel formed a steeple with his hands, giving a considering looks to the sunlit world beyond the ships railings. "You go make sure the crew is ready to sail, and I'll worry about getting it where it needs to go." "Right. . ." Despite voicing her confirmation, Laura didn't look away from the horizon either. The look on her face was morose, it was almost certain that she had moved on from his issues to thinking of the problems she had developed over the course of the days events. This time Steel couldn't suppress another sigh as he placed on hand on her shoulder. She gave him a questioning glance. "We're gonna get Henri back." This time she smirked, returning to the confident and self assured persona he had come to associate with her so far. "Right. Just be sure to keep up your end of the bargain, wolf boy." She gave a dismissive wave of her hand as she walked away, leaving him alone at the railing. . . or so he had thought. "Mr. Hope?' He turned to see the young witch, Judy, if he recalled correctly, looking up at him. He hadn't talked to her since they had met, what with him and Laura trying to keep her and Henri safe at the time. He tilted his head to the side, his ears pulled down in confusion. "Yes?" She smiled up at him brightly, swinging her broom around in a playful manner. Steel could tell this was a cheerful one. "I just wanted to thank you for being a friend to Miss Laura: I think she really needed it!" Steel's didn't quite process her words at first, but once he did he couldn't help the slow smile that spread across his face, nor the slight wag in his tail. "Don't mention it kiddo. If I'm honest, I think I really needed it too." Judy's own smile grew even bigger, and Steel couldn't help but think about how refreshing it was to not be covered up like usual. Everyone on board knew about him and none were unnerved by him. The nervous feeling of needing to hide just wasn't there. Before too long, the ship had set sail, and Steel found himself standing near the bow, keyblade at the ready. It shone with a brilliant energy, as he opened up a portal to the lanes between. Steel turned back to look at Olympus one last time. "So long, SoS. See you again. . ." As they crossed through the portal, he took out the vial of ink that Mortimer had given him with promises of power. He thumbed it with consideration before looking towards the side railings with determination. With a powerful throw, the vial of ink plummeted into the depths of the ocean between as the ship sailed into the stars. Steel has left the party.
Steel's eyes opened groggily as he slowly came to awareness. He had been moved out of the street to lean up against a wall and the person who had come to his aid was standing in the entrance to the alley. What exactly they were watching for, he had no clue. He didn't seem to be missing any of his personal effects, so perhaps they were standing guard or looking for something. He made to get up, not even bothering to hide the sounds of the groaning and shifting that escaped him. The other presence quickly turned to him, and Steel was able to see them clearly for the first time. "You're Awake!" The woman's tone was both concerned and somewhat exasperated. He supposed that was to be expected, considering that he, a clearly very ill stranger in need of aid, had insisted on not getting a healer. Claiming that it would do no help likely wouldn't have calmed her at all. Still, she had seemingly respected his wish. Not that it had prevented her from grumbling about it. No amount of concern could seem to still her tongue as she complained throughout the entire process of helping him to his feet. "Stupid kids; always... blue... have to babysit them all." He didn't catch everything she mumbled to herself, but it seemed she was no stranger to having to assist strangers down on their luck. He found himself smiling in spite of the situation. "I'm really sorry to have taken your time, Miss...?" The woman, dressed mostly in red, eyed him with a critical demeanor. He had a feeling he might be in for a scolding in the near future. "Luara." "Now what are you doing out on the streets in your condition kid? You in some kind of trouble?"
Steel continued to stagger through the streets, his condition worsening quite suddenly. He was barely managing to weave through the crowd. He desperately began searching for an out of the way spot, but that was complicated by his blurred vision. It was strange how suddenly all these symptoms had set on, but it was hardly as if it hadn't been coming. Ever since Zootopia when that penguin shot him with that formula. The chemicals had mixed with his own unstable genetics in ways that were even more volatile than he had initially thought. At the rate things were going... "I'm dying." Even just putting the thought into proper words made him feel as if had been cursed with a heavy burden: A horrible feeling for someone who was already distressingly ill. He stumbled to the ground, feeling uncomfortably vulnerable in a city whose residents were likely far from benign. He hurried to his feet, trying to get out of the street, only to bump into a blur of red and yellow. "Hey! Watch where you're- Oh man, are you alright kid?" Steel wiped sweat from his brow as he tried to answer the concerned voice, but he could only gasp as he found himself incredibly short of breath. "Hold on, don't move: I'll go get a healer." He shook his head, grabbing their wrist as they turned to leave. "No... no healer... it... it won't... help..." With a sharp pain in his stomach and a brief coughing spell, Steel fell back to the ground. He heard the faint sound of the voice telling him to stay with them as the world around him faded to black. Spoiler: Conqueror's Respite (Cont.) “Aura is gone too.” Steel’s entire body went still, his blood ran cold. “What?” “She left not long after you did… Just up and vanished the same way. I couldn’t tell you why." The silence returned with a vengeance. There was too much to process for Steel to respond properly. He found himself staring at the island in the distance, getting more and more drenched as he stood idly in the pouring rain. "Sors?" Gale's voice sounded from behind him, and Steel found himself turning his head ever so slightly in acknowledgement. However, both of them remained silent for awhile longer. Eventually Steel let out an exasperated, or perhaps stressed, sort of sigh. He turned back to his siblings, looking at him concerned from their spot on the beach. "Winter, Gale... I want you to head home." Both of them made noises of distress, clearly intending to argue. He headed that off quickly enough though. "If this illusion mirrors the state of things back home, than Griffon needs your help. Heck, maybe they need help more now than they ever have before...given for admittedly loose definitions of 'before.'" "So what are you going to do?" Winter's no nonsense tone was matched by a scolding glare. He shrugged in return. "Where else?" He turned back to look at the Edge. "Someone has to look for Aura." He asserted. "...And it's not really like we're safe if all this goes sour either. Might as well stay to help." "So we're just supposed to leave you alone?" Steel couldn't help but let out a quiet sort of laugh. "What makes you think I'll be alone? Or did you simply not notice our traveling companions this whole time?" Steel found himself oddly comforted by the glare that his sister sent him. It was just so... well... 'normal' was the only term he could think to describe it. Now that he thinks on it, it's been awhile since he was around people he was really comfortable with... even if they had actually been with him the whole time. The Artisian couldn't help but smile. Gale, for his part, looked more concerned than either his brother or sister at the moment. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" There was a brief silence as the eldest stared at his singularity of a younger brother with an uneasy gaze to meet Steel's own pensive one. "I'll be fine." Steel eventually responded, reassuring them with a smile. Spoiler: INFORMATION STEEL HAS LEFT THE PARTY.